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On 8/23/2018 at 10:41 AM, GarryP said:

I don't know about Tarot but to use these as a normal pack of cards you need to have two colours, traditionally red and black. If you have four colours then, if someone is using them in a normal card game - e.g. solitaire, how do they know if green goes on blue or red or black?

So I've been trying out some variations on coloring. I'd like to keep the 4 color suits but also thinking about what @GarryP said about some games needing to pair up traditionally RED and BLACK cards together. So in this example, each suit still has it's own color but the Diamonds and Hearts also share a central banner color while the Club and Spades share a common banner color so if you're playing Solitaire then you'd know the central banner colors would need to be alternating for proper play. The common banner colors here are Yellow and Purple. (Keep in mind the actual colors aren't really finalized. I just quickly chose these to see how it looks roughly. I still need to come up with a proper color pallet.)



For colour palettes in general I've found this site http://www.colourlovers.com/ to be very useful in the past. (It's changed quite a bit since I was last in there but it seems to do the same things as I remember.) There's more in there than first meets the eye so it's worth exploring.

As for the palette for these cards in particular, that depends on so many things it's difficult to say.

Below are links to some of my (current) favourite designs, maybe one of them will give you some inspiration:
* Stylish - http://lovelypackage.com/run-playing-cards/
* Steampunk -  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kingswildproject/wasteland-playing-cards-illustrated-by-jackson-rob
* Industrial - https://capitalcards.com.au/product/deck-one-industrial-edition-playing-cards
* Tattoo - https://www.pokershopeurope.co.uk/club-tattoo-playing-cards-by-bicycle-black-blue-yellow-202-p.asp
* Mysterious - http://lovelypackage.com/stranger-stranger-christmas-playing-cards/
* Steampunk (again) - http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2012/1/5/steampunk-playing-cards.html
* Zombie - https://www.bicyclecards.com/product/bicycle-zombified-playing-cards/?category=playing-cards#filter
* Just Plain Weird - https://www.artofplay.com/products/odd-bods

For your cards, I think I would try using the same sort of palette as the "Odd Bods" cards. The clean lines of your designs mixed with the washed-out colours might make a good - juxtapositioned - pairing.

22 minutes ago, GarryP said:

For your cards, I think I would try using the same sort of palette as the "Odd Bods" cards.

Those are great, but the black suits are still black and the red suits are still red. I did notice, however, that the ♣2 looked slightly blue in one of the photos, which prompted me to wonder whether you could use (say) black and blue for spades and clubs, and red and orange for hearts and diamonds.

Alfred spacer.png
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  • 2 weeks later...

As for the 4 color suits. I'm really on the fence about this one. I really like how they look but I understand a lot of people prefer standard red/black decks. I need to think about what kind of audience I'm trying to make this deck for. Here's super rough mock-up of red/black to see how it could look. What do you guys think?



I think I like the multi-colour version better, but as you said, it depends a little on the target audience. In a way, I believe traditionalists are not the primary target group of your design, so I imagine a multi-colour version could work quite well. But I must confess I have been playing cards too infrequently in recent years that I could really afford an opinion here.

So come on, card players, what do you think? :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I really like your character concept artwork.

Death, green Jack,red A and red King are my favourites.

Very good!

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Windows 10 | Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this before.

Death, The Fool, and the Magician are the most open to interpretation, therefore they should warrant the most attention to detail. Those would obviously be the crossover cards from deck to tarot. The Wheel of Fortune could be you double-backer or ad card.

Look to Theory11.

Good Luck and I look fwd to seeing updates  as it develops

  • 9 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Just stumbled across this thread as I'm thinking of doing something similar! My graphic design skills aren't very advanced, so I was just wondering whether there was a certain template you used as a basis for your cards? Or did you do everything from scratch?


I don’t know if jimmyplaysdrums is still looking at the forums – his last logged-in visit seems to have been October 2018 – so I don’t know if you will get an answer from him, but I think he created everything from scratch using his own artwork.


@kpshk I did it all from scratch. I haven't been working on them for a while though so I'm not sure if/when they'll be finished. Maybe now with this whole corona thing going on in the world I'll actually have some more time to work on it since everyone seems to be staying home for the foreseeable future here. 

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