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  1. I am having an issue with masks not behaving the way I'm expecting during export. Not sure if it's a AD issue or a me issue. - I have a white object/icon (the Massachusetts text) - I placed the icon/text over a navy rectangle and used "Mask to Below" to create the navy icon/text - on export to pdf, the final file just shows the rectangle as in the screenshot Where am I going wrong here? EDIT: I sort of figured it out...if I use a black version of the MA logo, it works. I am still confused by why it appears the same in the project both ways, but when exporting only works if the logo is the black version. Would love to learn more!
  2. Affinity photo crashes immediately on clicking “new layer” , “new layer with mask” or any of its sub categories from selections. eg: Selecting sky and adding a new layer with mask from selection crashes the software. It has to be reopened. And the entire work till then is lost.
  3. Admittedly I'm a Photoshop convert, but I'm having a devil of a time masking a headshot in Photo. No matter what I do, I end up with a white outline around the subject. I expected hair to be a challenge - it always is, but for my life I cannot get rid of this white "glow" around my subject. Any thoughts? lanny.afphoto
  4. I'm mostly using Designer, but now I need to cutout parts from a photo so I'm using Affinity Photo for this. I'd like to do this with a curve (already have created these), but it's too sharp to use for masking parts of the photo, so I'd like to feather the cutout mask. This is how I mask now: I tried to do this with layer effects by using gaussian blur, but then it blurs the fill as well and I want to only blur/feather the mask. Is there a way to blur only the mask, or another way to feather the mask without bluring the image and without rasterizing the vector first?
  5. hey guys, I have a special question. lets say I have to similar pictures (same crop/same background/done with a tripod). Difference of the 2nd picture is an extra subject on it. >> is it possible to extract the subject from the background, so that I just have the subjact standing alone? In the uploaded example pictures I want to have the coffee-cup without the background. thank you alot. greetings patrick
  6. Hey guys, I have just begun to use this software and I am currently reading my way through the Affinity Designer Help articles. However, when I got to the sections on "Layer clipping" and "Layer masking", I got confused. It seems from the help articles that "Layer clipping" and "Vector masking" are the same thing. From the "Layer clipping" section: From the "Layer masking" section: Am I just dense or are these two things the same thing? If there is a difference, I want to know what it is and what the different use cases are. If not, I just want to know not to get hung up on this. Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided! bboysupaman
  7. Is there a possibility of allowing masking (Mask to below) to have a shortcut on pixel via vector. That is Masking an image using a vector object?
  8. I don't have time to search entire forums or the interwebs to see if someone else has ever suggested this feedback before. So I offer my apologies if my suggestions have already been covered. 1) Please can you provide a feedback function WITHIN the application it self. It's incredibly frustrating to have to use out dated methods of signing up to god-awful web-forums which just leads to nonconstructive replies of un-thought out opinions and arguments. It also allows you to correctly link feedback (and abuse) to the software license of the user and even categorise the feedback so you can easily see which areas are causing most concern to the user base. 2) Please can you fix the mouse icon when painting in masks in the develop mode. The standard OS mouse icon does not feel accurate to paint with. Also a nice to improve if possible: Painting often feels sluggish to see the red tint forming. If there is a way to make this feel more responsive without upgrading an existing 32GB RAM I7 processor machine, that would be lovely please. 3) Cropping in Develop mode is missing an "ok" or "finished" button. It's frustrating to be sitting back with my tablet, controlling everything then having reach over to the keyboard which I moved to one side, just to hit <enter>. I don't want to map the enter key to my tablet device as it's never used for anything else! if you simply put a button in the UI it will mean I can just move the mouse there and click! perhaps I've missed a trick that does what I want, but then that would mean it's not obvious and intuitive to the user. 4) Please update the flash function for uploading files on this forum. Who runs flash in 2017? Browsers auto block flash from running by default because it's nasty. 5) More of a question then a suggestion, but is there a way to rename the overlays in the Overlays tab in Develop mode? I have 3 gradient overlays, all with the same name! that's very confusing to simple minds like myself. 6) Although I generally hope you spend more time fine tuning what you have already developed, instead of just rushing out new features, it would be nice if there was an in-application function for browsing image files, with a nice big preview of the image and EXIF data, which you can then double click to open it in the develop mode. I don't think anyone wants all this "importing" and cataloguing rubbish which is very slow. But browsing files within Affinity with a UI that suits photographers that windows/macOS don't offer, would be a great win. Thanks for your time.
  9. I want to design the pick guard of this guitar. It sits on the body, surrounds the pickups and is under the strings. Is there anyway I can break this image apart, edit the pickguard (re-colour) and then re-assemble?
  10. I've got a pattern of curves that is masked. I'm wondering if there is a way to more permanently trim off the ends of the curves that are masked, so I'd be left with shorter curves instead of masked long curves. This would help with export to other software that isn't handling masks well.
  11. Hi, I was recently experimenting with making adjustments to my Paint Brush tool under the "more" tab next to the "hardness" selector. After unsuccessfully creating a new brush, I reset the options. Now the brush tool does absolutely nothing. Doesn't work in masks, doesn't work by simply trying to paint different colors. Ive triple checked everything, opacity is 100%, flow 100%, Hardness adjustments, etc etc. I even uninstalled and re-downloaded the program to find that the brush tool is still not working. I attached a screen shot of the Brush "More" tab opened to see if that helps. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!
  12. I'm having some issues with layer masking on the Photo Persona of Affinity Publisher I've an image clipped to a text layer and added a layer mask. Painting on the layer mask with a black brush works perfectly fine, but if I switch to white it won't work! I opened the AFPUB on AP and it works perfectly fine. I've attached the AFPUB and a screen-recording of the issue. I'm on Win 10 Home. afpub masking issue.mp4 test.afpub
  13. When I create a mask, then paint on that mask in black, it is as if I am painting in dark grey. The masked layer shows through dimly and is not removed completely until I paint over it again. In the attached file, you can see that I have a red layer with a mask and a blue layer below that. When I paint on the mask, you can see that the result is a deep purple but if I paint over it again all of the red is removed and the blue shows through correctly. Brush opacity is 100%, Flow 100%, and hardness 100%. I must be missing something in the settings but I can't figure it out. Suggestions? Thanks, -dmd-
  14. I create a new document. I create a layer of colorful flowers. I duplicate that layer. I adjust the top layer to Black and white. If I erase on the top layer, the color below shows through. Now I create a mask on the top layer and paint on it in black and nothing happens. So I try painting in white. Nothing happens. What in the world am I missing? Thanks
  15. pattern layers can be layered in a graphic and bit can be erased out to show the layers underneath which is quite useful but what I would like to do is apply a gradient mask to a pattern layer so I could at any time go back in and adjust the gradient mask to adjust the transparent areaof the pattern layer. Currently when you apply a gradient mask to a pattern layer the pattern no longer repeats. I may be asking for things that are not possible but I would be really great if a gradient mask could become a pattern layer and be nested as a child layer of another pattern layer so you could adjust the pattern and its transparency seaparately
  16. Sky replacement Affinity Photo Beginner tutorial Many beginners replace the sky forget about how it affects the rest of the photo. In this Digitally Fearless Affinity Photo tutorial I show how the sky affects the whole photo in real life and how you can show this in your photo manipulation. https://youtu.be/TUwr1ULcYzM
  17. Hi Guys, New to Affinity and I've come up against something that's really bugging me. When using a simple rectangle with the erase layer effect style. Rectangle has fill, no stroke. It removes part of my image as I would like but there are always outlines visible from the geometry. These outlines do not come out when I export, but they are annoying to look at on screen. Is there a way to make them vanish? Hope that's clear enough? Thanks
  18. Hey guys, im new to affinity photo and i have a big problem. You see i want to recreate this poster (credit : dribble) does somebody know how to make the colors of the background image match? so does the mix of the rounded square and the background looks clean. thanks
  19. Masking with Shades of Gray in Affinity Photo In my latest Digitally Fearless Affinity Photo beginner tutorial, I create interesting effects masking with shades of gray. Masking is not just for Black and White. I hope you find it useful. https://youtu.be/69P79bEM9MA
  20. Hi All, Sorry, I'm not 100% sure how to properly word this, as I've not nailed down exactly what causes this to occur, but I've had a persistent albeit random issue trying to paint masks. Eventually, after doing a fair mount of painting/switching back and forth between black/white using the keyboard shortcut something happens and AP gets 'stuck'. Once the issue starts, white and black do the same thing and resetting the colors does not fix the issue. If they are stuck in 'hide mode' both colors hide and vice versa. I can save and restart, but the issue persists. However, sometimes, if I manually set the color to white/black the problem goes away, but that is not a guaranteed fix. I did just find that if I set both colors to nothing (red line though the circle) then manually change the slider for each color, one to white and one to black, it seemed to fix the issue. I'm fairly sure I've done that before and it did not fix the issue, but it's late and my memory is slipping. Hopefully someone else can replicate the issue, or tell me why it's happening, and how to never let it happen again System: Window 10 Pro: Version 2004, Build 19041.508 Affinity Photo:
  21. I am so stumped. This would be so easy in Photoshop but after a day of trial and error and googling, I remain perplexed. I am making a logo that should over lap in a chain-link sort of way. I tried going to pixel persona and making but the selection tool is incredibly ragged and imprecise. I could get it to work in a rigged sort of way if I didn't need the white stroke, but i do. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do... So much to learn. Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Hi there I´am trying to erase part of a mask using the brush in overlay blend mode. It suposse that if the mask is un black and white and the brush in overlay mode, when the brush pass over a white part of the mask, it should not affect whites, but it does. How can I fix this?
  23. How to remove a background in Affinity Photo - Selection Brush Tool The tutorial is full of Affinity tips and tricks from beginning to end. PLUS if you watch all the way through I will show you what I personally would do after removing the background P.S. This is the first time I will show up on camera, pretty exciting for me.. 😅 Enjoy the video, and let me know if you got something out of this tutorial !
  24. I have installed the new 1.7.2. and have opened the last file working on..... did see only grey place until I have unchecked all layers with MASKs! Mask totally do not work! Please how can I quickly return to previous version, this is a TOTAL SHOW STOPPER! Thanks Jindra
  25. To speed up workflow, I'd like to request a color behavior change when selecting masks. When selecting a mask, please change foreground/background colors to Black and White. When selecting back onto a pixel or image layer, revert to selected colors. This is a Photoshop behavior I miss very much and I didn't realize how much I missed it as I've spent a LOT of time trying to figure out why my mask wasn't working only to realize I was painting on the mask with a color rather than black/grey/white. Also Thanks for your consideration
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