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Lee D

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About Lee D

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  1. @NotMyFault Thanks for the report. I've logged the issue of the Freehand Selection tool status bar showing that drag move is possible regardless of the Mode set. We also have other improvements logged for the Pixel selection tools, some of these will cover the other issues you've raised but I'll double check them just in case.
  2. @Robby Poole It's still logged with the developers but I've updated the report to include the current release.
  3. @Jamesx1 For the moment some workflows do require the table to be detached from the Master page to allow edits to take place on the individual pages. We do have some improvements logged with regards to tables and master pages within Publisher. Some of these may be added in future releases as development continues. If you do have any suggestions on what further improvements could be made, please post them here.
  4. @AllTheVibes I've done some testing with a Huion Inspiroy Q620M we have with Photo V2 (V2.5.7) on Windows 11. I'm not getting any stuttering when using the pen/tablet with Windows Ink enabled within the Huion app as well as Photo V2. Huion Drivers are You may want to try resetting Photo V2 to default settings. Hold down the CTRL key and open the app, when the options appear release the key. Leave the default options enabled and click Clear. You may also want to try reinstalling the Huion driver, just in case.
  5. Hi @Pubcrawler & @MikeTO I've created a separate report for the Print window and included links to the other threads.
  6. @Mr. MendelliI've logged your file from this thread with our developers to take a look at. I also took a look at the one in your bug report, like @carl123 I'm not getting any performance issues with the file. However as it also shows the same type of issue with the Live Gaussian Blur I've added it to the report as well.
  7. @BarricadeMKXX Welcome to the forums. I've logged this with our translation team to take a look at.
  8. @Goalieguy Welcome to the forums. We do have an improvement request logged with regards to SVG export and having the width and height in %, I've added your to that to bump it.
  9. @Syaputras Welcome to the Affinity forums. Someone may be able to convert the files for you, but there are a couple of possible issues. Are you allowed/licenced to upload those files to a public forum? Are you even using our Affinity apps as you mention wanting to use them in ClipStudio Paint.
  10. @Daniel Höpfl We have this issue logged with our developers so I've updated the report to include this one, including your files. A workaround after opening the file on the Channels studio is right click on the Background Alpha and select Fill.
  11. @prettyprincesspilates Welcome to the forums. If you can provide a copy of one of the files you're having issues with and confirm your workflow at the time we can take a look to see if the crashes occur on our M based systems.
  12. Thanks @MikeTO I've logged it with the developers to confirm.
  13. @Jimbob777 Welcome to the forums. When you use File > Open, the Explorer/Finder window you see is provided by the OS. You should be able to see/browse all of your folders and drives. How are you wanting to access the drive within our apps?
  14. As @prophet suggests in your other thread, the workflow within the Resource Manager for images nested within another object is to double click to select.
  15. @davedev The crash report has reference to nvlddmkm.sys, so I'd first try opening the apps Settings > Performance and turning OFF Hardware Acceleration to see if this has any effect. I'd also check to see if there are any updated graphics drivers/software available for your card to download and install.
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