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    Massi reacted to max3.2 in HSL Color Picker   
    I was looking for a tool to pick the right starting color for a HSL adjust and found it in the desktop version. It works as expected and is a great help to find the colors to adjust from the image. However I can’t find the Pipette in the iPad version. Is it hidden somewhere?
  2. Like
    Massi got a reaction from iJoost in Change Crop Tool Default Settings   
    Good morning,
    It looks to me (maybe I'm wrong) that is not possible to set some default settings to the crop tool. I'd like for example to have it always set on "Original Ratio" and with the "Darken Border" always checked, in order to speed up a basic process like cropping a bunch of catalog photos. I've found this intuitive option in every processing software I've used so far but can't figure it out here. 
    Any ideas? If such a thing doesn't exist for AP it would be awesome to have it ASAP since it'll speed up the workflow, especially when working on several images.
  3. Like
    Massi got a reaction from João Vítor Martins in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Technically, it's a real problem. Theoretically, you can believe it's not if you find it useful. We don't. If you don't see it as a problem, it's because you never retouch on real life situations or used this tool. You probably shouldn't be answering before doing that. Being able to build a photo software doesn't include by default being aware of what's useful or not for a photographer, that's the reason of a forum.
    It's not ME, it's just a bunch of retouchers and photographers with more experience than the makers of this software, who are clearly simply requesting for something basic to be included because it's just weird not to have it, like programmers don't understand why is important. If you don't see it basic, it's because, again, you possibly have no experience at all in retouching. "We don't have it"...well.....I can see it and you should't brag about it.
    You should def listen to what people is listing here as missing features; through the whole forum the response to these issues is actually zero or, as in your case, mods are answering from a closed point of view "we do it like this and that's what it is".....looks to me like the Apple philosophy, take it or leave it.
    Was not this all Serif thing about making a change in software market and create a better relationship with customers? So naive right...
    Over and Out buddy 
  4. Like
    Massi got a reaction from João Vítor Martins in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    I understand your frustration cause I'm probably used to the same workflow as yours, I found really obvious that a auto-clean feature to check was necessary. i.e. When you skin retouching you make tons of quick and precise strokes (mainly in low frequency for me) in order to even the skin tones; so having to click Clean every time is just nuts.
    It's actually a part of a regular gesture in a retoucher/photographer workflow, I feel like something important is really missing and would be good to have it, it would make a big difference.  
  5. Like
    Massi got a reaction from João Vítor Martins in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Thanks guys I just updated to 1.9 and came back to this old thread to see if any solution was found. I'll try your methods this next days but it looks like is not really mirroring what PS does, or at least you're not happy with it.  I'm on AP for 3 years now and specific important things like these are not really considered by Affinity, IDK why they just don't care.  
  6. Like
    Massi got a reaction from Julia04 in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Technically, it's a real problem. Theoretically, you can believe it's not if you find it useful. We don't. If you don't see it as a problem, it's because you never retouch on real life situations or used this tool. You probably shouldn't be answering before doing that. Being able to build a photo software doesn't include by default being aware of what's useful or not for a photographer, that's the reason of a forum.
    It's not ME, it's just a bunch of retouchers and photographers with more experience than the makers of this software, who are clearly simply requesting for something basic to be included because it's just weird not to have it, like programmers don't understand why is important. If you don't see it basic, it's because, again, you possibly have no experience at all in retouching. "We don't have it"...well.....I can see it and you should't brag about it.
    You should def listen to what people is listing here as missing features; through the whole forum the response to these issues is actually zero or, as in your case, mods are answering from a closed point of view "we do it like this and that's what it is".....looks to me like the Apple philosophy, take it or leave it.
    Was not this all Serif thing about making a change in software market and create a better relationship with customers? So naive right...
    Over and Out buddy 
  7. Like
    Massi got a reaction from Mark Freeman in Affinity Designer for iPad - Rulers   
  8. Haha
    Massi got a reaction from Pisinee Tantiweerawong in Affinity Designer for iPad - Rulers   
  9. Like
    Massi reacted to beutelmull in How to delete project from Ipad   
    Hello MEB,
    the only menu entry I see there is 'rename'. Looks like I cannot delete a project that contains images. How do I delete a project with all of its images?
    Best regards
  10. Like
    Massi reacted to Creativeworkx in Change Crop Tool Default Settings   
    This is just bad usability. Sorry, I love your product, but I have no alternative way to put it. I scratch my head everytime I have to manually change the aspect ratio. PLEASE FIX THIS. Thank you and keep up the good work
  11. Like
    Massi reacted to leets in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Hi Guys,
    For those doing skin retouching, have you guys found your solution? If not, please read on. I might have what you want without having to go crazy pressing the "Clean Brush" button before every stroke.
    Just turn on the "Auto Load Brush" button, then set the color you are using to 0% opacity. There, your blender brush is clean and still works pushing the pixels around on your canvas without having to bother with the "Clean Brush" option. Hope this helps.
  12. Like
    Massi reacted to Somroth.R in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Hi guys,
    Not sure if this will help but here is how I use Affinity Photo mixer brush the same way we use it in photoshop for skin retouching in a low frequency sep.
    To make the brush act just like photoshop mixer brush I use the follwoing setting:
    Flow: set it to what's working for you. I use 13% for skin in photoshop and 3% in affinity seem to be roughly the equivalent. Under more: set wet edges to "Set wet edges 'on'" UNTICK auto load brush as this will continuously load the brush with the first color set on your color swatch. And make sure to clean the brush by clicking on clean brush. That way your brush will sample and mix colors base on each initial brush stroke. Strength 80% or to your liking.  
  13. Like
    Massi reacted to RedBeard in Affinity Designer for iPad - Rulers   
    Still no rulers, huh?
  14. Like
    Massi reacted to dysamoria in Affinity Designer for iPad - Rulers   
    Wasn't the whole point of these apps that they were 100% the same functionality between platforms? I swear I just read this very claim on the Affinity pages marketing these products...
  15. Like
    Massi reacted to TJH Art Studio in Affinity Designer for iPad - Rulers   
    Still no rulers. It's only been two years.
  16. Like
    Massi got a reaction from 0Kami in Best way to replicate Photoshop Mixer Brush   
    Technically, it's a real problem. Theoretically, you can believe it's not if you find it useful. We don't. If you don't see it as a problem, it's because you never retouch on real life situations or used this tool. You probably shouldn't be answering before doing that. Being able to build a photo software doesn't include by default being aware of what's useful or not for a photographer, that's the reason of a forum.
    It's not ME, it's just a bunch of retouchers and photographers with more experience than the makers of this software, who are clearly simply requesting for something basic to be included because it's just weird not to have it, like programmers don't understand why is important. If you don't see it basic, it's because, again, you possibly have no experience at all in retouching. "We don't have it"...well.....I can see it and you should't brag about it.
    You should def listen to what people is listing here as missing features; through the whole forum the response to these issues is actually zero or, as in your case, mods are answering from a closed point of view "we do it like this and that's what it is".....looks to me like the Apple philosophy, take it or leave it.
    Was not this all Serif thing about making a change in software market and create a better relationship with customers? So naive right...
    Over and Out buddy 
  17. Like
    Massi reacted to Buzzilla in Patch Tool fails causing software crash   
    Glad to know I'm not the only one having this problem!  I tried the default setting reset and that didn't work.
    I started a separate thread on this topic about two weeks ago and haven't gotten a fix yet.  Affinity PLEASE HELP!!!
    Here's my thread:  
  18. Like
    Massi got a reaction from Buzzilla in Patch Tool fails causing software crash   
    When I use the patch tool and the selected area is a bit more than aprox 300px (even less) it just stuck and crash the program. Always happened, never got fixed though newer versions of AP. Looks like it can only take very small amount of pixels.
    Any solutions?
  19. Like
    Massi reacted to DWright in Patch Tool fails causing software crash   
    Can you please reset your Affinity Photo back to its default settings by holding down the CTRL key while launching the app. When the Clear User Data window appears, click Select All and then Clear. The app will now open.
    Be aware that resetting your app back to its default settings will lose any custom settings such as keyboard shortcuts and brushes etc. To backup such settings before resetting the app, please watch our Affinity: Exporting User Settings and Keyboard Shortcuts video. - https://player.vimeo.com/video/189596577/
  20. Like
    Massi reacted to stokerg in Macros don't keep levels?   
    I'll get this logged as an improvement, i was surprised it was missing from the options when i just checked.  Could be a valid reason why it's not there, but i should find out more once it's been logged   
  21. Like
    Massi reacted to Fixx in Change Crop Tool Default Settings   
    Also Mode should be sticky. Actually, it is the most important setting in Crop tool.
  22. Like
    Massi reacted to JayH in Default Save As to Any Format   
    I realy had high hopes with the Affinity products, I really thought Serif would challege the establishment anf have learnt from previous incarnations, i.e. But its not far from the issues dealing with Serif and their old software.
    Serif don't listen to their customers enough, if at all. I know I'll be picked up on that comment by either fanboys or mods. The amount of bugs I listed for Serif Photo and other software was crazy, software that had been around for years and either users hadn't noticed, or just excepted the querks and said that Serif never listen.
    They release software and expect the users to bug test for them for free. Whilst still of course you pay for the incomplete said software in the first place.
    Serif spread themselves too thin, not enough devs for numerous products constantly growing. Recently Ipad, now a DTP Program.
    Then there's the issue with getting the basics working right, before addong all the bells and whistles that most users don't care about. How about getting the crop too to work well first for example? or croppong with a Marquee. Floating Selections.. too many to list. I'm sure we've all submitted simple stuff here.
    Most compitent amateurs and pros want Photoshop without the subscription, being able to buy a piece of software and feel they own it in they're hand, Instead of using CS6 or CC with amtlib.
    Not everyone wants to rip off software companies, even if it is Adobe.
    I know Serif aren't listening, least no one with any influence. I just wish they did thats all.
    There are basic features that users have been asking for since day one and it's just a waste of time here thinking you have a voice, it's all just marketing bull.
    Designer is no different, how long have users wanted a "Convert to Curve" option that actually works, without loads of unnecessary nodes? It's a massive requirement. Even Inkscape can do it well.
    If a company wants to be comptetive with the competition, they need to work with what is already there. Not try to reinvent the wheel.
    It's a shame, a real shame and a wasted opportunity, one that could have made Serif a fortune.
    Now fanboys etc, take your best shot, I'm sure you're itching with antic...i... pation.
  23. Like
    Massi reacted to Alfred in Default Save As to Any Format   
    If we could ‘Save As...’ to non-native formats, I think it would be reasonable to expect the result to be completely editable in the target application. As things stand, this is going to lead to disappointment for Photoshop users when they find that there is no editable text in PSD files exported from the Affinity apps.
    Having to go down the export route provides the user with the strongest possible hint that something may be ‘lost in translation’.
  24. Like
    Massi reacted to John Rostron in Default Save As to Any Format   
    I support @JayH's request.
    Edit: I would now withdraw my support for this proposal.
  25. Like
    Massi reacted to JayH in Default Save As to Any Format   
    I think you misunderstand, maybe you don't know Photoshop or other Photo editing software as much as AP?
    You should just be able to choose the desired format you want when selecting "Save As", if of course there are layers or adjustments the user could be warned with a message that .jpeg, png., tiff etc is destructive, perhaps be asked "...Would you like to flatten all layers?".
    There's no need for an export option, it could all be done from the same place, saving the user having to remember whether it's "Export" or "Save As" they require. The current method isn't very intuitive or clever - at least in my opinion and that is why I mentioned Open Source software Gimp, this was something users requested for many years to be changed, but it never was. If Photoshop can handle this freedom and users are familiar with this method, then why not Affinity Photo?
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