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Jon P

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About Jon P

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  1. Thanks @arnofly. I've had to add a lot more than one character (so I suspect it's maybe down to screen size or something related to the different size of the UI), but I have now reproduced this crash. It's reproducible with any linked document that's placed on an artboard where the artboard name exceeds a certain length. I'll get this logged and have removed your archive from the above post. Thanks for the report
  2. Hi @arnofly, I split this into a new thread since the issue the original thread was referencing was fixed. I can't reproduce the crash you are seeing on Windows 10, both by following the recipe from scratch and opening your afdesign file and renaming the artboard. Are you able to upload a video and crash report to help see if that can help identify if I'm missing some steps? Crash reports can be found at %userprofile%\.affinity\Designer\2.0\CrashReports
  3. This should be fixed in the 2.5.3 beta released yesterday
  4. Thanks for creating a new topic for the beta crash. I'll get the crash dump looked into, can you clarify if this definitely affects all 3 apps on a new document with the resolution/DPI's provided above?
  5. Hmm, I initially thought it was crashing on load which would leave crash dumps/something in event viewer but if it's just hanging/frozen we may need you to create a dump file by right clicking the stuck process in task manager and selecting "Create dump file", hopefully something in there may indicate what is happening. It sounds more like there's a dialog potentially open "hidden" somewhere or something is blocking the UI though, are you running on one monitor? Can you also just confirm you've done a CTRL run up of the application?
  6. Hey @DarkClown, For me I'm just getting failed to generate preview, and the export is fine, so it's not a confirmed bug at the moment and there may be more to it. I'll speak to Paul when he's back though since he seemed to be getting the hang sometimes too, and if we can reproduce that we can look into it. The fact 2.4.2 was fine but now seems to also have the issue when you've rolled back potentially points to something else that may have changed that's now causing the issue. It may be worth resetting the application data (holding CTRL whilst running the app up) and seeing if that helps. For the crash on run up with Designer, are you able to attach any crash dumps or event viewer logs? That will help us troubleshoot it
  7. I can reproduce this, it looks like a redraw issue but it isn't, zooming out doesn't fix it. Moving the text frame however seems to recompose the text and then it's fine If you undo/redo after changing DPI that might help reproduce it @MikeTO I'll get it logged
  8. FYI @MikeTO and @Hangman, this build has a fix for a couple of recipes, but more have been spotted that can still trigger the recovery prompt that are logged with us
  9. Hi @Floor, I've reproduced this and have logged it for the developers to investigate further. Thanks for the report
  10. Thanks, I've reproduced this with some of the font files provided and have logged it
  11. Yeah the original recipe is still an issue too, the issue has been re-opened and is being investigated
  12. Thanks @Hangman, I've reproduced it and re-opened that issue
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