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  1. Not sure if this is a bug. I'm having a strange issue with marquee selection tool. When making a selection in this document, test.afphoto, position of selection is automatically shifting slightly. Any insight on why this is happening? Here's a screen-recording.
  2. Yeah, it was me. I had to delete it as there was a mistake on my part. I tried your method, and it works on the browser. If the text is not so long, I usually use the glyph browser to type Indian languages as it will help to display ligatures correctly. So, no need to open it in a browser and print screen.
  3. UPDATE So, I've added this list to a GitHub repo and from now on updates will be here: https://github.com/zcraber/Freebies-Hub Feel free to star it, fork it, make suggestions... or use however you want.
  4. @SPaceBarAny update on this? I checked with latest version and issue still exists. c71f5b2a-e1a7-4396-b39c-70145594fa3c.dmp
  5. If they don't have the necessary expertise to implement Indic languages in Affinity products, why're they not interested in hiring someone who's an expert? India is a huge and potential market for Affinity products. Many Indian designers are willing to leave the Adobe ecosystem to join Affinity, but this is the major issue that holding them back.
  6. Oh.. oops my bad. I thought @SPaceBarwas referring to deleting additional nodes before expanding the stroke. That got me confused. Deleting the nodes from each expanded stroke is a hassle of work! Thanks for that tip about Scale with Object, @Alfred.
  7. @SPaceBar I'm not sure which additional nodes you're referring to. Do you mind showing me an example please?
  8. No. I simply used a mouse. I noticed that this occurs mostly when the nodes are close to each other. Stroke settings:
  9. Nope, I actually drew that using the Pen Tool. I could only find 3 nodes in both strokes. Am I missing something?
  10. Expanding strokes are creating weird paths. Is this a known issue? test.afdesign
  11. Around 46 monocoloured social media icons. If I missed any important one, please let me know. Most of them are sourced from SVG Repo & and Wikimedia Commons. Hope this will be useful to someone. social media icons monocolour.afassets
  12. I know this is an old thread. But, maybe you can check out the new Cavalry app which aims to be an alternative to AE for motion design. Also check Natron, which is free & open source, for VFX.
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