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Posts posted by emmrecs01

  1. @IppoIkki

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    I'm afraid your information from Mastercard is wholly wrong!  Serif has implemented the two-factor authentication method for card purchases, as required by European and British law.  I'm not sure where Mastercard gets its data from.

    However, I know Serif use a payment gateway company (whose name I cannot remember) and it may be that it is the problem here.

  2. @kww

    Welcome to the Affinity forums, even if your first post is something of a rant.  😇

    It has always been made clear by Serif that all releases of updates to version 1 would be free but that an upgrade to version 2 and, presumably eventually version 3, would require the user to buy again.  There is nothing deceitful about this!  Do you really think that Serif can afford to develop, extensively beta test and ultimately release new versions of their products, financed ONLY by the sale of whichever was the first version the user bought?  Remember, the initial purchase prices of the version 1 apps was considered by many who post here as an extreme example of "excellent value for money"!

  3. @AidanW

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    Have you tried the suggestion made earlier in this thread, to try purchasing using a different browser?  On a completely different forum for totally unrelated (to Serif) products a number of users have experienced similar problems (unable to complete purchase or unable to download the software) where the "common element" has been the use of MS Edge.  Suggesting they try a different browser has almost always resolved the problem!

  4. @uncutrushes

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    This forum post lists all the currently supported cameras in APh2.  Unfortunately, yours is not listed.  Support is therefore likely to come when the next release of libraw is available to and released by Serif in a future update.

    However, I downloaded a sample .rw2 file from here and it opened without any problem straight into the Develop screen of APh 2.  


  5. 11 hours ago, Kent Davis said:

    they said free update forever

    Err no, I don't think they ever did!

    As I understand it what they (Serif) actually said was that users would get free updates for the lifetime of the version they purchased.  i.e., all updates to version 1 would be free. 

    With the arrival of version 2 I understand that policy "starts again", i.e., all updates to version 2 will be free to users who buy version 2. 

    Perhaps version 2 should be regarded as an upgrade rather than an update?

  6. @Konspaul

    I hesitate to post this (because it is not a Serif product) but I know it has been mentioned previously in the forum, DXO Viewpoint is really very good at doing what you are asking for!

    It is not especially cheap but there is a Free Trial you might like to check out.  It also installs as a plugin, accessible from within APh but, for reasons I have yet to ascertain, it does not "work" in that scenario!  However, the Stand Alone version clearly can be used, albeit "outside" APh.

    @Callum should you feel this post is inappropriate in the Affinity forums please feel free to hide or delete it.

  7. @caroljames972022

    5 minutes ago, caroljames972022 said:

    Is it because of my memory? I am using  https://www.allhdd.com/samsung-m393a8g40mb2-cvfby-ram/ memory.


    It is because you are using the 32 bit  version of Windows 7.  In order to run any of the Affinity applications you must be running a 64 bit version.  In addition, as @v_kyr wrote, there are other requirements for a user to run the apps under the operating system you have.

  8. @t.lange

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    Since you purchased the app some years ago it is quite possible you bought it from the Mac App Store.  If that is the case, you will not have a "licence key" since verification is handled within your App Store account.  If this is your situation you need to ensure you are logged into your App Store account, using the same ID as you used when you purchased the app and it should be immediately verified and activated.

    OTOH, if you actually bought the app directly from Serif, you need to log into your Affinity Store account to find your licence key.

  9. @v1ncent

    As @StevenS explained there is nothing Serif can do to help you with this problem.  Apple and Serif share no customer data at all so Serif have no record of your purchase.

    You need to go back to Apple Support and explain to them that this is a problem only they can resolve.  Your refund and replacement product order can only be initiated by them. 

    Don't allow them to fob you off by saying that only Serif can help you!

  10. 33 minutes ago, Alexander Rutz said:

    The file I was working with was right on my desktop folder

    Assuming you literally mean this was being saved to your computer Desktop, this is another "area" of a computer to which saving a file is NOT recommended!  It is not at all unusual for Windows to "make changes" to your Desktop and so any file saved there can be corrupted or even lost totally.

    Far better to save to a specific, designated folder on your hard drive.  (Even better if you have multiple hard drives because then you can choose to save to one which is not your OS drive which is most commonly C:\.)

  11. @PaulaABQ

    Welcome to the Affinity forums.

    You need to download the installer to your new MAC from whichever store you originally purchased it, presumably, from what you write, the MAC AppStore.  You need to ensure you are logging into the store with the same credentials as you used when you made the original purchase.  If you are sure you are logging in with the same details but the app shows as you need to buy it, you will need to follow this up with the AppStore support team.  Because Apple and Serif share no data on customers Serif has no record of your purchase and so cannot offer any help to you.

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