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<EDITED> Please note, Affinity Publisher 1.8.2 for Windows is now live so this thread is locked </EDITED>

We are pleased to announce a major update for the Windows release of Affinity Publisher, version 1.8.0

Changes in this build

The changes in Affinity Publisher for Windows 1.8.0 (over the last release Affinity Publisher for Windows 1.7.3) are as follows:

New Features:

  • Template support – save documents as template files to re-use time and time again, share templates across all apps and even access files on multiple devices through cloud storage.
  • New document dialog – it’s now simpler than ever to find, create and manage document presets with customised, saveable presets and thumbnail previews.
  • Updated PANTONE© library – work with a seemingly endless range of colours, including updated PANTONE© Color Bridge and PANTONE© Formula Guide solid palettes (coated and uncoated).
  • IDML import – import InDesign® IDML files, including all text styles, master pages, guides, pinned objects and more, directly into Affinity Publisher.
  • Live preflight checking – customise the app’s all new Preflight panel to receive live warnings for possible errors in your document, including poor image resolution, bleed hazards, overflowing text, spelling errors, missing images or font resources, and more.
  • XLSX import – import spreadsheet data from Excel, Apple Numbers or LibreOffice in XLSX format as a standalone table or inline with your text frames.
  • Document merge – merge multiple documents together into a single file and take advantage of text style mapping, index merging and master page control, whether you’re combining whole documents or selecting page ranges to import.
  • Smart master pages – effortlessly swap master pages and migrate edited content from any page to a new master page layout in a single click without losing any of your work in the process.
  • Collect resources – organise all image resources into a single folder location and share with others in your network.
  • New Anchors panel – easily manage anchors in your document and create new ones from selected text.
  • Text column dividing lines – add lines to separate columns in text frame settings.
  • Many other improvements.


  • List still being compiled
  • Help updates.
  • Localization Tweaks


UPDATING TO THIS VERSION (Free for existing customers)

The software version can be seen on the splash screen and the About dialog (in Help > About Affinity Publisher).

If you’ve purchased from the Affinity Store— each time you start the Affinity Store software it will check for updates and offer any available update. The latest update will install over the top of any earlier version, with no need to uninstall. You can download the latest installer by logging into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the "Download" button in there. Alternatively, this new release (and previous versions of Affinity Publisher for Windows) can be downloaded from this link (that installer is NOT for Windows Store purchases and needs a product key).

If you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store— Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. Click Get Updates. This should hopefully force the update to show.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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All Readers

This thread is only for commenting on this announcement.

Please do not post bugs or problems that you find when using this version of the software in this thread, instead make a new thread in the Publisher Bugs on Windows section and questions about usage go in the Desktop Questions forum.


Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon



Thank you for the excellent update!

Just the IDML import feature alone is going to please a lot of people I'm sure.

Made the switch from Creative Cloud to the Affinity suite and don't regret it for a second.

Kudos to the people involved on a job well done!


Fantastic. Great work. 

The pre-flight is super helpful and I love the asset drag and drop and the automatic select on asset rename stuff.

All the other new features and changes are super cool too. I just came across a few but its amazing how small things can make a big improvement.

Workflow is much much better now. Thank you for this update. You guys rock.


Hi. Affinity Publisher (I have v1.7.3.481) shows in my Windows Store, but when I go to Downloads and updates and click Get updates, I just get the circling dots over the button and nothing happens. I note that you say "This should hopefully force the update to show." What should I do?

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@Nick Riggs

Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums :) 

On 3/8/2020 at 9:52 PM, Nick Riggs said:

Hi. Affinity Publisher (I have v1.7.3.481) shows in my Windows Store, but when I go to Downloads and updates and click Get updates, I just get the circling dots over the button and nothing happens. I note that you say "This should hopefully force the update to show." What should I do?

As this update is not showing up for you 2 weeks after launch it may take a little more diagnosis than normal. Please post again in the questions forum for some specific instructions

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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