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Uncle Mez

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Posts posted by Uncle Mez

  1. Hello @Andy Somerfield

    For the very first time since i'm using Affinity photo, i loaded a photo straight from another photo software (On1 Photo Raw 2019 in this case) and AFPhoto did not processed the file by adjusting colors and tint like it used to do with previous version, in fact the photo kept it's everything i set from On1 thus making me happy, no stress i just could do my job as wanted.

    Please keep going this way, sometime pre-processing on file load is good but sometime it is not as we just want file to not be auto adjusted but we to simply do all necessary adjustments our own way.

    Blessings !

  2. 13 minutes ago, Wosven said:

    Nice. Finding and adding all those monuments is a good idea.

    The only point I'm  not fond of is that "AGENCE/ASSURE" is bigger than the company name and, (ok, that's 2 points): we only read "AGENCE ASSURE", not "Votre" or "qui". The 4 words should be more equal, since that's a sentence. And for me "agence" + "assure" = agent d'assurance (reading fast!), not a travel agency.


    Last point: I'm not sure if it's " or * before and after Your Multiservices Partner, but optically the first one seems highter than the last, perhaps they're not usefull for a baseline?

    Thank You so much your intervention and words bring so much clarity.
    I will propose them a corrected version with your changes and see how they react to that.

    Blessings !

  3. Hello Dear Friends, Hello Community !

    Well, i was far for long time due to many reasons and the most important one to be, i needed to spend time with my wife and son and also take a rest ... on the other hand, i needed to learn more and do some private test of what i learned.
    You may ask what i was learning that took me so much time, well i would simply reply: the Art of Photo Retouch, Photo Composition and simply said, the art of Photography.

    Well my weak point that i still need to improve is Photography and all pixel related stuffs while my understand and level of vector works is much higher now.
    Not saying that much, iwas contacted by a brithing company to make a simple Facebbok banner that fits their vision.
    Specialized in travel with couple of side services, Tamawis trusted me for a small and quick work which resulted on the banner attached here.

    Like for all previous works, please add your inputs and tell me what would you do to make even better and if there is a style that you would recommend me to learn that can help me get better.

    ... the job was done with Affinity Publisher + Affinity Photo Beta exclusively .... Here i made more use of Adjustment and Mask but also the Develop persona helped a lot even if i expect more to be added to Affinity Photo to make it really what it is to be.

    Blessings !


  4. Hello Team

    i've been working on a project to check the new AFPub .270 but noticed:

    The software crash every time I tried to reorder the pages using the drag and drop method.
    i Tried to re-order one page at a time made the software crash.
    i Tried to re-order couple of pages (4 in this case) made the software crash

    Note: This Manual Re-ordering of pages was 100% working in previous version !

    Not only it would be great for this to be fixed but, Dev's should implement a complementary method of Page re-reorder instead of havong only one way to do that, thus putting us in safe land; if one fails, we can use the other method.

    Blessings !

  5. Hello @Alfred @R C-R

    You both got it right!
    @Callum in fact i'm not going the New Web Design Software route but asking for few more to be added and the example i point to is SketchApp recent improvement.
    I mean, like ADesigner, Sketchapp is a vector design software which used to sucks a lot but peoples who design websites and make app design use it a lot (not for development) and even contribute to make it better: it is their product.

    I mean we use ADesigner and it can be confusing to also install SketchApp on the same PC/Laptop just because i may want to draw or design an App like i would do with the other App or even think about going the XD route just because of it's Artboard wire and Sync etc.
    i mean the way ADesigner manages symbols must be improved and also the constrain studio needs to be improved and i believe with all recent tuning made with predominant tools like the pen tool, the node tool etc... it will be a pleasure to do App Design with ADesigner.

    This is mypersonal though about how things are managed by Serif up to now in regards with the public.
    if other companies can make a great success of a function or a concept they've actually got inspired by Serif, then Serif have no right to not improve or drop down what they create because it is proven that Serif know how to invent.
    I don't know how many hours of tuto I've watched on YouTube when CC 2019 first came out making great noise of things we already had with APhoto and ADesigner and ... they got even more users and fans when Affinity only went to 1 million users instead of 2 or 3 million users.

    Hope this will help !

  6. Hello Guys 

    Thank you for your replies.
    in fact i was talking about few functionalities that will make ADesigner to be used for Websites mockups and flat designs, things that we present to client before development decision is made.
    I mean like what we see people do with SketchApp or Figma or even inVision.
    Those functionalities that helps.

    For one of my old designs i was happy to have those symbols things you put in there, they actually helped me for many things like color sync etc... 
    So having more tools like that would be great and helpful for those who do websites/apps mockups

    Blessings !

  7. Hello Support !

    We got surprised by the step taken by Serif Affinity team on bringing new functionality into ADesigner that made the software even usable and one of it was symbols.
    That time you made the move, other software specialized on Web Design (Vector Design) where playing on other ground and suddenly adopted the symbol thing and i see few have quite improved it.
    Personally i was waiting for ADesigner to offer new stuffs like wire stuff that allow to connect artboards etc... in fact, now that Muse and other Website design software are dead, we all tends to rely on what we have and i see a lot of people switching to XD and they do evangelize a lot about it.

    So i ask again, have you dropped the web design land ?
    Are we going to see more stuffs that will make ADesigner the tool we would use for website design ?
    Is the publisher what you are now preparing to do that job ?


  8. Hello People
    Hello Dev's and Team

    Well today i'll make it simple for this amazing product we love.
    I would suggest a new Special Filter to be developed and implemented on Affinity Photo.

    The Skin Tone Live filter
    This Special filter should take care of helping the user to process skin tone adjustment in a Pro way and with ease of use.
    it should come with a tonal range picking tool that allow to pick and a set the initial/reference point/color range we would like to apply into areas we wish to correct.
    The filters should be Live and Non Destructive allowing a anytime tuning.
    The same filter should also include slider that will help us achieve things like Smoothing etc...

    like existing Filters is should have a Mask in it so we can paint the adjustment on specific areas we think we need to correct.

    let's say i want to make a model skin uniform, i would select the skin color Filter, use its picking/tonal range selection tool and click on the area that i think is the good/best tonal reference point, once i get that point it becomes what i will paint using brush tool in areas i think should be corrected, then i paint into areas i want to uniform to see them updated with selected tonal range and from the same Filter i should also the able to slide left or right (starting from center) to smooth or sharpen the applied skin tone.

    This should help us spend less time working on model/portrait skin tone but gain great results.

    if others can learn from us then we too can learn from them but make it 1000 times better than how it offered/presented actually.
    That was my suggestion for Affinity Photo.

    Blessings !

  9. HuHo !

    Look like there is a bug with the new Layer icon size.

    This happened to me during my test (which i'm still running)

    if you carefully look below the folded group you will see a grayed line that have the same height than the group, that grayed line is in fact a group of layers (the Background of the project), once folded it's not showing anymore it happens only when i select bigger layer icon size (medium and big) but the minute i switch to small everything appears.

    i have no special config and my system is up to date so i believe this is bug that needs to be fixed or others may think they broken something or placed a wrong stuff.
    Hope you have noticed it as i did.

    Blessings !

  10. @Andy Somerfield
    Download was okay !
    No problem during the installation.
    No problem with tools or during the use of the software.

    Even found the tools seems to act more fluid and have some kind of natural flow (pen tool, brush tool and everything inPainting), than you for removing the small lags and unnatural feel i was experiencing, now i can use the inPainting without checking the stabilization option.
    Shouldn't the Patch tool (which is greatly improved and i like it more and more) also be improved with stabilization tips like using the shift key or those stabilize options i use with inPainting tool ?
    it will help people with shaking hands !

    thank you for this Great release and trust you for the next will be even great.


  11. Please @AdamW
    i see that Publisher doesn't display its default icon on saved projects displayed located in the "Open Recent" menu.

    I've attached a screenshot of what i see on my side just i have darkened projects name :D but left two basic ones so you can see.
    Maybe it was forgotten until now because it is something small compared to the massive job the team have to achieve but to me it makes things so unfinished ... if you see !



  12. On 3/8/2019 at 11:06 AM, AdamW said:

    We have removed the placeholder Assets from Publisher. Publisher will release with an empty Asset Panel.

    Hello @AdamW
    i'm having few problems with the assets studio on Publisher.
    After i've loaded my assets i use with Designer and Photo the different categories does Fold but cannot unFold no matter how many click i do.
    Will send you the afassets files in private so you can check if the problem is with the these files (created with 1.6) or with Publisher itself in this new version.


  13. First of all THANKS a LOT @Andy Somerfield
    This weekend is a great one with you closing the walk.

    5 hours ago, Andy Somerfield said:

    When using selection tools with no pixel selection, default to New / Add as appropriate.

    This change brings peace into my workflow as i often tends to think : the tool is broken ... until i realize it stayed in position from previous project and get it sorted.

    5 hours ago, Andy Somerfield said:

    Can now drag .afassets into Photo.

    So happy you fixed this, i will give it a try as soon as the download is done and install is 100%.

    5 hours ago, Andy Somerfield said:

    Fixed issues when trying to paste images copied from Safari.

    This also is time saving and i would propose a drag and drop from web browser to Photo to also be taken in charge (for those who work that way), does't change something for me as i make use of the stock studio when i want to use an image from the web, it is better that way and avoid me opening web browser because they use so much RAM and CPU.

    Actually i will call this release PEACE 01 because its bring more peace to this already peaceful world of Affinity and close many stressful requests and topics at once.
    Bravo Affinity Photo Team.


  14. 9 hours ago, Wosven said:

    Nice ones!

    Can you show the original image? And wouldn't it be easier with other layers to have the same result and be able to lessen the effect? Or lessening the effect with an adjustement layer after applying the tone mapping?

    As always with apps like AP, there're differents way to have the same result, and that's a fun part of using them.

    As always @Wosven you give the best advice and ask the best questions.
    I will do a favor to you because you help me so much  but it won't be public at all (at least for now).

    You have opened a door to many thus believe you are a great blessing.
    Check your mailbox.

    Blessings !

  15. Hello Dear Affinitizers.
    Happy to be back with this quick one; yesterday i was trusted again by Perez Chapel Foucks to design a quick Banner + Square ad for their whatsapp and other socials.
    The idea is simply to announce the monthly topic they are to talk about.
    As they liked the previous job made for the Diner so they asked this other one to be as the previous but a bit customized.

    Like always, your inputs are welcome and will help me improve even more like you have noticed i'm doing since i'm sharing my works here with you.
    @Andy Somerfield i have struggled a bit with the tone mapping persona ... i believe there should be a global Filter/Tone intensity slider implemented that will help to decrease the global strength of the filter/tone i select on a project without having to play with each stuffs in there.
    Just a global that will increase or decrease the intensity would be great.

    Blessings !

    Month of intimacy_1.jpeg

    Month of intimacy_2.jpeg

  16. Hello @MattP
    Hello everyne

    Happy i've updated my ADesigner without any problem.
    I'm off a project now but will give test in my soon to be released content and revert here is there is bug etc...

    Huho !
    Just noticed noticed the Asset Studio react a bit slower than in previous version, from the time i unfold a category till a time it fully display, takes quite time.
    Possibly file format causing that.

    That's all for now !


  17. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    I'll get this looked into for you. Thanks Uncle Mez!

    Thanks a lot @Chris B

    Was thinking if you could make it possible to have different sizing for layers and sub layer?

    i mean here I would be able to chose big or medium size for layer but I also should be able to set a different size for sub layers in this case small or medium all this depending on how I organize my workflow.

    possible ?

    once again sorry for posting this here but today I'm struggling no power and posting from my very old iPhone 4.

    blessings !

  18. Hello Everyone !
    Hello Team !

    i'm maybe wrong asking this, if so, please forgive.
    Publisher is the master piece in my workflow and it does quite good vector operations but i've noticed i can't expand strokes.
    Okay, i maybe wrong here or asking too much but very soon the software will go public and there are peoples out there who will buy Publisher only expecting to do few with it and expand strokes is not something of too much luxury to add in there.

    As i said, i maybe wrong but Serif team should teach me on this if i'm wrong, but if it is something another user have noticed and would like to see, i would be glad know that person would use it.

    Blessings !

  19. 1 hour ago, MattP said:

    We're currently tweaking some of the logic here to make it a little clearer, incidentally... so the next beta might work a bit nicer :)

    Please @MattP schedule couple of 1h Webinar after 1.7 is released to demonstrate all this great stuffs in Class or Lesson mode it will help you to get fresh updates from users but also pertinent live questions you would never expect even from the forum.

  20. 7 hours ago, MattP said:

    Sorry to everyone using older versions of the OS as it looks like there's a bug that's preventing the list from showing correctly - we'll get on that straight away...

    Hello @MattP i think the dev team should look at this carefully.
    The fact that Affinity can run on very old machine (yet it is not the default choice nor even the recommended thing) is what makes the software really competitive.
    All Rolls and Mercedes class of Design software out there can't do what Affinity does in term of portability.

    As i said in a previous comment on another topic : Make it run smoothly on old config and even faster on recent config and you will conquer all who want to do colorful stuff and willing to deliver great stuff but don't have budget for subscription model and enough money to buy beast machines.

    Blessings !

  21. Hello @MattP
    Hello Everyone !

    1st thanks for this so waited update (as @A_B_C said upgrade) :D and the install went smooth no issue at all.
    Well maybe my internet but i found the link a bit slow than before but much better than the day of of APhoto, consider to investigate the link for coming release please.

    11 hours ago, MattP said:


    Life changing, i confirm it is okay and it surely the killing improvement if you team it with the new Appearance Studio which i believe is still on development and will be improved in coming releases.

    11 hours ago, MattP said:

    Node and Pen tool tweaks

    Well i still need to check deeper but i've found the new icons really appealing and the snapping is even better but also the tools seems to be more fluid (maybe me over looking this)

    8 hours ago, MattP said:

    Ben made me a quick video a while ago that shows what I mean...

    Thanks a lot for the video, it gives cool ideas on how to better the creativity flow.

    Now comes the few i've noticed, to me it is just a left over but can help if updated.
    Blending mode from the appearance studio is not organized like you did with the same option on the layer tab.
    look at attached screenshot to see.

    Will come back if find something that needs attention.

    Blessings !

    Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 10.02.03 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at 10.01.44 PM.png

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