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Ron P.

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    Right here
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    Bird and pet photography, video and photo editing.

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  1. It's not here. Will it be? Don't know, but it has been asked for several times. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=avif+support+site%3Aforum.affinity.serif.com&ia=web
  2. There's no way that I'm aware of to reduce the red color. However on the right side of the Quick Mask button, is a drop-down (small triangle) menu. You can change the mask to one of the following: Show Mask as Overlay (default) Show Mask as Black Show Mask as White Show Mask as Transparent
  3. Welcome to the forums @Rick Granick It should require a combination of holding down the Spacebar + Left Click and drag. The Spacebar is a toggle for the View tool (Hand). If you already have the View Tool selected, then just holding down the Spacebar while dragging your mouse will move the view area (canvas). What Wireless Mouse are you using?
  4. Yes, I agree. I don't think it will happen though. With all the logical reasons pointed out over the past years, and yet Serif sticks to it's By Design excuse. Some people when you show them facts, logical reasons, and they refuse to entertain them, appear to be narrow-minded.
  5. That's just a lame argument. You then must think Lock does not mean Lock? To debate that side, you have to. It's already been demonstrated objects can be moved using the Align tool, so it's position is not Locked.
  6. Using Corel PSP 2023, I could open it, so long as I used their Camera RAW Lab. The file was desaturated, just like in AP. I don't know why their AfterShot Pro refused to open it.
  7. I downloaded it and had a look in AP retail and current beta. I'm seeing the same as you. I had to really push the Saturation, along with the others, Exposure, Brightness, Blacks to get it to look more normal. I also opened in FastRaw Viewer, where it appeared more like I would (and you of course) expect it to. FRV uses the RAW file, not just a jpeg like some other viewers, and the DSLRs do. So I'm guessing AP has a problem with that Nikon RAW format.
  8. While researching the controversial Lock Layer, I stumbled upon this. My thought process, perhaps there's a touch more protection when Locking a Layer if we Hide it. Wrong. With a Layer hidden, and yes if in the Layers Panel it's selected, it can be altered even though we can't see it on the canvas. I understand this isn't a big deal if you only have a few layers. but if you have a lot of layers and might accidentally select the wrong one, well you can do some damage to your work. Also, yes, we need to split our eyeballs, one on the canvas to see what we're doing, the other on the Layers stack or wherever. But who really works like that? When I work on composites, or just processing, developing images, I always focus on the canvas to see what affect to the image, my action is doing. Is this being too picky? I don't think so. I like Serif's products, but I'm not a, well.... "fan boy", where I echo things that make no sense, and goes against logic.
  9. Whoa 😳 I didn't know this. A locked layer can be moved using the Alignment. Tormy's Post revealing this. So how is it Locked? I done, what I do when such questions arise. I research. From the Online Help for AP, Layers Panel Accidental, is where, I think, they will use to counter the Align tools being able to move objects. Using the Align tools, it's not accidental, it's intentional. Words matter. However they can do much better by having the feature Lock, do just what every human on this planet, except those that regurgitate things that make no sense but someone told them that's the way it's suppose to work. Hey I got another idea for a tangent.....;)
  10. I could not replicate in Designer v 2.5.5. I did not try in Publisher or it's Designer Persona.
  11. Your proposal has a much better chance of being seen, read by Serif Develop staff in the Feedback & Suggestion forum. https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/122-feedback-for-the-affinity-v2-suite-of-products/
  12. Could you check the Develop Assistant to see if you have Apply Tone Curve selected or Take No Action. It seems that you might have the latter, Take No Action. Take No Action setting: Apply Tone Curve setting:
  13. It was reported in the V2 Bug Forum, and could not be replicated using AD V2. However I tested this with the AD V2 Beta, and discovered it does happen in it. See attached video. 2024-09-08_22-12-03.mp4
  14. @h_d, I'm not seeing that on Windows. Seems it is not case sensitive. I get the same results regardless.
  15. I'd be happy with #5, Lock Everything. The others would be a fantastic bonus.
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