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Optische Ausrichtung

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Posts posted by Optische Ausrichtung

  1. On 11/12/2022 at 11:10 PM, SKAot said:

    PDF-file will get 0,1mm more in width. So 210,1mm 

    During export, the millimeters are obviously converted incorrectly into DTP points and/or rounding is done incorrectly somewhere. The page width of 210 millimeters corresponds to 595.55568 DTP points, if a DTP point is 0.35277 mm. The program apparently calculates with 0.35268 mm. The PDF thus has a size of 595.44 pts or (rounded) 210.1 millimeters. 


  2. 7 minutes ago, Herby49 said:

    Na ja. Ich würde aber aus ästhetischen Gründen ungern zum Zoll-Zeichen wechseln. Dann könnte ich ja auch gleich anfangen, meine Laouts mit WORD zu erstellen ;)) 

    Ich habe meinen Beitrag nicht geschrieben, um dir eine Alternative zu korrekten Anführungszeichen vorzuschlagen, sondern um zu verdeutlichen, dass das Problem bei verschiedenen schließenden Anführungszeichen auftritt. Wenn Serif hier mitliest, dann hilft es vielleicht, das Ausmaß des Bugs besser zu verdeutlichen.

    I didn't write my post to suggest an alternative to correct quotation marks, but to make it clear that the problem occurs with different closing quotation marks. If Serif is reading along here, it may help to better clarify the extent of the bug.


  3. Das Problem tritt bei den deutschen schließenden Anführungszeichen (‘ und “ und «) auf. Außerdem tritt es beim deutschen und französischen schließenden Anführungszeichen (>) auf. Beim Zoll-Zeichen ("), dem halben Anführungszeichen (') und dem französischen schließenden Anführungszeichen (») tritt es nicht auf.

    The problem occurs with the German closing quotation marks (‘ und “ und «). It also occurs with the German and French closing quotation marks (>). It does not occur with the inch character ("), the half quote character (') and the French closing quotation mark (»).

  4. 8 hours ago, Azazaraa said:

    I just see, that you really don't know how people's minds work

    I know very well how people's minds work and why they write a bunch of nonsense on Internet forums. I wanted to draw attention to this point and I am happy to repeat myself: years of free updates are a very high appreciation of existing customers. All customers will now enjoy a good deal on version 2, and the understandable reasons have been explained by Affinity elsewhere.

    Side note: Turmoil* may be the business of the many participants who have only been logged into this forum for a few hours. However, I can see no evidence of years of Affinity product use or other signs of loyalty among these participants. This does not make the arguments worse, but it is noticeable.

    * I am not a native speaker and hope this is the right word.


  5. 5 hours ago, manikanta said:

    Yes, rewarding the loyal customers will be asweesome

    Contributions from hell. Loyal customers have already been rewarded! If you bought version 1 a few years ago, then you got a very good product and many free updates.
    If you bought version 1 last week, then you got a very good product and a very good follow-up offer. (But you are not a loyal customer.)

    Why the hell should new customers pay more just to make old customers feel better?


  6. Here is a new modified version of the script. In most cases, you will not need to specify the color profiles. But you will need control over the resolution of the output files.

    This version is probably a little easier and safer to use:

       # Display Help
       echo "$0 -- Calls Ghostscript for color separation"
       echo "Syntax: $0 [-d|i|o|h]"
       echo "options:"
       echo "d     dpi, output resolution (600)"
       echo "i     The input file name (sample.pdf)."
       echo "o     The output file name (sample.tif)."
       echo "h     Print this Help."
       echo "Example: $0 -d 600 -i sample.pdf -o sample.tif"
    while getopts :d:i:o:h flag
        case "${flag}" in
            d) dpi=${OPTARG};;
            i) inputfile=${OPTARG};;
            o) outputfile=${OPTARG};;
            h) Help 
    if ! command -v gs &> /dev/null
        echo "Ghostscript could not be found"
      gs \
        -sDEVICE=tiffsep \
        -dNOPAUSE \
        -dBATCH \
        -dSAFER \
        -r$dpix$dpi \
        -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK \
        -dOverrideICC=true \
        -dRenderIntent=3 \
        -sOutputFile="%08d"$outputfile \


    The PDF/X-4 "sample.pdf" exported from an afpub-document (cmyk) with 2 pages, 2 Pantone colors and overprinting elements results in these 12 TIF files:

    (The file names of page 3 would accordingly start with 00000003.)


    Thanks again, especially to @v_kyr ! The script works very reliably and is for the task a good alternative to expensive products. 


  7. 1 hour ago, v_kyr said:

    didn't tested it via GS

    Thank you, I added my Username in line 3:


    and changed

      -sOutputFile=$outputfile \


    -sOutputFile="%08d"$outputfile \

    tested with

    test.sh -p ISOcoated_v2_300_eci -i input -o out.tif

    Has worked! (Input filename was "input.pdf", the script writes 5 TIF files per PDF page: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Combined)


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