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  1. Hello, I would like to test the plugins from Retouch4me (retouch4.me). The plugins are designed for Photoshop. I have installed the software but not sure how I can active the plugin in Affinity Photo. Any idea ? Thanks Philippe
  2. Please create Plugin to use AI installed on local machine such as Stable Diffusion using ComfyUI as backend!!!! Make it similar to plugins that are done for Krita & Photoshop. I'm sure not just me but a lot of other designers would prefer using local installed AI for file security, privacy, creative freedom - no restrictions on content creation, plus no stupid credits for image generation and revisions! (it takes a lot of credits for prompt tries and image variations to generate image that is close enough for my concept vision before having to edit it to finish design) (HATE stupid credit/subscription based systems) Just say NO to them!!! PS would you PLEASE finally add "Auto-Trace" feature for Designer we been asking for it forever!!!!!
  3. Just curious if anyone has G'MIC installed as one of their plugins on Affinity? If so what version DL was it that worked?
  4. Just a note to tell you about Reactor Player. This is a PhotoShop-compatible plugin that works with Affinity Photo. Sadly, it is Windows only but may be of interest to some of you. I have purchased a copy of Reactor Player for Affinity Photo and the reactor application as well I am still testing it out fully but I find it a useful addition to my tool set. There is a trial version that can be downloaded for you to test it out if you wish. Do I recommend it to everyone? It's too early to say but take a look and see if it is something you might be interested in.. https://mediachance.com/reactorplayer/index.html
  5. Hi, I made an account specifically to request this as it's a very important feature to me, and currently the only thing tying me to Adobe. I work with 3d models and textures a lot. As such, I spend a lot of time creating and editing files in the .dds file format. Too much time to go out and externally convert the files each time I want to make a change. Photoshop doesn't have native support for this file format either but there are a couple of plugins that allow the usage of it. Namely the one from intel and two from nvidia. I know affinity photo does have photoshop plugin support but everything that I've seen points to Affinity Photo not supporting these specific plugins so I was wondering. Would it be at all possible for .dds support to be added at some point, and if not natively. Would it be possible to get any of these plugins to work. Ultimately I like the look of Affinity photo but I just cant use it without this file format being available unfortunately.
  6. Good day, I will like to add this suggestion to the team of affinity developers. Can you guys give users access to an api or sdk so we can create plugins just for affinity. If this is made available to users, affinity will get more market ground at pull more creators, companies, freelance developers and school to the affinity products. I teach in a American University of Nigeria, and am pulling my students from adobe to affinity. Many have been asking for plugins and Ux related stuffs. I have ideas of plugins that will help UX designers to move to AD. Please answer this request. Thanks and have a wonderful day. @stokerg @admin @Adam
  7. I am trying to install a PS plugin (specifically Diffusion AI) to Affinity Photo, but I cannot figure out how to install it. Tutorials I have watched use a .plugin file, but several plugins I found from the internet use a .ccx file. Is there any way to use this with AF?
  8. I use Affinity Photo 2.2.0 on Windows 11 {22H2 [Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz]} with Luminar Neo (1.13.0, 11997). This combination has worked beautifully until a few months ago. Now when I send an image from Affinity to Luminar Neo and apply the edits and return to Affinity I get a black image. I have been through several updates of Affinity, Windows, and Luminar without any change in the behavior. I would appreciate any help you might be able to provide. Thanks!! Russell
  9. Hi! I'm here for the first time! I admire the work on the program and keep my fingers crossed for further development I would like to ask if there is an option in the program or any plugin that would allow me to make a "jitter" effect? Something like shaking in animation. Currently, I draw two pictures and then place them in a video editing program next to each other to get that effect. However, the process of drawing twice the same image is time-consuming. If there was a possibility of moving lines/making jittery/wiggly in in the finished picture, it would speed up my work at least twice #1 Edit: Oh,I am using Windows 10 It's more or less the effect I'd like to get:
  10. Are there any updates on automatic font activation for font manager applications, both Mac and Windows? There were at least two threads in the past that I could find, now archived, but there was never a real answer from Serif/Affinity as to if and when this feature would finally be integrated. The latest news is that FontBase has tried to contact Serif on several occasions (according to a thread in their forum), but has not received any response. I would love to be able to use this super handy feature of Fontbase, or by now almost any other font manager out there, together with Affinity Suite, but nothing seems to have happened in this area for years.
  11. Hi there, I have an 8BF plugin that was working fine in Affinity Photo V1. (Pro Digital Software, Starfilter Pro). Unfortunately this plugin doesn't work anymore in V2. I added the folder where the 8BF file is located in the setting for Photoshop plugins but the plugin is not showing up in the Filters. What can I do? Every advice is welcome. Best regards - Ulrich
  12. I've attached a screenshot. The plugin worked in Version 1 but no longer works in Version 2. Plugin Launch Crash.mov
  13. Hallo, ich teste gerade die Version 2 von Affinity Photo. Bei der Einbindung von Plugins in V2 sind die Button "Einfügen" und "Entfernen nicht zu sehen. Die erste Einbindung hat geklappt. Eine zweite Einbindung - Installation ist nicht möglich weil sie nicht mehr angezeigt werden. Ich schicke mal Screenshots mit. Affinity 1.10.6 Affinity V2
  14. I can get the plugin to open in AP2 from the filter menu but no preview. Click ok and it applies the filter to the selection. Other times the plugin crashes.
  15. Hi there, after my computer crashed I had to setup Affinity Photo again. Unfortunately I'm not successful in adding Topaz Denoise AI as a plugin. I added the path C:\ProgramData\Topaz Labs LLC to the plugin paths in the settings and restarted AP but no success, no Topaz plugin showing up in the filters. What am I doing wrong, any hints? Best regards - Ulrich
  16. Follow the steps to install the Portraiture plugin for macOS without having any other editing apps installed. 1, Start the install of the Portraiture plugin 2, You will be prompted to select a host to install the plugin into 3, Close this window, the install will finish 4, Open Affinity Photo, Preferences > Photoshop Plugins 5, Click Add Folder and browse to the following location: /Applications/Imagenomic/Portraiture 2 Plug-in 6, Click Add Folder under Plugin support folders and add the following: / 7, Now click Close, you will be prompted to restart Affinity Photo Once restarted the plugin is available under Filters > Plugins (This was tested using the trial of the Portraiture plugin 2 and Affinity Photo 1.3.5)
  17. Hello guys, I have some control issues. Is there a way to rotate the canvas from the touchscreen other than clicking through the menu or using a keyboard - If not, is there a plugin API to realise such a plugin or a plugin already? It is very annoying if you can't rotate your canvas from a shortcut. Usually if I am drawing I have my Surface standing which means I can't rotate my whole tablet. (On my stationary tablet I got the same issue anyway, but that one hase buttons). In photoshop there is a tool for that. Thank you in advance.
  18. Last November I updated my Topaz Bundle. From this, Adjust v106, Sharpen v335 and Studio are working fine as plugin in Affinity Photo (on Windows 10). DeNoise v342 did not work, its log-file says 'Boost shim not ready: The system cannot find the file specified.' I contacted Topaz Support, but they stopped responding some weeks ago. So I tried which version would still work: v302 gave the same error, but version 236 works. This version is from December 2020. Is there something wrong with my configuration and should a more recent version work also ?
  19. With this version its not longer possible to use Skylum Aurora as plugin. I got Unknow for it. It was working in 1.10.4
  20. I'm on a Mac and by now way I can't make the Topaz Denoise AI Plugin running as filter in Affinity Photo 1.10.0. I really appreciate if someone has a workaround to make this work on Macs. A video says more than 1000 words, please check this
  21. Hello, I have googled and searched through this forum but haven't been able to find the exact answer to my question. From a point of view of backing up my Windows laptop, if something were to happen, I could reinstall AP, BUT, I would then need to reinstall the plugins I've added in plus the macros I've created. I believe that these would be all I'd really need to back up, although if there's a way to backup the pgm, including my customisation, then that could work too. I guess I'm looking for files that I should backup & their locations. Thanks 🙂 Julie.
  22. I have a StarShrink plugin for photoshop from RC-Astro that is working fine with Affinity Photo. However I have to enter the license key every time I use it. How does one get Affinity to remember the license key? I'm using macOS Big Sur (11.4) and Affinity Photo 1.9.3
  23. Hey folks, I'm facing the issue that I can't use any Plugin in Affinity Photo anymore. I used Hemi and Nik before on my late 2012 MacBook Pro, but I switched some weeks ago to the M1 Mac mini. As nothing happened when choosing the Plugin beside of "Plugin" was mentioned as step in the protocol I have done the following: - Uninstall Affinity Photo (Apple AppStore Version) - Empty the trash bin - Purchase Affinity Photo for a second time via Serif website - Download dmg installer and re-install Affinity Photo - Add all plugin folders and check the box to allow unknown Plugins - restart Affinity Photo - Open a random JPG - try out and see that nothing changed Starting Topaz Denoise or any NIK app independently works fine, but I want to reduce the steps of interchanging between apps. Any hints or did I just throw additional 28€ to the bin?
  24. Hi there! Is there anybody who can tell me if the PS plugin TinyPNG runs in Affinity for Windows? https://tinypng.com/photoshop THX!
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