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  1. Given up for now, plans didn’t work out. Might be back sometime or not.

    1. Ldina


      I'll miss your fabulous talent and creations. You've been an inspiration for me and many others, I'm sure. Wishing you happiness and success wherever you go, and I hope you will come back and share more of you beautiful work. Thanks for you many contributions!

  2. It's not a style you can simply apply, it's multiple objects. But you only need to change the one ellipse's colour to change all of it. Circles main.afdesign
  3. Something really easy for Sunday. A single flat colour for each with shading and highlights done with hard light blend mode, so easy to change the colour of them. They aren't meant to be sphere's (obviously).
  4. I have give up my secrets? Not that it's much of a secret. A background duplicated. One blurred and I put a few greys over it (soft light I think) might change opacity if need be. The other copy on top and normal as in untouched. Then draw your finger painting with the basic drip shapes. I used the pen and a stroke then converted to outlines and combined then did a bit of adjustments so it wasn't too regular. Put the normal copy of the background under the finger painting, sub-object or whatever it's termed as or masked if you do it that way, which I don't. So you've the finger painting on top with the sharp background showing through. I did add a smally outer glow on the finger painting shape but not sure you need it. Then add some bubble highlights at the end of the drips, colour each them to match the background. Finally some grain helps as it looks a bit more steamed up but I think a bit of grain always helps anyway. I just used something I had already done as the background, may have looked better with something like buildings or a person or something but was just messing around. I might try that.
  5. Tried to do a colour version of her, unsurprisingly there are only b&w photos. But isn't looking great so I'm not doing any more.
  6. Was going to do something but decided it would be boring so changed it to something perhaps a bit less boring or not.
  7. Sorry, absolutely nothing. I'm not sure if you know what "meaning" means. I'm not playing any more as this is just silly, someone else can if they want.
  8. The only time you ever know the "meaning" is if they tell you, I don't think you'd ever guess on your own.
  9. Why does it have to have a meaning at all? I've never done anything with a meaning behind it either a real one or made up one (not that I've done loads of stuff). It seems to be a modern thing where some people think that it has to be more than it actually is and that you thought about it more than you actually have. Sometimes pretending that they've given great thought to every brush stroke (or whatever they're using) when you know for sure that they haven't. To be honest I doubt there was a meaning, possibly after the fact one was added only you know. That does often seem to be the way when you read peoples "meanings" for work. If what you really mean was what was the reason for doing it in that way then that's different but that's not a meaning behind it. Anyway, if you like it that's all that really matters.
  10. That's just arty farty nonsense, I hate arty farty nonsense. You shouldn't have to explain a picture especially with made up meanings. The worst I see are people who paint a canvas one colour and then pretend there's loads of meaning behind it, yeah right of course there is. I was just looking at previous winners on Archisource.org, thinking about thinking whether and what I might doing for next year (not that I'd stand a chance of getting anywhere but that's something else) and pretty much all of them seem to think adding that sort of nonsense is a good idea too. It just makes me roll my eyes and skip it.
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