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  1. I'm requesting that the histogram is part of the curves adjustment display in the Develop persona, as it is in the Photo persona. I've started shooting film for fun and will "scan" the negatives with my digital camera. I'd like to do the scan in RAW even though I suppose it probably isn't necessary. Negative Lab Pro is apparently the best way to invert the negatives but apparently it only works with Lightroom. The other way, after a white balance, is to invert each colour separately with the curves adjustment and move the limit sliders to match the beginning and end of the histogram for each colour. In order to do this properly, the histogram has to be part of the curves display. I apologize if there is some obvious reason why the Photo persona works this way but Develop doesn't.
  2. Pretty please can we get a waveform for images as either an alternative or complement to the histogram? Thanks
  3. Hello, Just bought Affinity 2.0 after learning in a class on 1.7. It seems that there is an issue on the histograms representation between version 1.X and 2.0. I am using a Fuji XT-4 and here is the result on the same image (you can find the .dng attached). The DR may have been to 200% or 400% during this photoshoot (I usually leave it to auto) Here is the histogram on the version 1.10.6 And here is the histogram in the version 2.0 _DSF1237.dng
  4. Hey, I saw this has been an issue on MacOS until the latest version (still to be validated, I guess...), but it also appears on the Windows version: If you open a "Levels" Adjustment Layer, the Histogram shows up with a delay. This can range from 1 second to almost 30 seconds.
  5. I use a large, hi-res screen for editing (40", 4K) and the histogram in both the Develop and Photo Personas are rather small, making examining it rather difficult. I can stretch them sideways but not vertically. It's a critical tool, of course. Please can we make it bigger? Thanks!
  6. My Subscriber asked: "Where is the Histogram Slider in Affinity Photo?" Here is a workaround. One of my subscribers said they could not find a dark and light slider in Affinity Photo’s Histogram. In number 40 of my powerful tools of my Affinity playlist I show a workaround on how to use a slider. This Affinity Photo tutorial is shown in iPad and Desktop. https://youtu.be/pbdMwr790HE
  7. Hi, I am working in the Develop persona on my raw file. When I apply a tone curve I don't see any changes to the histogram, should I? The image is clearly very different, so I would expect to see some movement in the histogram I have tried selecting and unselecting the exposure bias but nothing changes. Help
  8. Using Affinity Photo; camera Nikon D7200; shooting NEF+JPG; working with well-exposed images that display normally in AP 1.7 and AP 1.8.5 (They also behave normally in ACDSee Ultimate, DxO Photolab 4, and Nikon NX Studio). When these same .NEF files are opened in AP 1.9.1 the image appears washed out and the histogram is skewed to the left. The .JPGs of the same images display correctly. The screenshots of test images below are "as opened" with no adjustments, and clearly show the difference between for example ACDSee (top) vs Affinity Photo (bottom). The same problem affects older .NEFs from Nikon D60 and D80, so it does not appear to be camera-specific. I've checked the AP options and settings but nothing there makes a difference. I also see that similar issues were reported with AP 1.6, and apparently resolved in 1.7. This makes AP 1.9.1 unusable for RAW processing.
  9. Please add a histogram with sliders to the levels adjustment just like in the desktop version.
  10. I saw a video from the excellent James Ritson and noticed, that the curves adjustment tool in his version of Affinity Photo has the histogram in a way to see the separate color channels. I have not been able to figure out how to get that appearance. I do see he is working on a mac and I am on a windows machine... I probably just missed a setting some where, so hope someone can help me. I am on AP version
  11. Affinity Photo latest RC Sometimes the histogram in the "Levels" adjustments is not displayed. As you can see in the attached screenshot the thumbnail of the layer below is already available (sometimes takes bloody ages to build - and I realised alreay that the layer thumbnail needs to exist before the levels histogram can be displayed) but still the histogram is not displayed. The screenshot was taken 1 minute after the levels dialog was opened. Edit: BTW: 10 Minutes later the histogram appeared! Cheers, Timo
  12. I cannot use the option "Marquee" to show the histogram of the pixel selection. This happens every time in every file. It seems when there is a selection, histogram freezes, even if I selected "Layer" option instead of "Marquee". I've recorded a video and also uploaded the .afphoto file in the video. I'm using Windows 10 Home, x64, version 18363, and the latest version of Affinity Photo in Microsoft Store downloaded yesterday. affinity_photo_bug.mp4 bug_reproduce.afphoto
  13. Hi, I'm working with Affinity Photo Version on Windows 10. I'm missing the histogram for brightness on all photos. Only the histogram for the channesl Red, Green and Blue are visible. How can I activate the histogram for brightness? Regards Gerhard
  14. Hi, I'm wondering why for the levels adjustment the histogram at the top is grayed out ? Hubert
  15. Hi, New-ish to Affinity Photo so this might be an expected feature, but I've not been able to locate any information on it on the forums or manual ( or maybe I've searched for the wrong thing. ) Issue/situation: Sometimes when I add a level adjustment, the Histogram does not update when changing values. This issue does not seem to be consistent but not sure what would provoke it. Screen recording: See screen recording of the issue. Operating system: OSX Catalina 10.15.2 Affinity Photo: Version 1.7.3 Unusual hardware: Wacom tablet Intuos pro Any help or input on this matter is much appreciated, as I'm considering moving from other editors to Affinity Photo. Thank you in advance. PS: if this post is in the wrong forum, then please let me know, and I will submit it in another. Sofa-Gas-Rue-affinity-photo-levels-histogram-not-updating.mov
  16. Hello I am used to being able to check the black point and the white point per color in the diagram when I change the tonal value per color channel in RGB mode. Is this also possible in the iPad? On the desktop this is perfectly possible with the tonal value correction! Thanks for a tip
  17. Hi, I'm I novice photographer, and have recently purchased Affinity (Mac). I've noticed that when I'm using the Develop Persona my histogram does not match that of my Olympus Workspace app. Despite being satisfied that there are no clipped shadows or highlights (checked at time of taking image on the camera, OMD EM1 Mk2, and in Olympus Workspace), the Affinity histogram does not seem to correspond. I've downloaded Adobe DNG converter, and converted ORC files, but I'm still having the same issue. I've also noticed that when I develop an image, the histogram seems to improve (without me making any adjustments). Can anyone help please?
  18. Hi I know there are a ton of these already but, my question is this. If I develop a raw file with NO adjustments and then go back to the Develop Persona, the histogram is much better= spread out properly. Why is this and is this now OK, or is the raw histogram ever going to look right? - it should surely to do proper developing, or am I missing something? Thanks...
  19. Hello, An option to make the Histogram visible/floating while doing any of the other adjustments. This would be useful for example when adjusting the levels or brightness tool and keeping it open while switching layers etc. Best regards Johannes
  20. Hi to all, I would like to suggest an RGB indicator for the histogram in Affinity Photo, notably in the Photo Persona, but it would of course be good to have it in all the Personas. I've attached an image below showing the RGB indicator in RawTherapee as an example; it's the bar underneath the histogram, indicating where the R, G, B and luminance values of the hovered-over pixel fall in the histogram. I took this screen shot with my mouse positioned over the band of trees in the image. I find this indicator to be extremely useful, especially as a quick way of verifying details in very deep shadows or very bright highlights. It lets you see instantly, for example, if all channels are blown out, or if you have just one channel blown out with others still contributing detail. Seeing the position of the pixel value in the histogram is, at least for me, much more informative than the simple number given by the Info box. Thanks! KE
  21. Just purchased Affinity Windows version today. Why would the shape or position of the histogram be different when viewed in the Develop Persona compared to the Photo Persona. Attached are two screen dumps, 1) A RAW file just prior to developing, 2) The same image immediately after being developed. I find it difficult to adjust a RAW image due to the positioning of the graph in the Develop Persona. My camera is an Olympic EPM1, the image is an ORF. 2016-12-11_220225.pdf 2016-12-11_220309.pdf
  22. Hi, would it be possible to implement a log (logarithmic) scale for histograms? It would be easier to see small pixel counts without having to mouse over. Cheers.
  23. Hello, I am working through the Affinity Photo Workbook with my Mac and iPad to learn both applications simultaneously. I noticed that the histograms are different between the two when opening up a raw file. Why is there a difference? Please see the two screen shots for the exact same unaltered image from the Workbook. They seem to be quite different, so I must not be seeing them the same in the application.
  24. It is possible to see how the Histogram for an image works on parts by using the Crop tool with the Histogram open, but the histogram is only updated when the crop is committed, so trial attempts have to be made with the crop tool, and any which don't look good enough have to be reverted with Undo. Would it be possible to make a tool which works this way (doesn't have to be Crop) but which allows trial measurements on selected areas? It is possible to have the Histogram open as well as one of the Scope tools, but would it be possible to have more of the Scope tools open at the same time? Not so good on a laptop, but on a large screen would be little problem. Lastly, re the selective measurement (crop) idea above. Some of the Scope tools don't work so well with a reduced area - unless the Gain is turned up. The max gain seems to be 500% which might not be enough for some small areas. Is there anyway of automating this so as to avoid having to manually turn up the gain in order to see any useful result? Should be possible, surely.
  25. Hi there, AFPhoto 16.3.103 beta in tonemap persona, the histogram does not update when changing the exposure slider
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