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Uncle Mez

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Posts posted by Uncle Mez

  1. +1 on this request.
    Pattern creation tool/studio is not only important but life and time saving but also will help us create awesome stuffs in less time.
    the already existing tools are cool and okay but being able to create patterns from object etc. in a dynamic mode is super cool and shift affinity users in higher places.

    Well all this should be done and made in Serif/Affinity way and not drag'n drop of what already exist on Adobe products.

  2. On 7/3/2020 at 10:03 AM, Mark Ingram said:

    RE: GPU. On Windows, we currently only use the GPU for presenting the rendered document for the screen. As this is such a trivial operation, there won't be any noticeable performance improvements by upgrading a GPU. Once we can take advantage of the GPU for rendering the actual document, then you would notice an improvement. 

    Definitely this need to happen.
    i don't how people from Mac are doing but when I make a document with lot's of layers and Fx applied there plus some polishing from APhoto the thing get's laggy and no one said 12GiB of RAM isn't enough

    The hang mostly happen with APublisher but I suspect if I make massive use of APhoto or ADesigner it will surface so, GPU Acceleration is needed on Windows like ... yesterday !

    TBH I like what the Serif team is doing and the way you guys work but think of us needing to stand the Challenge of Un-Adobing our lives and creations.


    Thanks !

  3. On 7/2/2020 at 11:29 AM, Wosven said:

    On the first one, I would have use another font not related to either brands, not the Lenovo logo font spaced differently, and not to write fedora.

    Thanks for your answer.
    We just agreed to normalize things in the team and not using too different fonts.
    We just allowed to tweak it a bit but if we talk fedora or lenovo we are granted with their official fonts so we can't do much but stick with official which is a cool thing too.
    But I take your advice and will try to make things change when an opportunity is shown.


    Warm Blessings

  4. Hi @Sean P are we getting some inputs or updates from the respective teams about diagonal guides ?
    Affinity is getting seriously deep in so many design companies and for Freelancers this feature is actually needed to help achieving much more.
    Diagonal guide would actually help me on shape cutting on precise angles and do consistent work, i just guess other people here would agree with me at least on that point.

  5. Hello Everyone !

    long time i've been here.
    Well ! a good friend of mine is planing to ship me with an Nvidia GTX 1060 @6GiB VRam to help me have better experience on using my prefered design software.

    My actual GPU is GeForce 210 @1GiB VRam and there isn't a real change, well it works but ...
    Anything i should know about owning that GPU and running Affinity ?
    i want to make sure of everything or close to everything before it reaches my door.

    Thanks for helping me understand and improve.

  6. Hello @Wosven

    On 7/29/2019 at 11:02 PM, Wosven said:

    Perhaps going in another direction, with humour like "system76 conquers Belgium" (and sytem76 bigger than Belgium) or more emphasis on the products? With the first steps on Mars' anniversary, it could be system76's first steps in Belgium! :P

    This is the kind of idea i like !
    Thank you all for reviewing my work here, it's really helpful !


  7. Hello @GarryP

    Glad to read from you !
    Here are my answers to your preocupations about the design i posted.

    4 hours ago, GarryP said:

    My first question is: What are the layouts going to be used for? Are they business cards, or posters, or something else? If they are for a business card then everything - except “BELGIUM’ - is way too small. Try shrinking the images down to business card size to see what I mean.

    Well, it is actually to be used as a facebook post image, not sure it will work on twitter but i believe it can be used too !

    4 hours ago, GarryP said:

    My next concern is that, just looking at the layouts, system76 doesn't seem to be a major component. It looks more like a ‘sponsor’ than what the image is there to represent. I think it needs to be bigger and more prominent.

    Okay ! System76 actually is not the main focus, their opinion on this is that everyone representative should go as much self leaded as they can, so the focus here should go to the Representative then anything else, i put Belgium in high letters because the deal is for him first let know to everyone that he's active.

    4 hours ago, GarryP said:

    My next concern is that, apart from a single laptop on one image, I would have no idea what system76 did. I had to look at the website to find out that they made computers.

    Yes ! that too is a thing i did to push people to go and discover by themself what System76 actually is, worked with you so ... i'm fine !

    4 hours ago, GarryP said:

    Also, “BELGIUM” seems to be a bit too prominent. It looks like the image is promoting Belgium rather than anything else. I like the little round flag – maybe not as the dot in the capital I – but the word itself is a bit ‘overplayed’.

    Next designs will come with less focus on the country

    this won't go live until system76 approves it, it's the reason why i shared it here for a quick review that will allow me to build an iteration if needed and submit before the thing get 100% approved.

    Anyway thanks, i like your inputs and appreciate that you care about community members like me.
    Blessings !

  8. Hello Everyone !
    I'm happy to be back here after a long long time without going the creative way.
    Today i want to share with you a small and quick project i've put in place for a young man who is a friend of mine from Belgium in Europe.
    He actually is a lucky man and have been called to be an Official Representative for System76 (you can check them at www.system76.com )

    Well it is a simple test to put me back on the track !
    Please like for all previous projects, tell me what you really think about and would change or better if it was you.
    I will take it in account and work on making better stuffs, Thank You in advance.

    Blessings !


  9. Well, Well, Well !

    Thank you so much everyone for your inputs ! and YES you are all right about the changes and ideas.
    But ... the client wanted it that way so i had to make necessary transformations to fits his demand.
    Thank you so much @Wosven you really know how French designs should be and your words are of great help !
    Thank you @GarryP your input opened my eyes too.
    @Dazmondo77 Expect more inputs from you but i believe next one i publish you will tell openly what you think you could do to make it even better.

    Thanks to @Mark Ingram @MEB @Andy Somerfield and the whole Serif Affinity Team for this great Product !
    Just now waiting for the next Beta cycle to start !

    Blessings !

  10. Hello Everyone !

    it's been a long time since i came here and published some work !
    So, i took it and decided to share my last project made 2 days before Affinity Designer & Affinity Photo goes Final Release.
    The whole thing was done teaming AfDesigner + AfPhoto + AfPublisher for an even happening in Paris France (i hope @Wosven) is arround and will appreciate and drop his comments.

    Since the software have gone Final, I've not made creative work yet but taking time to rest and remember the good days of the Beta Cycle, today i read Publisher is going to be release tomorrow so i decided: Let me Share this one here, because Publisher was the center in this Project.

    Hope you will like it and share your comments here to help me improve.
    NOW ! i wait for the next Beta Cycle from Serif because they're fun, exiting and open the mind and just ... bring us all together !

    Blessings !


    Comp_Exports2207 copy.jpg

    Mobile_Bokeh (4).jpg

  11. 20 hours ago, Wosven said:

    perhaps you're not responsible for their logo

    Hello @Wosven

    i am but they are still making their mind and i will start working on it when they all come together otherwise, time will be spent moving from this ot that one without any proper results.
    For this occasion i just made a text based design with common and known stuffs for them to have something they can look at.
    Your remark is welcome and just pointed the right thing, thank you for your kind words.


  12. Hello @Andy Somerfield

    Thank you for this great release.
    1- download was a bit slow but no cut no issues and came right.
    2- install was fast, no issue
    3- First launch was okay, second launch okay too, si the release works

    but ...

    now when you load a picture saved as PSD and to develop it ... the software just crash !
    Iv'e tried couple of times but it is impossible to load a PSD on the develop persona, it simply crashes the software, the previous wasn't doing that !
    Please Fix !


  13. Hello People !

    Back today with a really quick one, made for a friend of mine starting a SHEQ teaching business.
    This is really quick work made with AfPublisher with all pixels worked out with AfPhoto and Vectors with AfDesigner all 3 from the latest beta build (except AfPublisher because v.312 was not released yet).

    Tell me what you find and how you think you would improve this.


  14. Hello @AdamW 

    Thank you for this release.
    Download on my side was good, no stop, no real lag.

    no issue with installation, took around 3min (yes my mbp is not that recent)
    1st launch was a bit slower than previous build, still no new splash screen there but the old black square thing !
    loaded a project made with previous build version was quite fast no warning message, no lag.

    Did Export of that project made with previous build was fast for TIFF, better with PSD compared to previous build but i've noticed the software now open the exported document straight forward not giving us choice if we want it to load with default software or just save it and open later (maybe i'm missing something here,if so, please teach me how to fix).
    Also i've noticed the interface is more crisp and clear than previous version, in the same time i've noticed the change in the toogle preview mode button.
    the over all thing is Okay, even if i still need to give a serious try.

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