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LEGACY: Official Affinity Designer Video Tutorials (70+)

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@J-P, @LilleG,


Thanks for the feedback. We'll take a look and see what solution there is for providing supporting text-based materials for the videos.




If you prefer reading to watching videos, we have a comprehensive, searchable Help system which you can access directly in Affinity Designer. It's available from the Help menu.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, thanks for these great videos. Working through them now.


Unfortunately I seem to be running into the same issue that a couple of posters on the Vimeo page had.



Regarding the combining of the teardrop and top shape, when I merge them using the Add button to make a curve it's fine. However, holding Alt to make a compound causes the images to combine strangely.


I've uploaded three images here - before merging with both shapes selected, then two after. The results vary depending on where the teardrop shape is placed.




Any help would be appreicated!

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Hi PrettygreatPhil,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

This is due to a bug in the program. To work around this and still create a compound, select the main (bigger) shape, change to the Node Tool, drag a marquee selection around aLL nodes of the shape, then in the context toolbar click the Smooth icon from the Convert section. You can now proceed with the boolean operation selecting both shapes and pressing and holding ⌥ (option/alt) to create the compound.

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Hi PrettygreatPhil,

No, there's isn't a public list. There's a few issues with boolean operations and expanding strokes (too much nodes), but overall you shouldn't find (hopefully) any other critical bugs (specially in the latest Designer Beta). If you do find something wrong just let us know. Don't worry about posting questions...  We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I've trying to export one layer using the Export persona. I've created a slice as per the video tutorial. but the slice doesn't cover the whole layer. As you can see in the image, the top and bottom parts of the shape are cut off, and also the sides slightly. I want to export the layer at 256 x 256.



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Hi PrettygreatPhil,

If you could provide us the afdesign file i will take a look what's going on with the slice cut.


Regarding exporting the slice at 256x256:

1. Usually in cases like this where the object itself doesn't fill a perfect square, you have to draw an auxiliar square behind it and center the object within the square. Place both objects inside a layer.

2. In the Layers panel in Export Persona, select the square object and uncheck Make item visible on export (clicking the icon with the eye with an arrow so it gets greyed out) - this will prevent the rectangle from being exported. Select the main layer and press Create Slice on the bottom of the Layers panel to create the slice.

3. Finally in the Slices panel, expand the slice clicking on the arrow on the left of the thumbnail and in the size dropdown, write 256w (see screenshot below) to set the size of the exported slice.





I'm attaching sample file with a similar object already set up.


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As ygoe and others have already discovered, we've just released some new videos which discuss the new features available in Affinity Designer 1.5 (in recommended viewing order):


•        Symbols

•        Constraints: Overview

•        Constraints: Worked Example for Web Design

•        Assets

•        Using the Grade UI Kit

•        Exporting: Automatic Directory/Folder Creation

•        Exporting: Multiple Outputs from a Single Slice

•        Colour Palette from Image


We have also updated the following videos:


•        Discover Affinity Designer

•        Exporting

•        Exporting: Layers

•        Exporting: Slices

•        Exporting: Continuous

Hope you enjoy them and find the useful, and have a great weekend!
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Affinity Designer is supported by a comprehensive set of video tutorials, produce in-house by the Documentation team!


The video tutorials are available on the affinity.serif.com website:







If you'd like to comment on anything related to this tutorial set, please reply to this pinned topic.


Quick question: do you keep this list up to date?  AD 1.5 adds a wonderful metric tonne of very useful features (it's what I would call a real upgrade :) ), but as a non-designer I know I'll need a bit of help with the new ideas and your videos are *excellent* (I use them when I recommend Affinity to others, I personally think they do more to sell Affinity products than even your wonderful promos do).


Apropos promos - the format of the AD 1.5 features introduction video was inspired in its simplicity, I liked the personal touch and seeing the product live.



Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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Quick question: do you keep this list up to date?  AD 1.5 adds a wonderful metric tonne of very useful features (it's what I would call a real upgrade :) ), but as a non-designer I know I'll need a bit of help with the new ideas and your videos are *excellent* (I use them when I recommend Affinity to others, I personally think they do more to sell Affinity products than even your wonderful promos do).


Apropos promos - the format of the AD 1.5 features introduction video was inspired in its simplicity, I liked the personal touch and seeing the product live.






Yes, the list on this forum thread is kept up-to-date with new and updated videos marked up in parenthesis. The latest videos discuss some of the new 1.5 features with more to come over the next few weeks. The new videos also appear on the Affinity website.


Please note that these videos only list those which have been produced by the documentation team. Those produced by Ash and the marketing team are not listed here, but are available via our vimeo channel.



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I have tried to make exactly the same exercise as shown in the tutorial, but I could not get get the shown coordinations as the movements do not follow the applied constraints.


@Daniele Salvatore


We aim to make the videos as accurate as possible, but obviously the tutorial you are speaking about is not clear enough.


Please could you let me know which video in particular is causing issues and at what point the video seems to become inconsistent with your own project. This will help me identify the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible.


Many thanks.

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Happy Friday, Affinity Designer fans.


For the weekend, we've released some new and updated videos:


•        Exporting: Transparent and Coloured Backgrounds (1.5) (New, 19 Oct)


•        Snapping and Dynamic Guides (1.5) (New, 21 Oct)

•        Snapping: Candidates (1.5) (New, 21 Oct)

•        Snapping: Object Creation (1.5) (Updated, 21 Oct)

•        Snapping: UI and Web Design (1.5) (Updated, 21 Oct)

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I found that I always have to set a coloured background of sorts when I'm working with white or light coloured objects (hence my feature request), but it's worth locking that layer or you end up accidentally selecting it and dragging it all over the place  :rolleyes:

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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There are 2 things I do not know from illustrator


1) How to change between vector and rendered mode CMD+Y in illustrator


2a) How to delete one node in a way that the curves become two open.

2b) How to join two nodes in a way that two curves becomes one closed.

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Hi ggt667,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

To add and delete nodes: click on a curve with the Node Tool to add nodes; select them with the Node Tool and press delete on your keyboard to remove them.


1. Press Pixel view mode or Retina pixel view mode icons on the main toolbar or go to menu View ▸ View Mode ▸ Pixels or Pixels (Retina).

2a. With the Node Tool selected click the node you want to "break" then go to the context toobar and press Break Curve icon from the Action section. Do the same for another node in the same curve and you end up with two independent open paths.

2b. With the Node Tool, select both curves and press Join Curves (note this will join the closest end node of each curve) from the Action section in the context toolbar, then press Close Curves to close the other gap. If you want more control over this, you can also drag an end node from one curve over another end node from the other, then press Join Curves from the Action section in the context toolbar. Make sure you have snap enabled to ensure a correct join.

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Hi ggt667,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Thanks I deleted Adobe CS4 suite and saved some space on my hard drive, after trying this a bit I realized that the space saved was not the hugest benefit, it looks like Affinity Photos does alot more on GPU and CPU, or perhaps the code is just less legacy than that of Adobe products. At least the real benefit for me on an old MacPro is that everything is much smoother.


Even though I prefer Krita or Autodesk Sketchbook for actual illustrations, I see that for less crafty more technical graphics Affinity Photos and Designer can replace Photoshop and Illustrator for me 100% kudos on the best replacement for Adobe Photoshop to date; I'm still getting used to Affinity Designer however, but it's just a matter of me learning shortcuts.


Did anyone make cheatsheets? Is this up to date? https://affinity.serif.com/blog/new-keyboard-shortcut-cheat-sheets/ What about the other persona? Oh here they are: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/affinity-docs/shortcuts/Affinity-Shortcuts-Cheat-Sheet.pdf


Are there color codes?


I ordered Das Keyboard Q5, I would like to implement color scheme for that keyboard if anyone have a predefined color scheme. For all the applications I use: Final Cut Pro, Affinity Photos and Designer, Apple Aperture, Apple Soundtrack, tmux and vim.

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The video tutorials that where originally on the Serif Affinity Designer web seem to have been moved to VIMEO.

When I click on the menu tab to go to the video tutorials if brings you to the VIMEO web site.

This is not as logical or as clearly layout as on the original Affinity web site.

Please bring back this page.


The Tutorial section link from the Affinity Designer Application HELP MENU brings you now here to this forum.


Thank you.





Kind Regards,

Titus Tears

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2a. With the Node Tool selected click the node you want to "break" then go to the context toobar and press Break Curve icon from the Action section. Do the same for another node in the same curve and you end up with two independent open paths.

2b. With the Node Tool, select both curves and press Join Curves (note this will join the closest end node of each curve) from the Action section in the context toolbar, then press Close Curves to close the other gap. If you want more control over this, you can also drag an end node from one curve over another end node from the other, then press Join Curves from the Action section in the context toolbar. Make sure you have snap enabled to ensure a correct join.

2a works as described.

2b on the other hand I do have a hard time with.

2b1 Join curves does nothing; I select the 2 endpoints and click on join curves.

2b2 Close curves brings back together the full shapes I broke apart with 2a


This is the only clue I have for now: I have several separate curves; yet when I change their color all of them change color at the same time.


I would like to include the white space in the middle of a color to also be part of the outlined area.


Somehow it looks like the green part is more apart than the yellow one; is this due to some kind of grouping?


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