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  1. so to get the effect like the picture with the train, I do need two layers, right? the background with train in blur-effect and one with the masked sharp train.
  2. hello, can you tell me how to get a partial motion blur effect on my pictures (like on the picture)? Does Affinity have something similar to the photoship „path blur“ tool? thanks alot greetings patrick
  3. Hmm … the example with the cup is easy to mask. But can I get a good result with complex subjects? which settings should I use for masking? I didn‘t got good results with this on other Images. Because of that I thought I‘d get better and faster results if I have the background on a separate pic. what should I exactly try with the blending options?
  4. hey guys, I have a special question. lets say I have to similar pictures (same crop/same background/done with a tripod). Difference of the 2nd picture is an extra subject on it. >> is it possible to extract the subject from the background, so that I just have the subjact standing alone? In the uploaded example pictures I want to have the coffee-cup without the background. thank you alot. greetings patrick
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