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  1. Ah, it does that in addition to the 45° angles. I didn't notice that. Anyway, it's not useful because I wasn't intending to prolong the line in the same direction but change the direction altogether. In that case any intermediate points will be in the way and prevent the two-point direct line from being a straight line. I guess we're off-topic now, as this is all about me not wanting to use the workaround for its undesired effects. The root issue remains unresolved. It must have worked in the past, so something got broken and I don't have the power to fix it.
  2. It lets me drag that node in 45° degrees, but still the middle point will cause a bend there. I'd really appreciate the actual bug be fixed here instead of finding ever more half-functional workarounds for hacks.
  3. Yes: I only want to move a single end point of a straight line. I have several use cases for that. Everywhere I want to draw a connection line between two points, I have to update either end point of the line when the thing it's connecting to has moved. I know I can move the entire line as-is, but that's not always what I need. Seems like a very uncommon thing to do though. People probably use MS Visio for that. Or nowadays PowerPoint. It's simply tricky to rotate a line with Affinity Designer. I wish it wasn't.
  4. I see. It has its own gotchas though. While I can have rounded ends at the outside, the inside ends will always match the circle mask. They won't even be rectangular to each line but slightly curved inwards.
  5. Can you imagine a line with two points? When you move either end, the direct straight connection between these two ends will be updated. Now if there's another point in between, the behaviour changes and you cannot alter the entire line by just dragging one of its ends. The middle point will mess it up and stay where it is. I don't want to record that for you but I can if you don't understand my words.
  6. So, I did that. It gets the job done, but the bugs go on. See attached recording. The rotation marker appears at the wrong place, whileat least it works as expected. Still, this is a bad workaround because nobody will know that they have to add an unnecessary point (and later remove it or it will be in the way when you only really want a straight line between two points). Bildschirmaufnahme 2024-10-09 200016_edit.mp4
  7. I don't want to add any nodes here, it's a straight line and should remain one. See my recording above.
  8. I added a point on the line (and removed it again because it's not supposed to be there), and rotation still wasn't possible. I also noticed that the anchor thing (3/8 points grid) in the Tarnsform panel changed its orientation when I had first drawn the line and then deselected and reselected it. It's also broken. And many times after using the app for some time, the anchor selection is ignored, inverted or just random (objects are resized in any unpredictable direction, especially when they're also rotated in 90° steps). Restarting AD often helps. But not with this issue. I still can't rotate that line around the centre.
  9. Hello, I'm still regularly having trouble using the rotation centre handle (as well as resizing an object to a specific direction by setting that anchor thing in the Transform panel). See attached video. I wanted to move the rotation centre to the centre of the document to rotate the line around the red circle like sunrays. It's just impossible. It used to work in the past, haven't used it in a while. Affinity Designer 2.5.5 on Windows 11 Bildschirmaufnahme 2024-09-28 095439_edit.mp4
  10. Here are two recordings. Whenever I clicked into the window to activate it, I surely didn't move the mouse. I have reason to believe that this bug damages my documents unnoticedly. I originally aligned my elements at full millimetres and for some time I keep seeing them somewhere unaligned. Also, objects that have been placed with proper distances are somewhat off now. I'm pretty sure I did that right and now it's not. This bug behaviour would perfectly explain that I'm moving things around in my drawings without wanting it. Bildschirmaufnahme 2024-09-27 180223 conv.mp4 Bildschirmaufnahme 2024-09-27 180447 conv.mp4
  11. I just closed the app without saving changes. Now I opened the file again and this: BTW, the lock file was also there when I reopened the document. I always double-click the file and let it open the app, not the other way around.
  12. I guess I won't be able to provide steps to reproduce the recover dialogue because it only happens when opening the document. I can't remember what I did the day before. I've seen it a few times on different days but no pattern there. Why would the lock file be deleted after a few minutes? Who does that when the Affinity process has terminated? I'd expect the process itself to clean up all temporary files, especially in the document directory.
  13. After upgrading Affinity Designer from 2.5.3 to 2.5.5 on Windows 11, most of the time the ~lock~ file is not deleted after closing the document. I usually quit the app instead of explicitly closing the document. Occasionally, I even get the message "there's a recovery file for this document, would you like to use it", even multiple times in a row each time opening the same document. Nothing crashed and I could always successfully save my work when I wanted to, so there should be no recovery due. I've never observed this in previous versions. And I would notice because I see the file right next to my document and always open files through a file manager. I noticed there's a similar thread for macOS and an earlier version. Since it wasn't recently active, I guess that was a different issue. I also understand that the file doesn't contain any information and it's safe to delete it. It's just annoying when the app can't clean up after itself and leaves the place in a mess. We've got enough of that in the real world.
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