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    Natural history, ecology, conservation, music, art, curry

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  1. Yay! I'm nearly there - although perhaps more snake than tiger at the mo! Thanks for getting me on the right path. 😁
  2. Thanks Garry, I'll have a further play around. Is your shape anything like my one shown below? Also how do get the white background colour? Sorry for the questions, it just I am really fascinated these type of mesmerising pattens and new to making custom brushes in Affinity.
  3. Hello Gary, I've not made any Affinity Designer brushes before so I followed your video clip and think I now have the basics. I do realise though, there are a whole load of other settings that I have even not looked at yet, like dynamics and sub-brushes. Where I am struggling at the moment is how to get brush shapes to flow around a curve (or corner) like with your brush. Any hints would be much appreciated. 👍 Below is my progress so far. As you can see in desperation I've even tried cheating using the warp tool! 😁
  4. There are plenty of examples on google for inspiration, although obviously the ones below don't fully meet the brief (except for one!) 😁
  5. Definitely not boring. 👍 Rainy [British Summer]
  6. @h_dA great shot for identification purposes though, thanks for sharing photo. I've always wanted to see one of these. I've just checked, 19 confirmed asian hornet sighting so far this year in UK, mainly along south coast. I observed one in northern France (Lille) last year, hunting back and forth low to the ground, eventually wrestling down and decapitating a wasp, then flying off with it.
  7. It sounds like you are doing the right thing. I'm almost of the same mind, but the fascination definitely outweighs my fear. I am though, always cautious if I don't know the insect, particularly abroad in a warm country.
  8. She's a beauty. That's a great shot. I think to really capture the fine detail of the eyes you need a good lens and focus merge multiple shots to increase the depth of field. I've not tried it yet but there are details in the Photo help file: https://affinity.help/photo/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/FocusMerging/focusmerging.html&title=Focus merging images Just for interest, Isabel Acacama has also drawn some amazing insect images including a chaser dragonfly: https://www.isabelaracama.com
  9. Most probably a Harlequin ladybird, unless you have some pine trees in your area and it was quite small in size, in which case it could have been Pine ladybird which is also black with red spots. Although Harlequin's are variable in colour, they do commonly have a dark form with red spots. They are also a well established invasive species which unfortunately compete with our native ladybirds.
  10. Hi all I put this together to help promote (unofficially) 'Insect Week' here in the UK. The 'event', organised by the Royal Entomological Society, is held annually to raise awareness and encourage small and big people to learn more about insects, which are vital to life on this planet. The photo of the ladybird/bug was taken with an Olympus TG-6 Tough digital camera and edited in Affinity Photo. It's a shame but I just couldn't get the eyes in focus. I also tried out the new QR tool! (Note to the moderator: If this post is inappropriate, please delete it, and I'll repost just the photo. Thanks)
  11. Evening/Morning All Made just for fun and practice. I've also been brushing up my copywriting skills! 😉 I was also experimenting making some textures and came up with one that reminded me of the strong lightweight material 'boron' (top left in screenshot below), used for fishing rods - expensive ones at least! The crosshatched textures were made with Artifex Forge brushes.
  12. I agree, there is dumbed down, but this piece I believe is the result of deliberate simplicity and design choices distilled from extensive technical experience!
  13. Your attention to detail is astonishing, like the raw edge of the leather strap and the overall colouring and shading. Really inspirational. 👍
  14. I believe an apostrophe is not used to make some place names easier to read! Great to be reminded of this map all these years later - I too might be going to Nottingham soon.
  15. Yes, I also spotted this (eventually!). Although the one displayed in the styles panel is different to this one! 😉 <wink>.
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