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  1. I have many suggestions to improve this little useful feature; -Default color button; returns the primary/secondary colors to black and white. -Change Appearance to stroke/fill mode in Pen,Rectangle and other Shape related tools and also in curve edit mode; Because I think this feature is acting like Affinity Designer's feature when I'm using pen mode. you don't need secondary color when using these tools and it confuses me most of the time. -Change the appearance of the Color picker, somehow it looks like it doesn't belong there, maybe because the tip is not aligned with the circle next to it. -Right click is empty so it can be binded to choose secondary color, and to choose stroke color in pen mode. -Recent colors could be next to Color picker because there is enough space in every color selection panel( i.e. wheel based), for me this is important because it makes my workflow really faster. It's not visible in other slider modes. Also it could be added to Tools under the primary/secondary color viewer, for the tablets it could be really useful.
  2. Could the style picker get a checkbox that allows you to reset (unload) the style each time you invoke the tool? I prefer to start anew, because when I activate the tool, I often need to change the style of a different object that has a different appearance. Making this a checkbox would allow people to use the current behaviour if they like/ need to. Desired tool interaction The idea here is that if you hit the hotkey assigned to the tool, or click the tool button with the tool active, it resets. When the tool is activated, but wasn't active before, it is already unloaded and ready to pick up a style.
  3. Although the range of picker types you have is quite wonderful, I'm used to working with HSB/V (Brightness or Value) instead of HSL (for lightness.) It's a common way of specifying colors especially in the land of video. HSL is a similar user experience, but there are a lot of times where it just makes sense to think of 100% brightness (which, to get the same RGB value, somehow works out to 50% lightness.) (And as you probably know, Adobe Photoshop's picker has HSB, not HSL.) This website does a great job of dynamically showing the difference: http://colorizer.org Would you consider adding this option to Designer/Photo/Photo for iPad? Thanks.
  4. I prefer using the 1 column width toolbar, but it comes at the cost of not having a fill & stroke colour widget there. I prefer to have it there, because it gives me a clear indication on first glance. And it stays there regardless of the studios I have opened. It is also the closest to the canvas and since you already glance the tools to know the active tools, it would be the ideal place to add this. Hopefully this will be reconsidered! Also, see the discussion here:
  5. When use Color Picker Tool,I can pick up color form current layer or form Global. But if I use brush tool and I want to pick color by pressing the screen with finger, it just can get global color. How to pick up color form current layer when use brush tool? -------Supplementary notes-------- I would like to add more details. I need to edit the bottom layer now I use the brush tool. I want to get the skin color by long pressing. But now the reality is that I just got the gray color.
  6. Hello, I think this is a bug but not 100% sure. In a nutshell, using the picker to create a curves node in a specific color channel (within the curves tool) does not place the node according to the color, but rather according to the overall luminosity. I'm using Affinity Photo on Windows 10. I first noticed it with a photo I was editing in Lab Color mode, but I can repro with a fresh document with a simple color gradient. I've also reproduced it in RGB mode, but let me outline the steps in Lab mode: Create a new document. Convert to LAB Color mode. (I'm not sure if this matters.) Add a pixel layer, and fill it with a linear gradient going from {L=0 A=-128 B=127} on the left, to {L=100 A=127 B=-127} on the right (note the negative symbols). Add a Curves adjustment layer, and choose LAB from the first curves dropdown. Choose AOpponent from the second curves dropdown, and click Picker. Now, notice from my screenshots that if you use the Picker and drag from a point on the far right of the image, it adds a node to the curve. Note the LAB values of that pixel from the Info panel, and see that the A and B are complete opposites of each other. However, if you then do the same thing with the BOpponent selected, it adds the node to the same point in the curve. What I would expect here is that the node is added far to the right in the BOpponent curve, when the B is high for that pixel (and to the left when low).... and similarly for A. However, what appears to be happening is that it places the node based on the brightness (maybe the L value?) of the pixel, no matter what channel is selected in that second dropdown. I have attached my file so you can try yourself. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or... if it's a bug, that would be great to know too! Thank you! :-) curvesGradientTest.afphoto
  7. I have viewed the above thread and the video in it. This doesn;t help. My Issue: I need to fill a certain colour space in a complex image with a colour picked from another part of that [flat] image. I use the colour picker to select the colour I want to use, and that by default paints the whole layer, which I can undo. It's fiddly but.... there we go. My issue is that I can't transfer this chosen colour from my picker to my flood fill tool. I select flood fill and then try to select the picker colour in the top right corner - by clicking on the colour it ALWAYS colours the whole layer rather than my flood fill tool. This occurs on all areas I can find the colour picker. How do I tell my Flood fill to use the colour selected by the picker. When I use a brush tool the brush correctly selects the picked colour. Cheers
  8. Can you please implement the same function like Lightroom where you can take a photo with the colour squares and grey card in the photos and take the photos in affinity and click on the grey card to set the colour. Please make it compatible with spider colour checker. I cannot believe you have people wanting this to be a feature of a 100% photographer based application but it’s not a feature. Please we need this. I need to work through a correct colour space workflow. I don’t want to be guessing adjusting using sliders. I need to be able to click on the image and click on the grey swatch to set the correct colour. My computer is colour correct. I need it to work with affinity photo.
  9. What do the experts say: add a curves adjustment, select the alpha channel select the color picker Should the picker select the alpha or the lightness value to find which part of the curve to ajust? In my experiments, it selected the lightness, which might be not what you expect when modifying alpha. curves alpha picker.afphoto
  10. Hello, I have just recently started getting into Affinity, and so far I'm really enjoying it! Today I wanted to try something a friend told me he does in Photoshop, but it appears (to me) to be buggy in Affinity. I have an image in Lab color mode. Create a curves adjustment layer (it shows as default the Lab "Master" channel). Switch to AOpponent channel in the curves dropdown. Click "Picker," pick a spot in the image, and drag slightly up/down to create a curve node. What I would expect here is a node on the curve corresponding to where that pixel lies on the A channel's axis.. but instead I seemingly get a node corresponding to where it is on the L axis. In other words.. If I pick a bright white cloud, I get a node way far to the right.. even though I've selected the A channel, not the L channel. And if I pick a dark pixel, no matter the color, I get a node way far to the left. If I pick a midtone pixel, I get a node near the middle. For fun, I converted my image to RGB mode and tried it with curves in RGB channels, and had the same result -- the picker picked seemingly based on pixel brightness, not channel value. I hope this makes sense. Perhaps I'm missing something and this is not a bug. :-) Thanks for reading.
  11. I'm a 3D artist and all the other tools and software I use are easier to work with and make more sense with the HSV/HSB algorithm. It doesn't have to be the default, but having the option is absolutely necessary IMO.
  12. Using the colour picker in the "magnified" mode, the RGB values on the document (e.g. fill layer) are different from the same colour in the swatches panel. For example, in a new layer filled with R:242 G:13 B:13 the corresponding colour on the swatches panel is R:220 G:51 B:17. It's the same for every choice. Is the swatches panel able to show the right colour? Thank you
  13. I just created a new project (newest Designer version), created a pixel layer and used the fill tool. Then the following happened: designer_bug.mp4
  14. Help please! I am trying to understand the colour picker/dropper tool and hope someone can advise i have a rectangle, I colour it red ff0000. I create another rectangle, use the colour picker and hover over the first rectangle to choose the same red. the pixel square in the middle of the circle goes red, but it’s not selecting that colour, instead it Selects a grey. I found that moving the picker around the box at some point the outside circle goes red, but as the whole box is the same colour, why would it only be on certain points that it selects? this happens in various tests and means I cannot use the picker the way I’d like which is to select colours from images ive made a video of an image I’ve got. By enlarging, I can see the various pixel colours, but as the video shows, the picker isn’t picking up many of them. please advise, am I doing something wrong? thanks IMG_1217.MOV
  15. Can you please post a beginning-to-end video of the various processes for developing/editing a RAW photo of the milky way? There are many photoshop instructional tutorials for this process, but I can find none for Affinity Photo. I much prefer to use Affinity, and I'm still somewhat inexperienced with photo editing in general. I want to invest my time in learning Affinity directly, rather than learning photoshop and then translating that experience to Affinity. Thank you for your help. I am attaching a amazon cloud link (the file is too large to upload here, 27MB) to a RAW file for you to use in a tutorial, should you agree to help. I voluntarily relinquish all rights to the linked photo. It is now public domain. https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/ELVNzIxUzNWFk1twdvVOaHCkD0xWV24wuMhGgUGldRR?ref_=cd_ph_share_link_copy Thank you James
  16. Hi, In my work I use a color checker ( grey18%) and I need to set the white balance through the color picker ( by selecting the color checker in the first image of the shooting). thanks!
  17. Hello, While retouching pictures I like to add a HSL layer on the top in order to completely de-saturate my image, as this helps with the skin retouching process. Currently though there is no way to get the brush to sample the colour of the selected layer I'm working on, instead it will always pickup the de-saturated colour caused by the HSL layer. Even when setting the "picker" tool sample to "Current Layer" this behaviour doesn't change. What I would need is an option to sample colours only from the selected layer rather than all visible layers. I recorded a video to explain this with a practical example - I hope it's clear enough:
  18. I have been learning to use the color grading technique by using swatches and LUT created on my now swatches. I have noticed that there are differences in color tones in my final images after the color grading is applied. I use 5 colour palette created from Image, saved on Location: Application. I have followed instructions from one PS tutorial and when adding colour from a palette to grade scale, I make sure that 2 colours, the two between black and midtown, midtown and white, are given values corresponding to L value showing up in the color picker window. Unfortunately, I cannot add the L value for the white and black point, as the Location box for these two in AP is inactive. The PS tutorial proposed also one step more: match the tones of colors by adding the tones values to the curve (see minute 8). I don't find this option in AP, when working with a swatch there is no way to adjust the curve. Any idea how I can match better the tones from th template in swatch palette? Please see the minute 8 in this tutorial. I do not know how to replicate this step in AP. Is it possible?
  19. I’m struggling with pixel persona in Designer on iPad as I keep triggering a gesture shortcut that brings up the colour picker loop when using the brush tool. This means I regularly sample new colours by accident and then have to manually revert to the colour I was using before. I can’t quite work out what combination or sequence of gestures I am performing!! It seems to involve brief taps with 2 fingers, usually when I’m trying to rotate the canvas, but I can’t work out a consistent combo. help please!!
  20. Hi all, If I try to modify the HSL control points on a 32 bit image in the blue channel for example to green, nothing happens, I have to click on the green channel in order to see the greens affected...(is better a video than words). Everything seems to work fine if I convert the 32 bit image into a 8 bit one. I'm attaching the sample file. Cheers, Juan HSL_32_bit.zip
  21. Hello DEVs First off, thanks again for great software, I've been sending ~250 portraits through it since I bought it, and I love how the application just simply replaced Photoshop Over to my "needs".. I really need some features from PS days, and I hope you guys see why. "Apply Image" in Affinity Photo is not alike PS CC's version of it. I used to use this often to grab an RGB, R, G or B. CMYK or C, M, Y, K or even LAB L, A or B from a layer, a document or a file on the disk, then "apply" it as a mask - inverted or not - on to the selected mask, usually in normal or luminosity mode. I even use it for blending K channel from a dublicate CMYK document in to actual documents RGB composite to enhance faint details which is almost lost. I also use it to mix one of the RGB channels from same document in to the worst channel to enhance the details and remove noise (usually B channel), its called luminosity blending, check out Lee Varis and Dan Margulis photoshop videos. I don't see this is possible in Affinity Photo with the current "apply image", and I wish I had the same blending options in it like default layers so it will be easy to fix a "bad" channel in a image Check video below in this post. I also wish I could set one of the info readouts to a default readout, LAB for example, because I use this more often than RGB or anything else. Left side could be document format. I can change to LAB right now, but it doesnt stick to next image. I love to be able to save my own defaults than white and gra. Every single time I use this I have to go and manually set left one to black and right to white anyway because I rarly use this on other things than masks. It is really annoying After pushing through those 250 portraits since I bought Affinity, I'm really getting tired to recheck "current and below", I never retouch on background or main pixel layers and wouldn't suggest anyone to do it either. Make a new layer then use the healing brush with "current and below" is the safest way to use it anyway, so could it be possible to have persistent settings on these as-well? Check next 5 minutes to see what I mean of luminosity blending: Thats all for now Best regards, Aleksander
  22. Hello, What happened to the feature on Ipad that color picker appears when I press the pen 2sec on the screen? It was really useful in my workflow for blending colours... How can I pick/blend colors in the easiest and most efficient way now? Thanks, N.
  23. Hi all, I'm assuming I'm missing something really simple, but how do you dismiss, or let go of certain sub-tools? Two examples: If I activate the Crop tool, then choose its Straighten tool, then decide that a don't want the Straighten tool after all (for example, I decide to just straighten the image by grabbing a corner and rotating manually), I can't (or surely don't see how to) un-choose the Straighten tool. It seems like the only thing I can do is to cancel the entire operation. Same thing with the Picker in a Curves adjustment layer. Once I've clicked on the Picker, I can't get rid of it without closing the layer completely. I've tried re-clicking the sub-tool, hitting the Escape key, hitting the Delete key (don't do that)... What am I missing? How do you "let go" of these sub-tools without closing the parent tool?
  24. Hey everyone! In the top right corner, the color picker can be dragged to increase and decrease brightness. Personally, I am disabling the UI a lot (button next to color picker) and it would be helpful if there was an option to disable this feature to prevent unintentional color change. Best wishes, Shu
  25. Windows 10 - Publisher I've tried three documents - two from previous versions of APu, one new document - and the colour picker - on the Swatches panel - isn't picking up colours from the document canvas; it always comes back with 0,0,0. It picks colours from the UI and other Windows apps, just not within the document canvas itself. Doesn't matter is anything is selected or not. Although, I have noticed that the colour picker on the Colour Chooser palette does work, and the picked colour is transferred to the Swatches colour picker. Edit: Actually, that's stopped working now too. Another thing I noticed is that the CMYK of the RGB 0,0,0 that is picked shows in the Colour Chooser as 72, 68, 67, 88. I don't know if this is meaningful.
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