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  1. As well as playing with the above, as a first step duplicate the image and use Multiply blend mode.
  2. One solution is to wear magnifying spectacles when using the computer. My optometrist told me to do this as my prescription lenses aren't good for computer use.
  3. I'm on Windows so maybe of limited help with a Mac but I run at 1920x1200 resolution on a 24" monitor with no problems. I wonder if there is something strange about your settings?
  4. 8GB isn't a lot for modern software. Suggest you run Affinity on what you have now before getting the new Mac Mini and see how it goes. There is a 6 month free trial of Affinity at the moment. If it were a PC you could start with 8GB and upgrade if necessary but I gather this isn't an option with the Mac Mini.
  5. Suggest you have a look at Topaz Photo AI or Gigapixel. They both do AI face recovery. This was Photo AI. Look at Frequency separation if you want to do more manually.
  6. A few things you can try. In Windows Settings go to installed apps, click on the 3 dots next to Affinity Photo, choose Advanced Options then under Reset, select Repair. Then Reset if that doesn't work. If there's still a problem, have a look for problems with system files https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e You should also be able to reinstall an older version downloaded from your account.
  7. Maybe check if any system files are damaged. Assuming you have Windows. https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e
  8. Seems to be in the right direction, but I'd like to read names from a csv file rather than enter them manually. This would just move the work from File Explorer to Publisher. But I already have a file with the names that has been downloaded from a bigger data base.
  9. I use publisher to create certificates using data merge hat are printed from jpegs. Last batch was 19 certificates. I can't find a way of naming individual pages in Publisher and have to tediously do it in File Explorer. Be nice to have this automated but suspect its too hard. Ideally I would use fields in the csv file I use in the data merge to name each certificate. e.g. Competition Category-Winner. Just my impractical wish.
  10. It would help them if you post a crash report. Is it still a problem with hardware acceleration off?
  11. Can you post a raw file so we can see if it's just you?
  12. Do you have crash reports? Support usually want them.
  13. If you're on Windows, you probably need to try this https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e
  14. I've always used the Rectangular Marquee Tool, copy to a new layer then the Move Tool to resize.
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