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  1. So here's a problem I didn't expect to have. I have a multipage Publisher document that bleeds on all 4 sides. The size is 2.5" x 3.5" with .125" bleed all around. You can see from the image the the crop marks do not align with the page size except the first, upper left, marks. Can't figure out why it's doing this or how to fix. The images show the page and the master page. The black outline is the bleed size, the gray outline is the actual page (trim) size. Only the first set of crop marks are correct. Any thoughts on this? Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm a newbie and can't find any answers to this on the forum. We have created a design and want to add registration or crop marks, so that, when it goes to print, the printers know where to trim to size. Is there a tool that we can use to add marks, or do we have to do this manually? My OH is used to using Illustrator and Corel Draw and you could add them easily. Thanks in anticipation for your responses.
  3. I am new, so please be patient. I need to export with crop marks. I have read other threads that instruct to export to .pdf, select MORE, and select INCLUDE BLEED AND PRINTERS MARKS. However, I do not have that option. Mine only says INCLUDE BLEED. If I choose that option, there are no crop marks on the exported file. Very frustrating. I am able to print the source file with bleed and crop marks, but the export dialogue does not have the option. Any help would be wonderful!
  4. My printer requires a minimum bleed of 0.125” for a magazine ad. He also specifies that if an ad is intended to bleed, crop marks must be applied with an offset of 0.250”. I interpret this to mean a crop mark must be 0.250" away from the actual cut. What is the default offset of the crop mark from the cut in Affinity Publisher? Can this offset be modified?
  5. I have exported a small document with crop marks. I am placing this document on a letter so I can set up for print and get 4 up. Only problem is the crop marks are not importing with the PDF. I am using Publisher. Coin Collection Small 11-2-19.pdf
  6. Hi. I bought Affinity Photo to make CMYK book covers for printing presses. They need me to provide a PDF complete with crop marks (and spine marks). They need these crop marks to reach the edge of the document like this: But when I export my file (whether I choose to "include bleed" or not) It always inserts extra whitespace between the image and the crop marks like this (where the yellow is the book cover's color): But I know that it's possible to get the lines flush with the image because I saw a video where a guy does it like this: So what am I doing wrong? I'm not using margins at all (and when I do it doesn't change anything). The bleed and trim are all incorporated within the document. I just want to export a PDF with crop marks touching the very edge! Please help! And thanks for reading. EDIT: Also, if anybody knows how to include "Spine Marks" then that would be great too!
  7. I've seen several posts about this but I'm not sure if my experience is related or the status of the fixes. I've created a custom (preset) document which has a 4mm bleed. I then build the design as normal. I set up the Export persona to export to PDF with Include bleed and Include printers marks checked. If I export the slice for the whole document I see the cropped document with no bleed and therefore no crop marks or printer info. If I export via the menu I see a larger document which includes the bleed and the crop marks etc. This is not a showstopper as the menu option gives me everything I need but it is a more tedious workflow as I have to remember to click More... and then ensure all the correct settings are applied before exporting. Also, the checkbox for Include printers marks is not saved with the document, it is almost as if the setting is ignored as simply toggling back to the Designer Persona and then back to the Export Persona shows it as being cleared. Am I missing something?
  8. Hi, I'm trying to create sheets fit in a binder. My export doesn't include crop marks in the middle of the page, instead crop marks only appear at all 4 corners. What do I do to include crop marks in the middle? I am very new to AP. I just downloaded today. Thank you for your help!
  9. So I'm creating an RSVP card that has a bleed, and eventually will be printed 3-up on 8.5x11" paper. In the past, with the software I'm used to, I create a master document of the RSVP card, with the bleed margins set. I then create a separate document for the 3-up, and place the master into this document 3 times. In this way, if changes are made to the master, the 3-up reflects those changes. When placing the master into the 3-up, the software gave me import options when placing the master, one of them being that I could crop to the bleed bounding box. After placing the master, I would create crop marks on the 3-up (which the software had scripts for doing). So I could use some advice as to how to replicate this workflow in Publisher, at least to some degree. In order to get crop marks in Publisher, it appears I have to export the master as a PDF. Which I've done. But when I import the PDF into my 3-up, it doesn't include the crop marks for some reason, even though I can see the crop marks when I open the PDF in Preview. I'm starting to think that I will have to forgo the ability to link to the master, and simply copy and paste the master into the 3-up. Not ideal, but that is the only way I seem to be able to include the bleed. And then I will need to build the drop marks by hand on the 3-up.
  10. Hello, I designed a birthday invitation for a client, and wanted to export the file as two 5x7 inch invitations on one page, so that she could easily have it printed that way and then be able to cut them properly. I was able to export them two per page as a spread, but then each invitation didn't have the crop marks; it was only on the outer edges of the spread. I kept messing around with it but couldn't figure out how to do this. I think there might've been other options in the print settings, however I wasn't going to be printing it myself. I was just exporting the PDF file and then sending it to my client. Thanks in advance! DeeDee
  11. Hi, When I export to print to include crop marks and 3mm bleed it only shows the 3mm bleed on the Top, RHS & Bottom?
  12. I tried exporting a mock booklet I created to pdf but it wouldn't give me crop marks. Is there a way?
  13. When placing a PDF (advert) with bleed and crop marks, Affinity Publisher only places the file as cropped. Is this intentional? This is very unexpected and I can see how it can be useful in some situations. However, It is far more useful to me to have the bleed and crop marks showing. I have only been able to resolve this by converting the file to eps.
  14. Hello, In AD, I created an artboard that is 8.5" X 11" (standard paper, 3300x2550px) and placed two 5"X7" images (1500X2100px) into the artboard. File attached. When I export to print, I see the option to automatically add crop marks and bleed to the artboard. However, it adds these marks around the artboard and not the actual images. In this situation, is my only option to add the crop marks and bleed to the file by hand? Or, is there some automation feature that could help me with this? If I need to do by hand, is there a preferred way to do that? The result would be a PDF that could be printed using 8.5"X11" paper and have marks where the image should be cut. Thanks! 8.5X11artboard.afdesign
  15. Hello all, please I have problem with bleed, specialy print crop marks in export to PDF. I have document (business card) and size of document is bigger in every size by +3mm. For PDF export I need put into this document crop marks with bleed 3mm ( this crop marks go -3mm to the documet) and give me pure bussiness card size. If I set in >docoment setup "bleed" to 3mm, in export I have set "include bleed and include crop marks", after export pdf with this settings NOTHING HAPPEND = crop marks are always in maximum document size not -3mm inside document. (I try put against 3mm / -3mm / and diferent numbers...nothing happend). Please help!!! Im mad, because in PS it was 2 click in PDF export and it was done, here I cant handle it easy way. TY for your help
  16. Hello, I am experiencing strange behaviour with images exported as a PDF. I also need to have crop marks and registration marks. The biggest problem is with images when I export as a PDF. Some of the images, but NOT all, come out very faded. Some are jpgs, some tiffs, all use the same ICC profile and the same color space. It is much better if I use the PDF (for print) preset. However, when I use that I can't get crop marks and this is essential for my purpose. Firstly, I don't understand why some of the images come out fine and others don't. Can anyone explain? Secondly, is there a way that I can get the equivalent of what happens with the "for print" preset but with crop marks? Thanks, Robin
  17. Hi. I have the following problem (I think it's a bug): When I print a card with the N-Up option, there are some crop marks that do not come out if I activate the bleed or the horizontal or vertical gaps. I attach two sample images (the first one with bleed, and the second with h-gap and v-gap). I need double crop marks where the arrows are pointing. Thank you!
  18. I recreated a document in publisher yesterday and these are the problems I found while doing it. You can turn on bleeds but they don't show up on the pages or the exported files. trimbox - does publisher have it? can’t find it and help is no good. :-/ When searching via the help function, there are so many things not showing, bleed, trimbox to name a few. when exporting a print ready pdf, crop marks has empty space between mark and end of papper, when you export for print. My printer has max page size (this includes crop area as it’s the total file dimensions it calculates from) so loosing page area to empty area around crop marks isn’t ideal. when looking at the page overview window, when looking at the pages not as spreads, it doesn’t show the first page by itself, this would be helpful as it will print like this. gives a better overview if you mean to print it. Even though I export a file as grayscale (with pictures set as gray scale, document set at gray scale and even export settings as grayscale with variations of these 3), the print ready pdf registers at my pod as having all colour pages. my computer:
  19. Hello, I made a catalog in Publisher, and use facing pages. I set out margins, but inside not. For printing need crop marks for margins. How can I set crop marks for this parameters? Bleed has set different position, and crop wrong place.
  20. Hi, I am new to affinity and I have a question about "include bleed" and the positions of "crop marks" when exporting to PDF. I think crop marks should be set on the bleed and not on the document borders, when "include bleed" is selected? At least that's what I expected ... or did I miss something? In Affinity Photo there is no possibility to add bleed to the document, in Affinity Designer there is this option, but both have this option in export persona? I am a little bit confused ... In the forum I have found some discussions about bleed, crop marks, ... but I think there is none about my question. Thank you Erwin
  21. Hello! How do i manually manage crop marks? My printer is asking me to make my crop marks 1/8 of an inch, and i do not see how i do that. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
  22. Is there a way to print multiple artboards in Affinity Designer on one page with the bleed and crop marks applied to each artboard? Currently the crop marks are for the whole artboard group.
  23. Is there a fix or obvious solution for the bleed on the crop marks not exporting to PDF correctly in designer. The horizontal crop marks do not take into account the bleed area and remain in original position. Is this a bug or is there another setting i am missing?
  24. Hi All, When i create trim marks with the standard 3mm bleed and take the pdf into Indesign to layout for print, I find that that trim marks don't show on "import bleed" settings. They're on the pdf but are too far away in the make-up of the pdf to show on a 3mm bleed import - the actual trim marks are 3.3mm and 3.3mmm (x, y) when measured from the Doc boundaries. So, you're left with trim marks when you impose a 20-up business card spread - quite important when you put the sheets under the guillotine. I don't want to go back to the days of ruling up a job. When a job is sent out to print, you'll find that printers generally ask for trim marks and 3mm bleed as standard Am I doing something wrong in my original pdf set-up? Thanks in advance for any feedback Frustrated printer Vernon
  25. Hello, I have a little problem and I hope that is somewhere in options. You can see my problem in screenshot. When I import image I want to have visible whole image not just part which is in my actuall drawing area. I have one more question, when will be printing export available? (export with crop marks). Thank you very much and have a nice day.
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