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No AP "2" • Birds in First Snow! —picture heavy!


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— following and completing this thread:



Very heavy clouds and fog were not helping me in this but

the equation remains and should be completed:

I got the gear + here is the challenge = I'm gonna do what?


By law (physics laws that is!), birds will fly at the same speed

(flight is flight!) in good or bad lighting conditions. I should try

to get good results and the solution resides in tweaking the

shooting settings accordingly,  accepting to compromise here

and/or there: higher ISO, same ƒ stop, and, when possible,

slower SS.


Every time it is different and, today, some Great Egrets really

outperformed all the others birds show wise.

The light was alien somehow but that did not bother the birds.


Have a look, have a good time… C&C welcomed!















It was also breakfast time for

what we call a "Blue Heron"!










This Great Egret is getting dangerously close

to the Heron which is a much stronger bird.




This hybrid Goose (Greylag + ???) brought

a rather modest contribution to the show!




"Clear the runway, here I come"!



TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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HI peter,


Yes, that hybrid goose has quite a personality! …and it has

the sexiest blue eyes have ever seen on any bird…





…by the way, I think this Mother Goose is a HE!

Thanks for the comment :)


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really drawn to the blue eyed goose image. Lovely!

Reality is perception. Perception is reality. You are in charge of both.


iMac  |  21.5  |  Mid 2011                 MacBook Air  |  13 inch  |  Early 2015

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Wonderful photos!


Thanks for that!


I am really drawn to the blue eyed goose image. Lovely!


Yeah… irresistible! ;)


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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MattPMolgiati, & TanBrae


Thanks for your kind comments!


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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  • 2 weeks later...



819 views, wow!


Quite happy to create such interest… but

in a forum specialized in visual arts, I wonder

why it generates so few comments, reactions.


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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HI JoseConseco,



No Jose! I took the shot because I saw what it shows.

I didn't ever expect I would have a weak spot for blue-
eyed geese! ;)



For the record…

  • I optimize my renditions in a RAW converter only
  • I would never manipulate a "nature" shot and the 
    only thing I permit myself is to clean up debris…
    which will be eventually done in AP.
  • I don't use any product from the maker of the sug-
    tested software.

I understand you dig'm… can't resist either!


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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Quite happy to create such interest… but

in a forum specialized in visual arts, I wonder

why it generates so few comments, reactions.



A lot of us are not photographers... And somehow, maybe the photographers are fewer (browsing) in the gallery section and massive (I strongly believe you are a legion among Affinity's users, a majority) in other sections, but this is a wild estimation, very random , from myself.  Just seeing how there's quite some design images posts in this gallery, not coherent with , IMO, the proportion of designers/photographers in licensed and beta users.


Many of us, designers (well, I more of an illustrator and game/comic artist in heart and and level, but my more updated tech knowledge is in g. design) don't know a word about photography, its language and technical specs, nor even the artistic criteria in the Photography specifics (let alone the added difficulty for technical terms that finds someone like me, having Spanish as first language...), so can say little more than a "wow". To each his own, but 819 views is already a deep reverence to your work.... :)  Take it as silent, deep compliment... Words do not always say everything...

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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Entiendo bien pero ...


Indeed, 860 views at this point are perceived, like you say,

as a silent compliment and that touches me. I assumed on

the other hand that, whatever medium is used, it all comes

down to an image… or more images.


I see it as visual communications, graphic seductions and /

or pleasures based on lines, points or pixels, tones and co-

lours, contrasts, perspectives etc.


"Words do not always say everything" you say? I think that's

why we are all producing, creating images… no matter how!


French is my first language and I still have a hard time with

English but I like to look at what others do when they share!


Do not see my remark as "fishing" but more like the interest

in the designers opinions on approach to images, composition,

etc,  …what ever they may be sensible to and less the langua-

ge and technical specs.


We all cook differently but I would like to believe we'll all be

eating at the same table! :)


¡Hasta luego, amigo!


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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Actually, IMO each field has become way too much specialized these days as to give an opinion, probably, the way I see it ... The only things I could say, would be positive (that's probably not terribly useful to improve, and the number of views would make me think, as an author, that they are actually appreciating all those things).... That details are very well defined, that I like the composition, and the choice and shot, that is absolutely great how you capture movement, that makes these animals feel so "near us", and that I love the contrast. I even took a one year photography subject in my Fine Arts Degree, and still too newbie to give an opinion. Among other things, because it was only black and white photography, to teach us some very basics.


As a person that have worked with graphics and painting, I could only say (as possible critic) and I would probably be wrong because maybe you are making it with certain criteria I am not aware of, is that in some of the photos -only a few- I have noticed the gamma (Edit: sorry, I probably mean brightness) being a bit too high, specially noticed in darks/blacks, also a bit too blue. And not even sure it could be something you actually pursuit, of if it could actually be that it is how it is seen with certain light and slight fog !


And surely a photographer could instead write a whole article about any of your photos.   :). So, "zapatero, a tus zapatos" which we say in my country. ;)


So... Bon travail !   (yeh, I don't know a word in French (wish I'd do... although I tend to understand it when I read it (too similar to Spanish/Latin) )  but Google is my friend... )

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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Actually, IMO each field has become way too much specialized ...


the number of views would make me think  that they are actually appreciating all those things....


criteria I am not aware of…




"zapatero, a tus zapatos" 


Bebamos a eso compañero… 

What have I done with the corkscrew?


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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Yeh...I used to go to a reunion with other illustrators and designers (and some ocasional photographer joined) , back in the days (the usual meal with a *very* long coffee so to make the conversation last as matching the evening, and later the night, lol... and catch the train back to travel back during the night...huh, my fav way to use a Saturday some time ago.... That sort of habit disolved later on, but was extremely interesting and kindda nice thing. To be sincere, I believe most of the cases (of members of an association, or the much better spontaneous things of some friends of the profession joining to just talk about the activity, that at some point don't have the time or situation to go to more things like that) are like mine: lack of time, money, etc. 


It has its problems too (ie, internal fights, usual among artists, and all) . In my case it was positive. Not willing to do for a while with my time issues, but at some point will call back that folk. I used to need to catch a (expensive) train and travel 500 kilometers, but it actually was worth it.


Most of the things like that I've seen they don't last much due to each individual's course of life, but I take it as a fun to do thing, anyway, and once the thing decays, is time for another similar, and/or sth equivalent. For me though, not in a long time, as am concentrating almost all energy now in boosting my activity.


So, yep, cheers, though my toast would be alcohol free. Yeah, you know... obsessed with coffee to avoid alcohol, lol... ;D.  


EdIt:  Sorry, seems I derailed this thread with a huge off topic...

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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"To each his own, but 819 views is already a deep reverence to your work.." said SrPx


… and now 1048!


Taken as it is! Wise words SrPx ;)


TeamViewer: 668 015 544
Skype: kodiakonline
If personal taste is involved,           Light is free,                       Mother Nature provides the light
discussion is pointless.                   capturing it is NOT.               but talent renders the image.
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Yes, 1048 persons were interested in checking your work.   :)

Something to actually consider ! :)


Edit: Well, it can be slightly less if it counts the views by the IP, as some people have dynamic IP, but I'd say, a large number of people, anyway. If it counts forum members, that'd be an impressive number....

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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Hello Kodiak,


Question - not criticism.


The backgrounds seem to show some vertical blurring. Do you know the reason for this?


Regards.   Sharkey

MacPro (late 2013), 24Gb Ram, D300GPU, Eizo 24",1TB Samsung 850 Archive, 2x2Tb Time Machine,X-t2 plus 50-140mm & 18-55mm. AP, FRV & RawFile Converter (Silkypix).

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