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We are pleased to announce an update for the MacOS release of Affinity Designer, to version 1.9.0

Changes in this build

A highlights explanation can be found here: 5 things you should know about Affinity Designer 1.9

The detailed changes in Affinity Designer for MacOS 1.9.0 over the release build Affinity Designer for macOS 1.8.6 are as follows:

New Features:

  • Powerful contour tool to create abstract objects or increase the width of single open curves (learn more)
  • Select Same to efficiently match attributes such as fill colour, stroke colour, stroke weight, transparency, blend mode or shape type (learn more)
  • Select Object to select all objects of a certain type within your document to make editing even easier (learn more)
  • Studio presets for the UI layout to save your favourite workspace setups for different tasks, explained here Studio panel combinations (also learn more)
  • Linked images and Resource Manager (learn more)
  • Added Divide layer blend mode 
  • PDF passthrough to ensure perfect representation of original PDF when exporting, without the need to have embedded fonts installed
  • Save As Package feature to collate your document alongside all used image and font resources into a folder (learn more)
  • Configurable margin guide colours
  • Placed scale for all placed files, which allows scaling to be reset to 100% (learn more)
  • Added hierarchical antialiasing control - accessed from the Blend Ranges dialog in the Layers Panel
  • Curves numeric field controls
  • Blend modes for mask layers
  • Create brushes from current pixel selection (learn more)
  • Added export preview panel (for raster types) - updates live whenever you change an export dialog parameter
  • Content sync of store purchases (requires Sierra or above and registration)
    This feature is explained in more detail here Sync your Affinity Store resources with your Affinity 1.9 apps

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Snap to pixel selection bounds
  • Added option for Designer to be able to show/hide overflow text - particularly useful for text on a path
  • Elliptical marquee automatically creates from centre
  • Numerous drawing issues resolved
  • Fix for paste-style leaving objects with misbehaving lines
  • Double-clicking the View Tool's tool icon should zoom to fit
  • Improved performance of OpenType features
  • Added JPEG-XR 101010 import support (useful for screen captures from Xbox, etc.)
  • Fix a number of potential symbol-related problems
  • Text improvements - particularly relating to mid-word punctuation
  • Snapping tweaks - you can now snap to column guides if they're hidden and you have 'Only snap to visible objects' disabled
  • Fixed insertion target button failure!
  • Fixed font combo not previewing changes in the document correctly
  • Fix for PDF export on an M1 Mac causing issues
  • PDF export improvements - particularly around filter effects
  • PDF import improvement with mask images
  • PDF Import improvements around tinted colours and unknown fonts
  • New samples
  • Fix for pixel layers inside symbols occasionally acting incorrectly (painting may not apply to all symbol instances, items may transform oddly, for example)
  • Fixed sporadic crash with Pencil Tool and hopefully generally improved product stability
  • Fix for artefacts occasionally noticed in the noise pattern while editing objects with noise on a linear fill
  • Misc Big Sur fixes.
  • Fix for rendering problems affecting cropped items with layer effects applied
  • Added ability to rotate canvas if you have a scroll wheel mouse (or two-finger vertical drag on your touchpad) if you hold down Command. This will rotate around the mouse cursor location. Holding down Shift in addition to Command while scrolling will rotate around the centre of the view. This shortcut can also be disabled in Preferences > Tools
  • Improved performance with large document
  • Various stability improvements
  • Help and Localisation improvements


UPDATING TO THIS VERSION (Free for existing customers)

The software version can be seen on the splash screen and the About dialog (in application menu, Affinity Designer > About).

If you’ve purchased from the Mac App Store— updates are done automatically next time you run your software after it is available in the Mac App Store. If this does not happen for you, open the Mac App Store app and go to the Updates page and then Store > Reload page or press CMD+R. This should hopefully force the update to show. Apple sometimes phase roll outs around the world which can mean it may take up to 72 hours for your update to be available.

If you’ve purchased from the Affinity Store— each time you start the software it will check for updates and offer to download and install any available update, or in the application main menu there is an option Check for Updates. You can download the latest installer by logging into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the "Download" button in there. Alternatively, this new release (and previous versions of Affinity Designer for macOS) can be downloaded from this link (that installer is NOT for Mac App Store purchases and needs a product key).

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon



Great news!

So, when the next beta comes out we'll know if the next version will be 2.0 or 1.10. Or not?

Affinity Photo - Affinity Designer - Affinity Publisher | macOS Sonoma (14.5) on 16GB MBP14 2021 with 2.5.X versions

  • Staff
6 minutes ago, RNKLN said:

So, when the next beta comes out we'll know if the next version will be 2.0 or 1.10. Or not?

the next beta will be 1.9.1 but yeah I know what you mean.... Sorry we cannot say (and that is not what this thread is for)

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


  • Staff
6 minutes ago, artofmtl said:

If I download the version 1.9 and double click on it is it going to update the 1.8.6 just like in Windows

Yes the Mac update is very quick as and will be prompted next time you restart the software

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


  • Staff
1 hour ago, Gear maker said:

I really love the "Learn more" that you have added to many of the features. 

Me too, making tutorial videos during lockdown has been a challenge, but we have a great team here.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon



So many great features added! I'm especially appreciative of being able to link images, the new select options, saving UI presets, and placed scale.

Anyone else smelling shape builder for 2.0? I figure that if they're going to do so much awesome stuff for 1.9, they must be planning something awesome for 2.0 :D

2019 MacBook Pro 16” | Affinity Designer 2 | Affinity Photo 2 | Affinity Publisher 2

2018 iPad Pro 12.9” | Apple Pencil 2 | Affinity Designer for iPad 2 | Affinity Photo for iPad 2 | Affinity Publisher for iPad 2

With Affinity since 2018 ❤️ graftedworks.com

FEATURE WISH LIST 🥚True Vector Brushes   🥚Vector Pattern Fill  🥚Studio Link in All Apps 🥚InDesign-level PDF Export

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