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Export layers to multiple files

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this request was first asked back in 2015 and today, mid of 2021, the feature is still not available.

i think it is time to search for an alternative software!!! any recommandations for software, that supports exporting layers to files? thank you

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On 5/27/2021 at 7:43 AM, Supa said:

this request was first asked back in 2015 and today, mid of 2021, the feature is still not available.

i think it is time to search for an alternative software!!! any recommandations for software, that supports exporting layers to files? thank you

Photoshop will do it. :)

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/29/2020 at 11:33 PM, akldjf said:

Is it possible to improve this approach further ? I'm thinking symbols, etc. 

This really should be a standard feature, but akldjf's solution worked for me. I am going to have hundreds of layers that need this solution, so I'm glad I've only got about 30 so far and the fix is easy and then replicable to the additional layers.

  1. Create a symbol (in my case, I actually needed a watermark, so I killed two birds with one stone).
  2. Make the symbol the size of the canvas
  3. Add the symbol to each of your layers that you are exporting
  4. When you need to export the layers, create the slices and you will have canvas-sized exports (doesn't work for layers that extend beyond the borders of the canvas)
  5. If you need your layers in their original differently-sized proportions (I do need this too), edit your symbol to be 1x1px and fully transparent in the center of the page (in my case, this works because all my layers are centered, but if your layers are all over the place, this will still be an issue)

This solution will definitely work for some people, but it also definitely does not cover all scenarios.


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On 3/15/2015 at 4:07 PM, thiagodebastos said:

Is there a way to define export sizes?

you can write something like 64w,128h   and it will re-scale to exactly 64 pixel wide and 128pix in height.

+1 for untrimmed 

I also need an ability for each slice to have its own set/ number of layers.  Would be a perfect replacement for PHotoshops Layer comps

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/22/2020 at 5:40 AM, Santolino said:


i need defenatly the function to export layers to png with the size of the canvas..so positioning is still right..in illustrator i have a simple script for that..

but i want to switch completly..pls...pls..thnaks 🙂


I am a bit late to the party, but I can't believe this is still not solved?

Exporting slices at the size of the cavas should be DEFAULT behaviour, not something we have to ask for?

I have a number of images that I repositioned up and down on the canvas.
Then i used the Crop-tool to bring the whole document to the desired size (or rather ratio) with each individual image covering the full canvas.

When I create slices in the export persona, the crop is TOTALLY IGNORED and every exported image has a different size, with white bars on top or bottom.
How could this be useful for ANYBODY?

There is a reason I am cropping in the first place, why ignore it?
Even worse, that this seems to be an open case for about 5 years?

Please tell me i am missing something and there is already a sensible way to do this without workarounds?
Or is there at least a way to make the crop permanent, like in PS? And for MULTIPLE layers, since Rasterise & Trim does not?

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4 hours ago, LostInTranslation said:

I am a bit late to the party, but I can't believe this is still not solved?

I've been using Affinity products for a couple of years. From my experience, the software works for the most part, but don't expect updates and new wizbang features often. If you want that, you'll have to pony up for Adobe.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been a Photoshop user since the mid 90's but, these days, I only use a small subset of its features. So I thought I'd give Affinity Photo a try as a possible replacement, and the very first thing I tried to do in the app was export layers to multiple files.

I'm guessing this still isn't possible without creating slices for each layer?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Imo we need not each layer exported but rather  a compositions of layers .   Like layercomps in Photoshop.   It could be  working just fine if we could do copies of slices  and make them remember each own set of layers , effects , blending modes   including ones inside embedded or linked files.   

Exporting form  Affinity is so much a pain in your ass really.   


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  • 4 months later...

Exporting layers all with the same size should not even be a feature request, it should be standard.

Its a shame that exporting layers in Affinity Photo is weird and complicated. The program has an extra "Export persona" for this, but it is more limited than the export dialog of other graphic programs.

Workaround: Save as psd and export layers in Gimp.


Edited by Appser
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  • 3 weeks later...

Being able to edit the "Transform" for multiple slices at once would solve this problem for me - but right now I have to edit it one by one. This feature missing is pretty rough. Or an option to create slices from layers with canvas dimensions.

Almost every other feature i've needed has been available but I've grinded to a halt here!

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  • 9 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

I needed this today in Designer in order to export individual SVGs from each layer of a document. All images are smaller than the canvas, and already aligned in place.

I made this utility (tested on linux and windows, but not macos) which accepts an SVG file created by exporting the whole document (with all layers visible), and outputs one SVG for each layer, retaining the SVG viewbox/dimensions:


It's only a small part of the requests in this thread, but hopefully it helps somebody else as well

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  • 1 month later...

+1 I need exporting layers with document size too for animations (atleast give us that if you dont want to create the whole photoshop timeline thingie) and I agree this should be default behavior ... I dont get why the default behavior is the harder to implement one

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