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  1. Your suggestion did work and I did get through but couldn't find the vivaldi font.... Thanks for your help.
  2. Alfred, I retraced my steps and clicking on next in step four , I get an error message .. Please enter at least one character........ yes , that is what I thought I was attempting to do. and then it invites me to TRY the pro membership for free,..... which suggests that the final step might complete itself , if I sign up for the pro membership.. but no worries.....
  3. I find that "What the font's" UI is not so friendly... can't get past the sampling page to view the font family.... states that I need to be a pro user...... no worries I was just interested in comparing the pricing between the two companies... "What the font" charges $48 CAN "What font is" charges.... ? no worries....
  4. Thanks Return.... I found the font there...it's the Vivaldi Bold family Thanks again
  5. Good day, I need your help in identifying this font. Here's a bit of history with this font. I bought this font package over 15+ years ago when I was using Adobe Indesign and running a windows machine. Over the next decade, I switched over to Mac computers and approx. 2018 started using Affinity publisher... I lost track of the whereabouts of this font package and would like to buy a copy to use with A. Publisher. Here are a few examples of some of the unique letter designs of this font package that I screen captured from an old document of mine. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and thanks for your help. All the best Greg
  6. NotMyFault... your suggestion works like a charm...... but needs a few more steps than a protect alpha option would offer and then you need to remember to enable the edit alpha option, too.
  7. I can work with the hard edge that protect alpha would give me and in the long run, protect the alpha for the smudge tool would be beneficial to my digital painting work flow. NotMyFault thanks for this idea... never heard of this but will give it a try right now. Walt , I will give your suggestion a try too.
  8. Please consider adding a protect alpha option with Smudge tool for AP. I use the smudge tool in conjunction with the paint brush tool daily and love the blending properties that I can achieve with it. It would be super helpful to have the protect alpha option with the Smudge tool as it would save me a lot of time when blending around the edges of a painted form. Thanks
  9. I did some experimenting and here is what I found out using AP V2.2 1.The paint brushes and smudge tool perform just as expected on a new canvas with two layers... the first layer a solid color with brush activity on the second layer... there is no hesitation with either the paint or smudge tools. ....afphoto size = 5.6 MB Megapixels=28.8.. Document size 16"x20" @300 DPI 2. Hesitation and choppy application of color and blending with the paint and smudge tools on the file in question with 17 layers which include gradient maps and grouped layers. I didn't have any issues with this same file when I was running AP V2.1.? ( whatever the last version before the upgrade to V2.2.) The afphoto file size is 119.6 MB and 34.56MP. Document size 18"x21" @ 300 DPI Actually, I had a few more layers with this file while using V2.1 without any difficulty.... but deleted these layers to the existing total of 17 layers. 3. Copied the one layer containing a main character along with two background layers for a total of three layers to a new file and the brush and smudge tool performance is better but still has some hesitation but not as bad as the larger file which is having the issues. Afphoto file size is 44.2MB and 28.8 MP. Document size 16"x20" @300 DPI Just a non-professional guess, but it looks to me as a AP memory issue, how AP is allocating its resources. Again another non-professional guess, could it be that AP is holding on to some file memory , even when layers are being deleted and AP is closed out ( to erase all history) and then reopened? I am running the latest Mac os, Ventura 13.5.2, with a quad core intel i7, with graphics Radeon Pro 580 8 GB, and 64 GB of 2400 MHz DDR4 ram. I have AP V2.2 performance Ram usage limit set to 60416 MB Your thoughts are appreciated.
  10. After installing AP V2.2, my paint brushes and smudge brushes are not working properly. There is a noticeable delay before the paint brush or smudge brush begins its work. And furthermore, as I apply each stroke ( either paint or smudge-blending) the stroke comes out choppy and is not laid down in a smooth manner. This was not an issue with the previous version that I was running... AP V2.1 ..... In an attempt to correct this poor response with the painting/smudge/blending tools, I did the following but no luck. Closed down AP several times, rebooted the iMac several times, made a smaller file size by deleting several layers of the project, re-installed the most recent Wacom drivers, Deleted the latest Wacom drivers and installed a previous version, which worked fine before the installation of AP V2.2. But still no success, the paint brushes and smudge tool still preform poorly, with lots of hesitation........ Which caused me to remember when sometime ago, I upgraded to a then most recent version of AP with the same result.... I had to wait until Serif came out with a .1 version to correct the hesitation issues.... It's kind of frustrating, as I depend on AP to work properly especially now with a major project on the go. Question, Is there a way of uninstalling AP V2.2 and reinstalling AP V2.1?
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