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Uncle Mez

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Posts posted by Uncle Mez

  1. 14 minutes ago, >|< said:

    Selection based on luminosity was changed to opt-cmd-click a few betas back. Shift-cmd-click now adds, based on opacity, to the current selection. And shift-opt-cmd-click adds, based on luminosity, to the current selection.


    Thank you so much !
    i think it should be improved and made easier to do as per new comers and beginner designers.

    until then, Thank you so much !

  2. Thank you @MattP

    Giving it a download right in few minutes and will also give it a serious try today.
    Download worked a charm.
    installation went smooth, no error !
    First Launch was a bit slow (no other software was launched but AfDesigner only): should be checked by AfDesigner Team.

    9 hours ago, MattP said:

    Pen Tool now has an extra option to allow for the selection to be retained while adding new curves/extending existing ones. This is useful for allowing you to make use of snapping to other object geometry while creating/editing curves. It is on by default.

    I like it when your team and you, take to make the pen tool so much friendly better.

    Blessings !

  3. Hello Team, 

    Want to know if the add of Luminosity mask (Live) is planned for AfPhoto ? actually in beta cycle.
    Yes Luminosity masks will make life even better and easier for a lot of people, i've learned to use it and it makes a lot of things possible.
    I know people have said it is possible to mimic it but i'm actually asking about a native one and if it is planned to be implemented.

    Blessings !

  4. Hello everyone !

    Well i will try to make it short, today !
    With all recents improvements brought into Affinity line of product, i believe it is time for Serif to develop what i would call smart layers.
    Well this smart layers would be similar to what one have on photoshop (smart object) but will be more flexible and would allow users who convert from Adobe products to not lose it all:
    Smart layer would :
    a- bring more non destructive possibilities as when we uses the develop persona
    Case: i open a a photo and switch to develop persona then do my thing there, the minute i click Develop the software should actually not apply all those tuning liek it does now but instead convert the photo into a smart layer and embed all settings in there as sub Adjust. layers or Live Adjust.layer allowing us to fine tune it later if wanted.

    b- handle smart objects from PS and make it possible to fine tune them or even better convert them (only convertible functions) into what we actually have and use on AfPhoto then allow users to continu and finish their work started on PS with AfPhoto with ease.

    c- help us go beyond what we do and actually make it possible for AfPhoto users to create Dynamic Mockups that would be used among all 3 softwares and even exported for use with PS but discarding non compatible stuffs also allowing to open and process Mockups crreated with PS without losing anything.

    implementing Smart Layers would actually open to new possibilities and this is only a glimpse of what i think it could be, anyone here more talented or aware of stuffs then i do should had inputs here to help the Dev's to figure it out even better.


  5. Hello Everyone !

    Back today with only small stuff i've recently made.
    again that client of mine Perez Chapel Foucks for a quick Job (Yes they like quick stuffs !!!)
    A simple banner + Profile picture for their use.

    Hope you'll like it ! do not forget: Tell me what you think of it
    it was exclusively done with Affinity Designer Public Beta
    Yes it has been a long time since i started and finished a project on AfDesigner only, since AfPublisher my workflow have evolved a bit.


    Social 2@2x.jpeg

  6. Hello Team !

    Just wanted to know at some stage Affinity Photo will support Lens Profile for devices like iPhones, Samsung Galaxy, Huawei, Pixel and Mi by Xiaomi ?
    IN fact, today there a lot of people are shooting with their mobile phone because it is what they own and like but those devices doesn't produce RAW file the same way big brand does but some will produce HEIC, JPEG and TIFF files.

    I know you focus on Pro and Expert but will it be possible for small creators to also be taken in consideration ?


  7. 37 minutes ago, walt.farrell said:

    Other products are available to perform OCR for PDFs (including the free Tesseract), so why Publisher?

    Because it is always better to have everything in one place.
    ONly they don't work as expected then one can search - find - install and use another one (more suitable to him)

    Less is more: less installed software on a laptop/mac is still more.


  8. Hello Team !

    i believe Affinity Publisher would do better job and be even competitive if you had a possibility to do OCR or Characters recognition on loaded PDF or scanned documents.
    in fact Publisher should be pair correctly with scanners and have Pro level scan functionalities to allow more Pro to converge or convert to it.
    There is a capture software called snagit who does that job so why not Publisher ?

    Hope this helps !

  9. Hello @Andy Somerfield 

    had some issues with the download of Affinity Photo, needed to retry again and again.
    install was slow for the very first time since beta cycle started launch was slow too but ended opening, now i simply need to give it serious try.

    Thanks for this update and hope another one with great features improvements like Content Aware or something simply Serif for the pleasure of everyone.

    Blessings !

  10. On 4/12/2019 at 8:04 PM, Multi4G said:

    Get the FREE Brushes here:
    OR Get 15% off the 17 Brushes Medium Edition: https://gum.co/MJZT  with Code: 15-off
    OR Get 15% off the 27 Brushes PRO Edition: https://gum.co/UTHqY with Code: 15-off

    BONUS: get the FULL FREE COURSE on Portrait Editing in AP here: https://bit.ly/2TuiWHS

    This is a free Brush Set for Affintiy Photo. It was handcrafted by me. Specially designed to be easy to use and very versatile. Create beautiful Designs, decorate the Photos of your Lovedones or Pets with them. They are perfect for starting your creative Lifestyle today :)

    Find amazing Perks on Patreon: 

    Follow me on Facebook:

    Photo used: https://unsplash.com/photos/1-kPytLsVkY


    Thank You so much Olivio.

    Nice job, i just got mine right now.

    Blessings !

  11. Well it is simple !
    I personally am amazed with the level of precision acquired by Adobe since they've implemented the Adobe Sensei technology.
    I recently was asking myself (now i ask to Serif) how fun and interesting would Affinity Photo (and maybe the two others) if Serif develop an intuitive and efficient intelligence that will power their software.

    not only Adobe but Skylum took the same path and powered their software with Artificial intelligence and now and they are getting very popular, not only that the tools are getting much better and really saves time for impressive results.

    Just put everything here and hope Devs and staffs will read and indicate us if something similar is coming to Affinity, if not then i tried and it was fun to try.


  12. Hello !

    this is not to mention a bug but more of a question and if it does not exist yet a suggestion.
    It is possible at this stage to draw a straight line with the pen tool then use some filter or options to create a Zig Zag from it ?
    Like one would do to make waves or to illustrate waters flowing/moving.

    i know it was possible with Ai but not yet tried to create it with Affinity Designer (Beta or Retail), so i ask.
    if it is not implemented (such a filter or a straight function to make zik zag of vector lines and smooth them or sharp them) then i would ask it (for both Windows and MacOS)  because it is helpful and time saving and very useful for logos design.

    Blessings !

  13. Hello !

    I've noticed there is a kind of bug when i work with mask ans quick mask, here is what i did.
    Loaded an image
    Made a selection of the subject (worked)
    Press Q to display quick mask (worked)
    Click the mask button close to the adjustment in order to mask unnecessary area ...
    ... Affinity Photo crashed !

    Retry the same with rasterized image but the same result.

    Now when i apply mask with no quick mask displayed it works.
    Question: it should be okay to apply mask with quick mask displayed, ain't it ?

    Hope this will be corrected in coming Beta version.


  14. Hello @AdamW
    Well Congrats, this version is okay and few stuffs i noticed was a bit annoying your team have fixed it and it is great pleasure still the link was kind of busy thus making the download fail again and again, hopefully the retry function was not exceeded but i think you really need to inspect your link for downloading the software.
    Except that all went well, install was okay, launch was much faster, usage is kind of fluid and nice but i believe you can improve it even more.

    ... Thank you for the improvement made on the Pen tool, it is of great joy to use it now -this goes for all Affinity in this beta cycle).

    Blessings !

  15. Hello Team !

    Can you please check on the Dehaze/Haze removal filter and make it more intelligent (because it does auto job after selected) but also make it less agressive ?
    I've been working on project with photos taken by fairly good device but noticed when i applied Dehaze/Haze removal on some photos the filter went crazy like punching the colors like does the color dodge blend mode (but not that strong too) i tried to play with the sliders but could not recover enough to say the level was good, i had to work it out with Luminar Dehaze/Haze removal filter which did a decent job on the same photos.
    Also implementing a live version version of that same filter or simply moving it from destructive to non destructive category is not a bad thing but will work for the good of the users and for better photography results.

    Hope this will be fixed and fine tuned sooner than later, every week i have to process 183 photos taken in different conditions and deliver them 48h after they reach my desk so, believe me when i say it is painful for a non-Pro like me to switch between software solution do to things i can do with one precise software. 

    Until then, Blessings to y'All !

  16. Hello everyone !
    Back today with this very quick one.

    Did it for my Computer training business ... well you will notice i'm the principal Host for this workshop.
    Like before, please do your inputs that help me to make it better every new design.
    This is to go out in 7 hours from now, so you can still make it change for the good.

    Not a lot to say, except the fact that very soon i will stop posting my designs here as i think a forum is not a place where this should happen.
    Would be pleased if Serif puts in place something like Behance to help us showcase our work, subscribing to such service is not something i would refuse but until then just note i may stop at any time posting my works here.

    We are not there yet so for now, enjoy the linked stuffs !
    The entire work was done with the recent Beta Release of Affinity line of Products.




  17. Hello everyone !
    Hello Team !

    Well, i just want to make this request/suggestion that i believe will be of great interest for many in this community.
    We love affinity Photo a lot but still there are point we often disagree with and tends to make use of other tools but we end up lose a lot of time and some time lose it all.
    Among those so much wanted features i notice the precious Skin Tone Fine tuning.

    Well, there are tons of methods that we can use to fine tune our skin tone but when looking closely they are intended for Pro or peoples who have considerable experience with Photo software, but when it comes to newbie ... they just lose it all.
    So i propose a New Skin Tone Fine Tune - Live filter to be implemented; that live filter must allow us to work fast on skin tone applying quick and auto mask to the subject skin so we can work on it.
    A bit more ?

    Well, I suggest this :
    an Auto detection of skin tone to be implemented the second we select that filter then a quick mask applied, allowing us to fine tune the mask because skin also share the same color as background and environment.

    - After mask is okay then we can play with the sliders few of them can be : Smoothing, Brilliance, Vibrance, clarity, sharpening, blemish correction and maybe Hue (for those playing the Hulk stuff) ... do not forget to add a color/picking tool to allow average color picking (kind of manual method for those wanting to select precise areas or ranges)
    - All this should happen in live mode so we see in real-time what we do and how is the output
    - When all necessary tuning are done, just click apply
    Making this a Live filter is a plus that will enable us to come back to it tuning again and again thus increasing the interest Newbie and learners (and even Pro) may have about Affinity Photo.

    Believe this: the day you will offers us such quick way of working a lot of people will be at peace.
    Please do not remove or delete the actual way of doing the same job as many people like to do things manually so they have to be satisfied.

    May another one in this forum fine tune this suggestion for the good.
    Blessings until this is implemented for the Good of Photography.

  18. Hello @Andy Somerfield
    Well the download was a bit hard, failed couples of times but finally succeeded.
    Install went well, no issue at all.
    I just noticed the package is now 402MiB of size which means a lot of work have been done: Pleasure to see that !

    Everything seems to work fine but i will give it serious try during the day to see how its really works as it is now 1.52AM in the morning.

    Blessings !

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