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  1. Same issues here on a MBP 16“ 2019 (Ventura). Affinty always shows the beachball when changing the options in the brush editing panel.
  2. I have the same Model (MBP 16, 2019) and issues with brushes too. If I try to change the options of any Brush Affinity (all 3 apps!) hangs and show the beachball for a minute. Changing the rotation of a brush is nearly impossible.
  3. Still not ready for production: Version 1.8 has no global layers and no PDF Pass Through. Extreme disappointing.
  4. Still no global layers in version 1.8. Pleeeeeeaaaase, give us GLOBAL layers. It‘s essential.
  5. Still missing global layers in Publisher 1.8.
  6. TonyB from Affinity has already announced that they are working on global layers. So I hope that everything will be fine - someday.
  7. Master pages in Publisher are currently useless for any professional workflow. I can not imagine that Affinity seriously wants to keep this concept.
  8. Sorry, but "NO"! It was clear from the beginning that the Publisher would be a harder piece of work for Affinty than Photo and Designer combined. In most cases, a graphic designer has to earn a large part of his income with a layout applicaton. Here, Affinity can not afford to do without basic functionality. After all, time is money. And nobody wastes time with workarounds!
  9. No, the opposite is the case. In a document with many pages you will lose the overview quickly when you are working only with the existing local layers. Almost every professional Layouter works with "global layers", otherwise you will have to unnecessarily perform many simple actions several times . Luckily, Affinity has already announced in the forum that they are working on global layers. As I understand it, the "local" layers will remain as well. So everyone has the opportunity to use his preferred workflow. In the end, we would have even more options than in InDesign.
  10. I agree to 100% to this review. Affinity had better done well to publish the Publisher as Alpha. The Publisher lacks so many very basic features for DTP (global layers etc.). Unfortunately, the Publisher is currently only a Designer with the ability to manage multiple pages. I am sure that Affinity will deliver many features until the final release. But in view of the necessary mass I have doubts whether this is feasible in the foreseeable future at all. Please Affinity: surprise me.
  11. The functions of the apps inevitably overlap. This is not different with Adobe and can not be avoided synonymous. But the core features are already well recognizable in Affinity products. I have not yet used Designer and Photo for professional work. For my workflow, this is only when the entire suite is complete.
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