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38 minutes ago, 4dimage said:

eta - Windows, flow fill calculations error message

I tested Metz Apparels unmodified Zero-Turn-Mower.afdesign file again with this app version and still get the message when CTRL-select (or CTRL+a) the entire drawing with the fill tool active.

Hi 4dimage,

We have a couple of issues that relate to this message logged separately - whilst one of those is fixed, unfortunately the other is not and that is the one that relates to Metz Apparel's file. It is still open and assigned with development however. :)

However it is not a macOS specific issue, it just didn't have a Windows version logged against it so likely slipped through the release note cracks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, johnyoungphotos said:

This needs deleting

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Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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  • 1 month later...

Love the direction the vector fill tool is going. It's the most seeked feature at least for me. Saving many many hrs. It's what affintiy lacked the most in my opinion. The fill in visible is the most amazing add in. Yet 2 addtions to the tool to make it better are:

1. When using fill invisble it shouldn't matter if the vectors are connected or not as long as visibly their isn't a gap.

2. Not having to select all in order to fill. If not selected then would just use all visible vectors in selected layer or if work in all layers selected then all visible vector.

3. This is an extra. Have a gap tolerance option to either small gaps and autofill using a project guess of how the vector would finish so not having to zoom in\and out all of the just fill in tiny gaps.

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