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  1. It would be great to have some ready PRESET to adhere or share to/with some international standard in the print or web industry. These presets might be selected from a drop down list. It would also be great to create / save a custom preset to share it with other users. For example, in the print industry are used some specific standard which the users have to follow to make the production: this avoid confusion on different setup regarding the rgb or cmyk profiles. One of the most used preset in Europe is called "Pre-Press Europe 3" which is made of: - RGB : Adobe RGB (1998) .icc - CMYK : Coated FOGRA39 (ISO12647-2:2004) .icc - GRAY : DotGain 15% - SPOTCOLOR : DotGain 15% There are PRESET made for PRINT (EU;US;JP), WEB, MONITOR used by other software / apps / rip Kind Regards
  2. The idea was to get it by default from Affinity, as other software or apps do by default instead; to avoid to make customisation.
  3. As the EXPORT function is one of the most used task, I would suggest to make the shortcut with "command + E" (Mac) or "control + E" (Windows); currently the shortcut is made up with 4 buttons ( "Alt+Shift+Command+S" on Mac ). Crazy! You have to play like a piano man. All other main functions like COPY (C), PASTE (V), PRINT (P), OPEN (O), NEW (N) ... and many others, are made only with 1 letter. Kind Regards
  4. Hi, pls find attached the requested file. I confirm the MacOS version that I wrote in my previous post. I did also test it with/without acceleration and with PDF 1.3 and 1.7, but there weren't differences, same problems. Kind regards Scale_1x1_B_PDF_1-3.pdf
  5. configuration: MacMini M1 - BigSur 11.7.2 - Affinity Photo 2.0.4 Hi All, when importing an TIF or PDF image (as a scale in 1x1 %steps from 0 to 100%) the INFO SAMPLER shows wrong percentages values (see attached files). Exporting the same image file (as TIF or PDF) from PhotoV2 and opening it on another image software, the percentages are okay in the file. The attached screenshots show a scale made in 1x1 % steps: in the original file step#1 is = 1%, steps#2 is = 2%, ... step#10 is = 10%, ... step#100 is = 100%. Once the image is imported in PhotoV2, the result is that step#1 is = 1%, step#2 is = 1%, step#3 is = 3%, step#4 is = 3%, step#5 is = 5%, and so on. This issue is related to all color channels C, M, Y, K and always in the same way/percentages for all color combinations (C+M, M+Y, C+Y, C+M+Y, etc..). It seems to be only a matter of how the PhotoV2 preview interprets the data. In the printing industry it is very important to get precise percentages values. Kind Regards
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