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  1. I have some design to be done in white. How do I change colour of the artboard? I was looking for half an hour and can't find it. I know, I can add a coloured layer beneath everything, but I would prefer to do it without adding the extra layer.
  2. I'm evaluating Affinity Photo in a work flow that uses DxO PhotoLab to apply lens as well as basic colour & exposure corrections. When I export from DxO into Affinity, photos look significantly different. Is there something I'm overlooking? Can someone please suggest how I can carry forward all of the work done in DxO before I begin more detailed work in Affinity Photo? Thanks.
  3. It would be great to have a color wheel similar to this: I'd even be happy if we could have TWO color pallets viewable in the workspace, One being sliders and the other being a wheel. I would LOVE an option similar to something like this: These would give a great amount of control with color that would make color selection with painting a lot smoother. Changes: 1. Red being at the top (0 degrees) 2. Color schemes: Complimentary, Triadic, split complimentary, etc. 3. Tint - 100% tint is always represented as the color, where in painting if you've tinted your colors you're ADDING white, so the slider is reversed from the default. 4. Blending - foreground and background colors go on either end of the slider. 5. Color temperature (lock) & Tone (lock)- these are lifted from Anastasy's Magic Picker, they're really powerful features I hope this was somewhat intelligible and that others might find these requests useful for their process. Thank you very much for taking our requests seriously and listening to the community, you guys and gals rock!
  4. Hi, I'm new to this community but wanted to say I'm really enjoying Affinity Designer as an alternative Professional Vector Graphics Software. So much so, that I've started sharing my knowledge using Affinity via Skillshares platform. Looking forward to learning from others here in this community too. I created a Skillshare class called "From Screen to Print: A Simple Colour System" If you are preparing artwork for a commercial print house this class will help get your colours right between screens, print devices and paper stocks. I also show you other helpful tips including global colours in Affinity Designer. Here is the link: https://skl.sh/2Iutp0r You can use this link to sign up for two free months of Skillshare Premium and watch my classes for free. I hope you find it helpful.
  5. In Illustrator it's quick and easy to sample a colour and apply it to a new shape - using the colour picker you can select a colour, and then use alt+click to apply it. I haven't been able to replicate this functionality in Affinity Designer - though please let me know if I've missed something! If it doesn't exist, I'd love to see this functionality since it's a real time saver.
  6. Sort Swatches by Colour in the Swatches panel is good... But to be able to sort the swatches by Hue, Saturation or Lightness would be great and very useful. Is this possible? Please! :) :)
  7. Here is a screen grab, the colour sliders says to me, adjust image in RAW upon opening image. However these colour levels when adjusted change the image to B/ W only i think ? Is their a place where i have not looked at, that is the same as this where by I click a button and can adjust colours on this page ? (While at RAW level, see top left of image.) I only ask as their is a B/W button you need to select, or if you touch the color sliders your change it to B/W which is what the button does in the first place. So maybe i have seen it all incorrectly, please advise. Hopefully my question is clear enough ? If not do ask please. Regards Rob
  8. Just released a second color palette with support for Affinity's .afpalette format. It's a set of bright, happy colors to lighten up any illustration or design. Get it at creativemarket
  9. Hi guys I mainly work with 32bit rendered EXR files. When I'm comping rendered objects into backplates, I need to be able to have coloured masks. This is to ensure shadows that are in alpha (masked), creates the correct tone on the backplate. A coloured mask can for example produce a blueish shadow, where a grey scale mask will produce a grey shadow. Is there perhaps a setting I'm not seeing? Whenever I convert a layer to a mask, it goes greyscale!
  10. Hi I'm trying to figure out why original photos viewed on system and external photo viewers looks different than opened in Affinity? I was trying to change every possible RGB colour profile, uncheck "convert working space" option, and "renderin intent" - nothing helps. So - why? Attached image: Left - Fast Stone Image Viewer, right Affinity. (I agree, this picture on left is oversaturated, but it is still an original).
  11. Pre Export: Post Export: You probably get the Problem I've checked all settings and still don't get where the problem could possibly be..
  12. Hello, Is it possible to make a gradient between severl spot colours in Affinity Designer (without rendering them to Process CMYK)? I just checked, it is possible in Illustrator CC. Thanks, M
  13. Hi, I am having trouble with opening RAW files. It seems to have happened after the programme crashed last night (I didn't bother to restart it as it was past my bedtime) For some reason today, when I try to open a raw file, I am getting a weird purple hue. It seems to be taking a lot longer to open them too. I know it's not the files as they are opening ok in both Cannon DPP4 and Faststone. I have been using Affinity Photo for months now and this is the first issue I have had with it. Attaching a quick set of screen shots so you can see what I mean.
  14. Hi I think it would be great to be able to add and delete separate noods or the little square boxes when you are drawing a logo for instance. When you click on the white arrow tool to be able to individually move the little boxes on the design you have created, it would be so handy to have a tool that you can create new boxes on the line so you can manipulate more sections or take it away. Also, the ability to be able to have the same colour for both the outline and fill, where you drag the colour into the other swatch box or something, just so its quicker and easier than having to save the colour as a swatch or take the pipet and put over the colour you already have. Hopefully, that makes sense. Unless there are already ways to do this that i haven't found yet? Thanks.
  15. We have all had the problem of selecting a sky when most of the sky can be seen through gaps in the leaves and branches of a tree. It can take ages to accurately select every tiny gap to complete the selection of the sky. If we miss a few tiny gaps the result looks awful. Other programs, GIMP is an example, have selection tools which can select all areas of the sky, including those pesky gaps, with just one click. Of course it may be necessary to adjust the settings for that tool to capture clouds as well as the blue sky. If other programs can do it how about such a tool for Affinity Photo? (If you are not familiar with GIMP I'm talking about the 'Select by Color Tool'.)
  16. I wanted a base palette that I could use on my illustrations, with a range of shades, and highlights/shadows for each. So I made my own: It's a good starting point for illustrations, icons & UI work. There's more than 100 swatches, nicely organized. Comes in several formats, of course .afpalette included. Grab it over at CreativeMarket!
  17. Hi, I was just surfing youtube yesterday and I came across a video by Sean Tucker: At 7:50, Sean uses hue saturation and lumance sliders to edit inividual colours in his image. I was wondering if you can do this in affinity photo. I am interested in buying it soon so any answer will help me in making my decision. Thanks, Jayvin.
  18. Hey everyone, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to create a chord from multiple colors. I've got 3 colors that I really like and would like to find what colors are complimentary to them, to use in the same document. If anyone knows how to do this, even if it's some work-around fix, I'm all ears! Thanks! ps. the hex codes for those colors are #46D2FF, #A071FF, & #666666
  19. Hi When I take a photo from the develop persona into Nix Viveza2 the photo is mauve or pinkish in colour not the natural colours that it was in the developed persona. Why is this and how do I fix it? I have tried several photos with the same result. Thanks Mikep
  20. Hello, I'm very glad that we now have a glyphs browser, but I personally feel that its looks can be improved. Virtually all typefaces are made primarily for use on a light background, and to correctly evaluate a glyph I think the glyph browser should reflect this by having a white background with black glyphs. Right now the dark UI theme shows light glyphs on a dark background and the light UI theme shows grey type on a light background (which is better but lacks contrast). The font dropdown however does have black type on a white background in both themes, which I think is a good choice. Looking forward to your thoughts! Best, Bauke
  21. This morning's random posting. The devil is making work for some very idle hands at the moment. Still – back to the paid work on Monday.
  22. Hello, As soon as I do change a form with the perspective tool, I am no more able to modifiy its colour. Is there a way to change it ? Thank you for your support and best regards
  23. Using the Colour Picker tool in the current beta ( I do not have to click for the colour to be selected In the GIF I never click the mouse. While the mouse is moving the colour is not selected. If I stop, after about 1 second the colour is chosen, as if I had clicked the mouse. This doesn't happen in 1.5 I have tried unplugging my tablet, starting a new file, closing and relaunching AD.
  24. I often choose a colour from a palette then go and find its monochromatic or analogous colour variant. It would be great to have a built in tool to generate these variants automatically. For reference check out: https://color.adobe.com
  25. For some reason, the AFD interface is scaling to beige where it should be scaling to white. This doesn't affect any final renders, but while it substitutes white for beige in the interface, I can't make any accurate design judgements involving colour. So this is happening on my new computer. I booted up my old computer with Designer and it doesn't have the same issue. Whites are white. I open up the same files on my new computer and whites are now beige (see attachment). Note in the toolbar where fill and stroke should be a red line in a white box, its a red line in a beige box. I tried changing the renderer from my GPU (nvidia) to WARP but this has had no effect. I am running Windows 7 on both computers and I have attached my Nvidia information file for more details. I have not noticed this problem in any other applications running on my system. It is not a monitor calibration issue. I have no idea what colour profiles I should be selecting in preferences. I have attached a screenshot of my colour settings. NVIDIA System Information 01-05-2017 09-51-49.txt
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