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  1. Simply by downloading the beta version (if there exists one, which is newer than the latest purchased version; a beta version older than the actually purchased version won‘t install) from the top-pinned thread here named „Affinity Photo Customer Beta“. Precondition: You already have a purchased version of the app on your machine.
  2. You can export IDML files from InDesign and open/place them in Publisher.
  3. After double clicking the dmg file, you have to drag the appearing application file into your „Applications“ folder. If you don‘t do this, the application only starts on the virtual dmg drive, which you have activated by double clicking the dmg file. This virtual drive will disappear, when you shut down your machine.
  4. I know this expression. But for me it is, well, kind of strange, to start a conversation and tell somebody, who isn‘t involved yet, that now it is his turn to react. You did your job, and now you expect, that Serif should do his one. Would be quite different, if you mak e a proposal and ask for reaction. But throwing something in front of somebody‘s feet and tell him: „React!“ is, as I said, quite strange. But do what you like to do and check the user‘s reactions …
  5. >>> „I think the ball is in your court now, Serif“ What a statement!! What makes you think, Serif wants to play with you?
  6. As I said: Do it, if you like! But be aware, an IDML exported from InDesign CC 2020, opened in InDesign CS 6 for example necessarily loses a lot of attributes, which can‘t be restored, when this document, exported as IDML again, will be opened in InDesign 2020 afterwards. And exactly this is the basic misinterpretation of portability of IDML file. Of course there are some situation, when this portability isn‘t important, but many users think, IDML is a miracle cure to work on one and the same document with different application. And this definitely is a deep misbelief.
  7. As I said: Do it and life with the consequences! Just to demonstrate: In the attached screenshot you see a (quick and dirty) InDesign layout using column span, column balancing, paragraph boxes and lines, column separator, multi column tables, footnotes. You see: There is no way to convert this file correctly, because there is no feature parity between the source- and the destination app. Even text flow can’t be correct, because different algorithms are used. This, by the way, is true in the exact same way, if you transfer IDMLs between different version of InDesign. So again: IDML is a fine format to transport a document to a different (version of an) app, and continue and finish your work there. But it never is a viable strategy for perpetual interchanges between co-workers using different applications. I also attached the IDML file exported from InDesign 2020 (15.02.), so everybody can test it. Indd-Test.idml
  8. If you think – just do it – and live with the consequences. It it a crucial difference to talk about text/image editors and a layout application. Only three of myriads of possible issues: Different layout apps (even different versions of InDesign) use different hyphenation libraries –> oooops … Different layout apps use different setting engines (paragraph setting/line setting) –> oooops … Different layout applications have different feature sets: (Column span yes or no, footnotes, endnotes, image captions, …) – > oooops …
  9. It would be more than negligent to use two completely different layout applications and interchange document between them for perpetual collaboration. Yes: IDML is very helpful for transporting a document to a different app, but it is extremely dangerous to „abuse“ such a feature for Mutual collaboration. No professional user would even consider this as a possible workflow between different versions of one application like InDesign.
  10. Smart objects can‘t display correctly, if they use (Photoshop-) features, which aren‘t available in Affinity Photo yet.
  11. Both questions are discussed here in myriads of thread. Wonder, why nobody searches and hops to get an individual answer. In short: Yes you can install the app on every machine you control, if it uses the same platform (WinDows/macOS). About versions: just read the today’s posts!
  12. Searching for „supported cameras“ shows this: And this:
  13. I never(!) encountered the situation, that an updated app wasn’t listed in the AppStore – and I use this store from day one. If you don’t manage to update via store, and you are sure, that you are logged in with the same Apple-ID, which you used for purchasing the app, simply delete the app and re-load it.
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