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^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: is there a way in affinity photo to burn all tonal ranges at once?
oooohhhh, yeah! like that! thank you for showing me!
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- tonalrange
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thank you, notmyfault i am going to try this, it appears that this way the contrast is preserved making the tonal values match the rest of the image the best way for me to describe it is that in an organic darkroom we choose papers first that have the total value we want, this tonal value never changes. for example, we choose the contrast we photographers are known for. if we want high contrast we choose 3-5 papers, if we want low contrast we choose 0-2 papers being very low contrast, would like to do this using affinity photo during adjustments so that the tonal range does not drift into something not achievable in an organic darkroom (read unnatural & garish). 🎞️🎥🎬🎭
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thank you, yes, thomoso, this is my workaround as well i was hoping for a wireframe (linear) to drag across an area of an image for example an edge towards the middle of image this is something we can do in movie editing to draw the audience's attention by darkening the frame, for example, creating negative (dark) space so that their eyes go to the lighted areas instead, i made it work using Affinity Photo layer/burning/brushing gymnastics was hoping for a simpler adjustment feature thanks again! using moviemaking software we can draw a rectangle for example on the rightside of this image & darken, blur, feather/blend the edges on either one side of the frame or all four edges of frame, it takes us like 12 seconds using a wireframe layer (overlay) then setting adjustment settings, the adjusts stay isolated, fixed & adjustable within the wireframe
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- burn
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^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: is there a way in affinity photo to burn all tonal ranges at once?
howdy, is there a way in affinity photo to burn all tonal ranges at once? for example, i would like to burn all pixels from darkest to brightness & NOT isolate any tonal range individually. is there a feature Tonal Range ‘All’ for Burn? is there a linear (rectangular shape) setting to burn instead of just circular? thank you in advance
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^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: Affinity Photo modifying line lengths on arrows (not the arrowhead)
thank you @walt.farrell for your response yes, that is exactly what i would like to do! for some reason, maybe an error on my part, but once the custom arrow is made & saved as an asset for reuse the functionality of the Arrow Tool (your demo) goes away so that click dragging the tail of the line modifies the entire arrow typically there is a modifier key that a user can press which allows only the selected points to move in unison without affecting the rest im going to remake the an arrow save it as an asset to see if the features you demoed hold thank you walt!
@v_kyr thank you for your response im using the arrow tool in affinity photo persona & saving a custom arrow in assets which gets used regularly in different documents the created arrow is a ‘marketing’ icon which cannot change in color & proportions except for the length of the line
^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: keyboard shortcut to reveal ‘hot spots’ over exposure affinity photo v2
@thomaso thank you for your response contingent upon the application, for example, Affinity Photo>Metadata>IPTC (Image) you add the metadata from IPTC to identify the genre, subject codes...without the # # are only used contingent upon application's requirements IPTC metadata has been an international standard for decades as i demonstrated, # narrowed the subject search & did not pull up all the other ‘garbage’ words like your search did, your search was a bomb search, my search was a refined surgical query so that not all words are queued in the query internet 101 targeting a subject some #, some commas ‘,’ peace
^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: keyboard shortcut to reveal ‘hot spots’ over exposure affinity photo v2
^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: keyboard shortcut to reveal ‘hot spots’ over exposure affinity photo v2
howdy does anyone know how to adjust the length of the line on arrows after they have been placed in the document without affecting the arrowhead? for example, i created a custom arrow to use in architecture presentations saved it as an asset for reuse, i would like to only change the length of the line, (not the arrowhead) so that arrowhead is not modified but the line can be lengthened preserving it's width thank you affinity photo 2 #macos #arrow #linelength #line #arrowtool
hello, fellow affinity photo user walt thank you for the topic tip! #hashtags (metadata) do in fact work & are useful in these forums see enclosed image side note, it may not be routine but users should think about incorporating them to quickly narrow down their forum search query, they are a powerful way to find stuff especially when the tags are combined with media industry protocol standards establish decades ago a hashtag query goes quickly & directly to the hashtag & is more surgically targeted Affinity Photo uses ‘Metadata’ in which a user can import their #IPTC, #EXIF, #Copyright etc #tags as #metadata via #XMP for those new to metadata, Affinity Photo can import/exportr these hidden data that travel in images & can be later read by all professional photo & video editing software Affinity Photo > Menu > Window > Metadata i make an XMP file for main clients & locations that i can use in all media including social media example of IPTC protocol, IPTC-> Motion Picture Industry Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000307, ID (URI) = http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/mediatopic/20000307 Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired: Name(en-US): motion picture industry Definition(en-US): The business of movies, film, and cinema Broader concept: medtop: 20000304 Related concept (skos:broader):medtop: 20000304 Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj: 04010003 Related concept (skos:exactMatch):https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1415395 Member of scheme: http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/mediatopic/ reference: https://www.iptc.org take care walt! 📷🎬🎞️
howdy does anyone know what the keyboard shortcut is to reveal ‘hot spots’ in a #photo (#affinityphoto v2) the #hotkeys to show over #exposure & under exposure? i can see the pixel information of the #hotspots using the histogram but i cannot find the keyboard shortcut to view the hotspots in the image thank you in advance #overexposure #underexposure #keyboard #shortcut
^-^ started following Designer — Trim based on transparency?
^-^ reacted to a post in a topic: Shortcut for next tab
thank you for your response, firstdefense i opened your examples. with css coding & film editing, tolerances need to be zero pixels (without any excess transparency) in the image or text image files, when we code or edit we add pixel 'padding' or 'margin' or adjust the frame size or mask as needed during the design phase of building websites or editing/animating footage (respectively). it is the job of the designer to hand the film editor &/or coder proper files so as to not create more work down the line in the workflow/production future feature request 'trim' 'based on transparency' thanks again!
thank you for your response we are a production company making movies, animations, websites from scratch via coding, all in house. we are adding 'padding' with css & animating affinity exports in final cut pro & motion from affinity exports yes, we have affinity photo we want to quickly remove excess transparency & keep the art only, to code affinity exports & also for animating layers (both text & image layers) during production (also using alpha channels) here are two screenshots of before/after-> thank you! amazing app, love affinity, affinity rocks, we use it in all productions!
howdy Designer — Trim/Crop based on transparency? im trying quickly to trim/crop/remove area of several documents based on empty/transparency i only need the images/text without any excess transparency, the .svg files will be coded in css stylesheets is there a feature/tool for this? thank you in advance #trim #crop #transparency #designer #html5 #css #code #stylesheets #website