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  1. I'm not sure what you're taking about. The point is to preserve pixel art. In document, anti-aliasing returns when rasterizing an object/text using the coverage map method (as you were alluding to... I think). When rasterizing the group the edges stay crisp and pixel perfect.
  2. Inside a document group, it/them (whatever has the adjusted coverage map) and then rasterize the group 😉.
  3. Hi @dominik, yes V1. Interesting, I can't imagine they would get rid of that. Maybe it's somewhere else 🤔? Sorry, can't help you find it 🥴.
  4. Hi Henry, I would call when the object keeps it's original handles as it's local space, and when the handles stay in relation to the page as world space (i.e. the page is the world) but maybe that's just me. Anyway... You could make it how you did and just toggle the bounding box to use the handles in the world/local (😉) space you're looking for.
  5. For the Triangle Tool switch to the Point Transform Tool and snap the center point to the smaller geometric center point. Then you can use that tool to resize OR go back to the Move Tool. (Or even go back to the Triangle tool to some extent: size changes not parametric skewing)
  6. 🤔 Maybe... Make a Symbol of your group of objects and use that to mask your color shape. Any changes to the symbol will be automatically reflected in the mask so you won't have to update both by hand. Lock children if you want to move/change the color shape. Move/change the contents of the symbol if you want to alter any of that.
  7. I think you missed my "Side Note" above (added it after). This is with opposing fades.... Sky uses Trans Tool (or it could just be a simple gradient), Stars use a mask.
  8. Transparency Tool doesn't work directly on pixel layers. So, its been applied to the Group containing your vector sky and pixel child. Which for whatever reason does work. Bit of a loophole if you ask me.
  9. From the help: "The Transparency Tool allows you to apply and edit transparency gradients to vector and text objects." But what you CAN do is group the the two and use the Transparency Tool on the Group (also works if you put the vector with pixel child into a Layer) Side note: if the sun is coming up, wouldn't you need fades in opposite directions? Blue fades into dark at top, but the stars should fade at the bottom giving way to the light? Night Sky group trans.afdesign
  10. You were on the right track with Construction Snapping! It just works with Bezier handles. Soooo, very simply 😃.... Get rid of that middle point. Nudge (with the node tool) the straight line to get it to be a curved segment thus activating the handles you need (can be done other ways too). Move them until the pink right angle symbols show up. Now just move the handles in and out (shift will constrain the direction so you don't need to be careful) to get the curve shape you're after. right angle curves.mp4
  11. To be fair it's "broken" before the duplication (of artboard, group, or whatever). The displacement values get logged into the filter and that's it. Even if you move the original group (with all the layers in it) the effect won't move with it. The target will move over top of the logged in info. You'll still have to re-hit the From Layers Below button to recalculate the displacement after the move.
  12. In this case Live is a little bit of a Live. It's not quite live, but it's not dead either. It just needs to be updated after the move... (you don't need to trash/replace the whole filter). After moving the copied group (assuming the displacing layers inside aren't locked and can move) you need to re-hit the "Load Map from Layers Beneath" button in the Live 😉 Displace panel. And, I believe the layer(s) supplying the displacement need to be visible for the the values to be logged into the filter, so you might need to unhide, update, re-hide. Certainly it's all more of a PITA than just moving the displaced layer 😒. (this is only true when using the "layers below" method. Load Map from File is..., without getting into it..., different. Prob should have some kinda lock option. But then, I think, the whole thing, in both cases, would need to work differently.... and actually be live.) Caveat: ... if things are the same as in V1 (I don't have V2)
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