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  1. But you still don't have any confirmed standard to compare it to. That's what correction is all about. Thanks,
  2. Given the time and exense to try it, I'll pass. There must be other products out there which have already been designed and tested to work with Affinity. Without such certification, one would always be wondering, "does it" or "doesn't it".....
  3. Thanks to all of you. I thought the answers that Catshll and Martyn provided to be the closest to what I was considering, and I really needed some confirmation. As from decades of text work, I'm well aware that each application creator has a different take on how to deal with it. (I started with MS Edlin, .... that should give you a hint.) I was unaware of the 'Detach and Delete and Delete All Styles option in APub, and it's at the top of my list to investigate. Knowing that every app works from a different perspective with text (older: WordPerfect, Publish, Adobe PageMaker, DisplayWriter, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_word_processors ), my thinking is APub is no different, respectively; and it's simply better to import or place the text in the cleanest format, WORD saves it as plain text, and then just use APub to do its thing. I have to believe that down the road, if I re-use the entire file as a template for any future project, odds are it will be a time-saver then as well as now. Thanks again.
  4. WORD 2019 provides for definable styles which allow for nearly all elements of the paragraphing, leading, kerning, text size/style/font. And yes, WORD does save in .docx format; it is its native file type. Thanks for the input; just seems your method is 'more' complicated than the two options I mentioned.
  5. Using Publisher 2.3.1. I'm pretty much a beginner. I've written the text I will be laying into my Publisher document in MS Word 2019. I can format it quite quickly in Word. Functioinally, i.e. with the least amount of thereafter editing, I'm wondering if it is better to lay it all in/flow it, all in one style and then format headers etc; or, if it's better to format in Word and then lay it in. Just hoping to save a few hours of uninformed production time. Thanks in advance.
  6. Maybe I'm missing something, but, .... Would be nice if there was a way to save a page quickly as a master page; either by keystrokes or darg-n-drop.
  7. How do we submit the InDesign feature to Serif for adaptation???
  8. Forgot to mention: The second tab in the app (App Sync), allows for application addition (that's pretty straight forward), but I'm still missing the steps in the Affinity apps which I need to perform to put everything right with the world. Thanks in advance.
  9. REcently purchased a better monitor for improved color representation. Chose the ASUS ProArt series. They are factory tuned and come with an app, ChromaTune, to select the Application sync function. Problem is, I cannot find any documentation on the Affinity side as to how to set the synchronization. Anyone have any ideas as the steps in Affinity P/D/P (v1 or v2) as to how to go about that, or if it is even possible.
  10. Thanks! You're correct (...pain). They (and the rest of the code/app-writing universe) could do remarkably better in writing documentation.
  11. Maybe I'm just missing a couple of things here, but I'm not seeing better options for these issues. So, I thought I'd just mention them: The fewer clicks we have to make, the more work we can get done, and the less amount of mental distraction to our creative thought patterns and processes. (1) At the end of my day, I need to shutdown my work. The next day, I have to re-open it. If I've had say, five or more files open and in progress at the end of that earlier day, when I go to re-open them, I have to do each separately, which is tedious and frankly, unnecessary. If simple check boxes could be put in front of the files in the drop-downs: File/Open Recent, we could just check the boxes we want and with one click open them all. MUCH FASTER AND EFFICIENT! (Also, allowing an option in the Preferences so we can adjust how many files we want listed in the Open Recent dialogue box would be helpful.) BTW, the label should be "Open Recently", not "Open Recent": grammar counts..... (2) When I have multiple files open each has a tab along the top, above the ruler (assuming the Show Ruler option is active). If I go to re-arrange those tabs by sliding them left or right, it's a MESS. they either slip out of the sequence, or open in their own box. Not good. Could that tab line be made a titch taller? Or, could there be a mouse right-click option to provide a drop-down ordering selection box??? Just a couple of thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  12. As is commonly known, syncing colors in graphics work can be challenging. To the end of wanting as accurate as possible color reproduction, we have tried a few products. Some of which are from datacolor.com. I recently inquired of them is their Spyder Checkr Photo product was compatible with Affinity products, given their ongoing support of Adobe products. In overview, they do not support Affinity products. As they stated: Might be something you may want to look into; or, if you are aware of other competing products (to datacolor), would really like to know about them. Specifically, it was their Spyder Checkr Photo product I was interested in. Thanks.
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