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  1. It would be great if Serif could add some transparency of the encoders used, versions and the equivalent parameters for the encoder libraries. Give us a scale in the documentation or similar, so we could check with the encoder library to more precisely tune our final output quality. Currently the quality slider exposed in the export interface isn't directly comparable to anything from the encoders used, this makes it difficult to ensure similar quality when exporting across multiple applications. Some background for the request. JPEG XL is supported in Affinity 2, but nowhere is it documented what library, which version, what effort settings or what quality/distance equivalent the quality slider in AFP corresponds to. This information could be hugely useful when more precise control of final output quality is desired, and not only for JPEG XL but all export formats supported. *There's no third-party notice for anything to do with JPEG XL.
  2. Is Affinity using encoder libs below? mozjpg pngquant I feel Affinity's encoding is not good enough. They have often have a quality below the average for its settings. Please implement better encoder to Affinity if it hasn't been implemented yet.
  3. Are there any updates on automatic font activation for font manager applications, both Mac and Windows? There were at least two threads in the past that I could find, now archived, but there was never a real answer from Serif/Affinity as to if and when this feature would finally be integrated. The latest news is that FontBase has tried to contact Serif on several occasions (according to a thread in their forum), but has not received any response. I would love to be able to use this super handy feature of Fontbase, or by now almost any other font manager out there, together with Affinity Suite, but nothing seems to have happened in this area for years.
  4. Hello all Affinity forum users! I have come today (first time) having a slight issue. You see, I downloaded the assets that were given out to users who upgraded from Affinity 1 to Affinity 2, but I did so manually (old habits die hard). Then, after realizing that Affinity 2 has an "Account" page, I decided to download the rest of the assets from there, since it is easier. In doing this, I also re-downloaded all of the previous assets I had downloaded before, because I thought that Affinity would recognize that they were the same, and prompt an either "replace or don't copy" prompt for these downloads. This did not happen, and it just downloaded them... again. Now I have 2 sets of brushes, 2 sets of assets, and 2 sets of macros. How would I go about removing these? I can see the ones that I have downloaded from the "Account" section have locks, and the ones manually have this sort of "chain-link" icon. Would I have to delete them all manually? (Psst. It would be really cool if Affinity had (has?) a feature to where it knows if you have the assets/brushes already, and prompted you with a replace/duplicate/not do prompt, for idiots like me)
  5. Assets from [Screech] inktober #09 Sharing a selection of vector assets Asset List subCategory List 35 Feathers 8 Fill texture patterns 14 Texture Groups 19 Texture Overlays 11 Trees/partial 13 Leaves 11 shapes Asset Sample Sheets PDF sample Sheet x2 (not all assets displayed) Single asset file with 7 subcategories Samples as displayed (had to change colour of some assets in library as don't display well on grey backgrounds) Also embedded repeating patterns (x2) had to be inserted to assets as group rather than embedded file (which is how I usually use them.) Enjoy! Hope you find them useful Vector Assets 01 01.pdf Vector Assets 01 02.pdf vectorAssets-Screech.zip
  6. Hello! I'm trying to install a macro for Affinity designer. But I can't fint "Library" under VIEW > STUDIO. Where is it? (I recently updated to 1.8.6) Thanks!
  7. I've recently switched from Adobe CC to the Affinity suite. One thing that I really rely on in InDesign is the Libraries function, so that I can save groups of layout items that I reuse frequently and then just drag and drop them onto whatever document I'm working on. I use it mostly for interface mockups, so there's a lot of toolbars, buttons, icons, menu objects etc that I need to frequently reuse. Neither the Symbols nor Assets functions seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. It isn't about managing imported graphics nor is it about updateable placeholders, it's about reusable sets of geometry, tables and text boxes with effects settings saved with them. Is there anything like this in Publisher? If not, is it on a roadmap for a future release? (And yes, it'd be really cool if it could sync between machines via iCloud or Affinity's own sync service).
  8. Hi all, I have left and right panels open, select view / studio / library. The link for the library appeared only once next to macro, then after that it did not show at all. Affinity version Windows 10, 2X monitors, one is a Huion tablet GT220 V2 graphics drawing tablet., the fault will be mine as I am anew user so what have I got wrong?
  9. Hi folks have loved using Affinity Photo design for the last few years and will never be going back to Photoshop. I am having issues however with getting the Library Macros to work, ie Light Leaks , neon fade and all that fun stuff. They all import however when clicking they do not apply or bring up any menu Can someone help?
  10. I need to replace Aperture. Does Affinity serve as a library for photos? If not, which applications allow Affinity as an external editor and preserve the original RAW or NEF files for future editing?
  11. I've been using the Apple Aperture program and since it is no longer supported by Apple I am looking at other editing programs and came across Affinity which looks ideal to me. I have not upgraded to El Capitan since I am not interested in using the new Apple program "photos" and I don't want to lose my Aperture libraries. Will Affinity be introducing a catalog or library filing program similar to Aperture? In the meantime what would be the best and quickest way to download my photos into my Mac so I can start using Affinity? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  12. Hi all im wondering if you can make a media / workspace like in Lightroom in affinity Photo, if you can how do you do it ? im annoyed i have to load all the picture/photos in to infinity photo manualy and have to locate the Directory where my photos stored every time , can anyone help me with this ? Best and kindest Regards from Denmark.
  13. Button mode with the ability to color code your macro's when veiwing them in the library would be a huge benefit. Even the ability to disable view of how many steps would help to save real estate in the library view. I'm a retoucher and have loads of macro's and find myself having to scroll up and down all the time to fine the macro i'm after.
  14. howdy :) is there a way to save export settings in affinity photo — make user defined presets? for example, different size .jpegs, resample & quality settings for future use & applications? i dont see an option for this in the export window nor a way to edit/save the default presets thank you! :)
  15. Hi all, I haven't really had time to look into this due to time constraints on other work (sorry....), but is there any good IT related (pref. vector) artwork available for the Affinity apps? It would be nice to directly use stuff from a e.g. artwork/icon library instead of importing things. If there's no such thing yet, any tips, links etc. to useful artwork relating IT subjects - think artwork regarding pc, tablet, phone, internet, switches, routers, viruses, malware, hacking etc. imagery - and basic chart/graph/diagram stuff will be greatly appreciated! Anything to make slides more interesting to look at, but avoiding the more standard (cheesy) photo stuff you find on a Google search or at a stock site. So something that looks a bit more pleasing and professional, and make it possible to quickly start building up presentation material ;) Free or commercial work is not an issue. cheers all for any answers, rob
  16. leaving Aperture and starting from scratch. looking for a library (similar to Aperture's) that works well with Affinity.... on Mac. Need to be able to categorize events and shoots in a similar way.
  17. Would it be possible to open Macro and Library at the same time without having to go into Studio each time. Or perhaps I am missing something that already allows this.
  18. I updated Mac font library to include a new font. Switching back to Publisher, the app had a popup messaging about "updating the font library". I was unable to click anywhere on the app, or cancel said update. It remained like this for several minutes before I forced quit the app. Sorry Id isn't take a screenshot. Didn't think of doing this until after I restarted the program.
  19. I've recently started using the batch feature to speed up my workflow. I had a few recordings saved in the library but the other day I went to use one and poof...they were gone. I couldn't even see the default presets. Thinking that maybe it was a glitch I tried replicating one I'd made (I needed to edit a group of photos). Once I'd completed it I tried to save it to my library....nothing. No popup window no nothing, like the link had been cut. I tried resetting the program but it didn't resolve the issue. I dont know if I deleted the batch folder or something by accident, but regardless it's not working and I need this feature for my business. Can someone please help me??????
  20. Where is the library panel? I was looking at the video with the instagram like filters but can't seem to find it Thanks, awesome job!
  21. Hi Serif Team, I bought Affinity Photo half a year ago, and it hasn't disappointed me. In fact, I am very happy with it. But I miss the library function from Lightroom. When I edit a 20mb RAW file, the .afphoto file is 130mb big (or similar dimensions). I would really appreciate a library functionality, the project files don't have to contain copies of the source files. And I would really like to hand off the managing of all the projects to a background program. Maybe this is even an idea for another new app, and it isn't urgent. But I wanted to mention that there is interest in such an app. Best Regards
  22. I learn best by personally trying out what I see in tutorials. Where can I download the image used in the tutorial, (see link below). Thanks. https://vimeo.com/channels/affinitydesigner
  23. Hey Guys, long time PS user, 18+ years to be exact. I put off learning Ai for ever and when I finally decided to learn Adobe's business model pretty much put the brakes on that ever happening. To say I am disgusted with Adobe would be an understatement. I have some high hopes for Affinity Designer. I am glad to see aggressive and constant improvements to AD. After spending most of the day getting to know AD I was pleased that I could typically find answers either here or on Youtube. So being that I am here in the Suggestions thread I do have one MAJOR request and one Minor request. 1) A vector library that I can add to, preferably one that will recognize .csh files that I have accumulated over the years. Some from other users and some I've made myself. We already have the basic basic circle, triangle, square etc etc in AD but we need the ability to save new vector shapes for future use that is easily accessible. It would be great for the vector library to have an open source community data base so we can contribute and share with others. When I design a complex vector shape I appreciate the ability to save it and even improve upon it at will the way that I can in PS. 2) The ability to put two different / even multiple vector shapes on one layer. Making a new layer every time you create a vector shape can be hell when you have to comb back through a list trying to discover even a minor flaw. To me those two improvements would put AD in an advanced stage of development. I'd be willing to pay another $50 or even $100 just to have a vector library as an add'on feature. It is that important to me. Thank you and I look forward to growing with this community! CHEERS! GraphXlord
  24. What would be great is a shared work folder in the cloud. Start a project on one device and resume working on in on the other device. Save a file directly in the cloud. I use Dropbox a my projects folder. But it would be great if the iPad supports directly working and saving files from this folder without exporting it first.
  25. I am experiencing a very bizarre problem playing macros with my Wacom pen. When I click on a macro in the library with my pen it turns blue but the macro does not play. It does very occasionally but on most occasions it requires several attempts (usually three or four) before it responds. If I click in the library with my mouse it plays first time always. I have tried the following: Verified my Wacom driver is up to date and re-installed it for good measure. Tried every variation I can think of in tap speed, pressure and duration. Tried adjusting tip pressure in the Wacom driver. To check if I had a pen tip problem I have tried mapping the left click to the eraser button and the side buttons. No difference. I have tried mapping left click to the tablet touch surface and finger tapping. No change. My tablet and pen work perfectly in every other aspect of AP and AD and in all my other 'pen sensitive' graphic apps as well as in the El Capitan OS. The problem is unique to the Library in AP. Has anyone else experienced anything resembling this? Does anyone have any bright troubleshooting ideas? This is totally bizarre and frustrating. :( Mac Pro 2 x Quad Core. OSX 10.11.6. Intuos Touch Pro 5 Large.
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