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  1. Please, add hotkey for flood selection mode "Current layer" and "All layers". With some workflows there is constant need to use one or another mode, have hotkey for a tool with pre-inited mode would be helpful
  2. Seconding this request. Really useful, but with this limitation it is not so useful "right away", without additional toolbar clicks
  3. There is a problem when editing sub-brush of the brush. It is generaly not working (dialog just closes and no result - look at video), but sometimes steps from video lead to crash. Crash log in attachment. UPD: also got a crash on changing the size of sub-brush (in edit button) Screen Recording 2023-04-25 at 11.50.34.mov crash.log
  4. With new beta there is no "unlink" icon in document/canvas resize. It was between input fields in previous beta Width and height now always linked, which is not useful, especially for canvas resize
  5. Still a problem in // This inconsistence can be viewed as minor, but it still harms AP usability in general (by requiring additional steps when working with masks where it is not needed)
  6. Thanks for fix, there is still one minor problem though - now the toggles are visible, but they are not aligned to tab width at start. Generally they should be snapped to right border of a tab Look at screenshot
  7. Problem: Levels/Curves/Channel Mixer adjustment added to mask (in alpha mode) can not be "Merged". Merge button do nothing and "Rasterize to mask" (or any other rasterize) on the mask itself - also do nothing. So there is currently no way to "apply" alpha-related adjustment to mask layer at all
  8. Probably devs have information regarding PSD support and are able to share mapping of Photoshop features to Affinity Photo features. Specifically question is: is it possible to make linked layers in Affinity Photo from PSD file?
  9. Still a problem in 1736 // In fact this is quite annoying problem. My case - i have a group with pixel content and a mask of this objects added to group. I want to cut this objects from some other layers in other groups (rendered masks from blender). I ctrl-clicking on the mask of the objects (that is added to group) and copy-pasting parts of layer from other group with newly-made selection... And every time i need to additionally cut off excessive parts in copied pixel layers. because selection does exactly corresponds to actual mask of the object. Really annoying //
  10. Oh, i see, thanks for head ups! problem still persist in latest beta - - will wait when this gets sorted too. Thanks for cool tool, anyway!
  11. The problem mentioned here - https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/181539-2101706-win-dropdown-focus-problems-break-hotkeys-workflow/ - still persist in some areas. Making changes in tool toolbar breaks hotkeys until focus removed, and focus can not be removed easily. Please note that click on canvas as a way to remove focus is NOT convininent, since the very reason to use hotkeys after changing tool settings is to adjust brush to proper values. Meaning the first click will always be "wrong" and require Ctrl-Z - Gradient tool - context and type dropdowns - Mix tool - checkboxes "Auto load brush" and "Auto Clean Brush" - Brush Tool - blend modes dropdown, checkboxes "Protect Alpha" and "Wet edges", checkboxes "Mirror" and "Lock" - Erase tool - checkboxes "Mirror", "Lock", "Wet edges" - Smudge tool - checkboxes "Mirror", "Lock", "Wet edges" - Pen tool - checkboxes "show orientation" and "use fill" (use can not change active tool by hotkey after ticking this checkboxes) - Pixel brush tool - blend modes dropdown, erase mode dropdown (alternate), checkboxes "Mirror", "Lock", "Protect Alpha" - Patch tool - source dropdown, checkboxes "Selection is source", "Texture only", "Dropdown" - Freehand selection tool - type dropdown
  12. No, it`s not new. Same results - you mean you can draw on the areas, that are clearly blacked out in mask after making selection out of this mask? If yes - How its possible its not a bug?
  13. There is a problem with ctrl-clicking on mask icon, added to group. Ctrl-clicking on mask icon should produce selection, that match the content of the mask itself (this is expected behaviour). But with masks added to group this is not the case, produced selection is invalid since it allow to draw on areas that is clearly BLACK inside mask. Look at video and attached file. Ctrl-click on the same mask moved out of group produce proper selection, the problem only happens when mask is added to group Screen Recording 2023-03-17 at 10.58.19.mov selection bug.afphoto
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