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  1. Chat GPT writes best on Python for some reason. Sometimes adding convenient features I even forget to ask for. So why not Python? I just wonder. It writes javascripts for Photoshop too but it sometimes takes days to re-do till they start to really work.
  2. I would love Affinity would allow to have depth as a channel . Not spare channel but like RGBD model since many mobile cameras starts to include depth channel from double cameras or time of fly sensors /cameras. It's a long overdue image model.
  3. Subscriptions are fine. They are only annoying when you pay for something you absolutely don't need and don't get features you actually need. Like the whole Photoshop one. I wish I 'd buy cs6 . After it I see nothing worth paying for. Had a huge hope for Ai selection and ended up never using it . It just never recognize subjects I need to select. Some materials features for example like rusted spots or shadows I need to de-light. So gave up on this subject I am not even bothering to try any more. Same for Ai fill . Like filling the shadows with same unshaded material. It's like explaining something to rock . Always does something blurry and weird. Ai in Sampler is a bit better but you also end up never using it.
  4. IMAtch is in fact general purpose DAM. You can add any kid of files to its database. I have just added Blender files to IMatch and asked chat GPT to write an addon for Blender that would write hierarchical keywords, credit and description input fields to sidecar XMP. IMAtch reads this sidecar file perfectly . If only chatGPT could write such add-ons for Affinity photo with Python support or something. Took chat GPT 20 seconds. ps. attached the blender add-on if anyone wants to try with other DAMs . Now I wonder if I could ask the chat to turn Blender into full scale 2d bitmap editor with all features I need before Serif or Adobe would do it :). It sure has lots of it's 2d animation draw tools of its own. And BTW i created the request for exporting XMP sidecar files for Affinity photo . xmp_metadata_hierarchical_addon.py
  5. XMP file with a same name . Should be somewhere in preferences .As well as read option if XMP file is present when opening a file. Could be an easy option for any 3d party DAM software to read aphoto metadata.
  6. On my side it works for aphoto files too. Just opened aphoto file . Went metadata panel export>all> as XMP file . Saved XMP file with a same name in same folder . Re-read aphoto file in IMatch and it instantly got the metadata associated with aphoto file and saved in its database.
  7. I actually stopped to update imatch and have not the latest version but my version read Affinity metadata automatically if you export them as XMP side files from Affinity Photo. I am not sure although if its possible to make an automated XMP side file creation when you save Affinity file. Perhaps it's an option we could ask for. Or hotkey . As far as I know many other DAM soft also read XMP automatically.
  8. New features development and general improvement are so slow comparing to Blender for example . I would rather want them to focus on Photo and Designer. They have a lot to desire yet. Designer is so basic yet. Lots of 3d party DAMs are available. I use imatch. Totally ok with it.
  9. I need one that could scatter objects along a spline I could detach from a spline later if I need it . I need texture brush that could alternate repeating parts and alternate start and end segments. I need double brush with the second one doing erasing or whatever blending like bitmap brushes. I need adjustable noise based distortion option for brushes. Could be a part of procedural filter in Photo maybe. Please do something that would be an advantage over decades old Expression, Xara or Adobe products.
  10. Pixel brushes are better than Photoshop ones at least and it's a plus. I would still love picture nozzles, erasing secondary stroke and not just single repeating part in the vector strokes. Would love they would bring back this last thing at least . Looks like their vector soft is focused on interface/ web design only. People would still use Figma anyway. I wish they do rather illustration , graphic design thing . All brush strokes should be vector and non destructive till you specifically want to rasterize them. So whatever good they are in Photo it's not good enough till you able to do a precise touch you can with vector path.
  11. Please add a bit more option to Designer brush strokes . Like ability to have more repeating sectors alternating instead of just single one . Ability to scatter both vector and bitmap "symbols" along brush stoke with random offset
  12. Thanks firstdefence. it works perfectly fine that way.
  13. Could somebody explain me how to use "smooth curve" button And why when I hit it I get just straight line ( on the right)? smooth curv.afdesign
  14. It just a small fraction of what Expression could do . For example for this "train" brush you could make up 10 different bitmap or vector based cartridges alternating randomly. Never repeating. Then you could copy and replace the stroke to pictures representing normal map of such cartridges . Another feature I loved is feathered edges with noise based distortion and special curve based control to distort on top of that. So much better then the never-ending pain of Substance Designer where you have to do a Hordian knot of nodes to recreate it. It's amazing how such a great soft could die or rather been bought out by Microsoft and then made dead. Wish Affinity Designer had something like this. I can't find it anymore . Microsoft killed the link . The one Google finds looks like having a malware attached or perhaps my antivirus is too sensitive .
  15. Another useless toy nobody will really use in actual production because of blurry unnatural looking details with bad alpha blending you will have no way to control instead of just recreating 3 decades old and nowadays defunct Creative House Expression where you could paint with up to 10 alternating pictures , deforming along a vector brush stroke. Serif had a simplified version too and killed it when made their new soft. I gave up asking to bring it back.
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