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  1. Hi, I made an account specifically to request this as it's a very important feature to me, and currently the only thing tying me to Adobe. I work with 3d models and textures a lot. As such, I spend a lot of time creating and editing files in the .dds file format. Too much time to go out and externally convert the files each time I want to make a change. Photoshop doesn't have native support for this file format either but there are a couple of plugins that allow the usage of it. Namely the one from intel and two from nvidia. I know affinity photo does have photoshop plugin support but everything that I've seen points to Affinity Photo not supporting these specific plugins so I was wondering. Would it be at all possible for .dds support to be added at some point, and if not natively. Would it be possible to get any of these plugins to work. Ultimately I like the look of Affinity photo but I just cant use it without this file format being available unfortunately.
  2. Hello guys! is it possible to export project (vector) into OBJ file format instead of SVG so work can be done with ease on Apps like Blender, cinema 4D etc. Possible ? Planed ?
  3. Does anyone have an idea whether the maximum pixel width and height has changed for V2 files? I believe it was 577,000px for 1.7/1.8?? Also, I'm interested in knowing about some of the other limitations (or capabilities if you'd like to look at it that way) that .afphoto files have... How many layers, history saves, etc. I've looked around on the internet, and the Affinity site for this info, but don't seem to have found it. If you could point me to where Serif have this info, I'd be grateful. Thanks.
  4. Hi, We were many to ask the DDS support (import/export) mostly export and no new format support. This without counting only MSIX. We are many too to block spy functions in Windows. If Serif continue to ignore customers and lick GAFAM's boots (to be polite) I'll switch to an alternative and I won't be the only one.
  5. DDS file Export Request for PC. May I suggest you add export to DDS file - DirectDraw Surface (DDS), to your program. Many People use this type of file in gaming to place textures on models / objects. If this is already in the program please let me know and where it is located to export. Thank You.
  6. For manipulation with image file metadata (reading, editing), the great application ExifTool is widely used, which is also used by the APhoto application itself. On the ExifTool forum, I asked for additional support for Affinity file formats, see https://exiftool.org/forum/index.php?topic=8151.msg65450#msg65450 However, since it is a proprietary/undocumented format, it will be difficult to complete it. Therefore, I am asking the Affinity developer/designer to support this request, and to provide information regarding the metadata, which would then be available and usable in ExifTool, from which the APhoto application itself could also benefit. Thank you
  7. Hi, I'm the developer of a renowned DAM software for Windows. I also use the awesome Affinity Designer personally. My software supports over 100 file formats so far. I would like to add extended support for files created with Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo to my software. Is there any documentation available for the .afdesign and .afphoto file formats? I'm especially interested in ways to render a suitable preview / thumbnail of your files, and in reading and writing metadata.
  8. Hi. We work with SVG files, and I'd prefer not to know that the .afdesign file format even exists for a variety of reasons. For example, to save an edited SVG file, here are the steps I've found: Click on File. Click on Export. Click on Export again. Click on Save. Click on Yes to overwrite. Attempt to close the file. Click on No to avoid saving the afdesign format. Here are the keystrokes: Alt-F, E, Enter, Enter, Enter, Ctrl-W, N I'd typically expect: Ctrl-S, Ctrl-W Since these SVG files may be edited and deployed by other users using a variety of design tools, whatever extra information exists in the .afdesign format is irrelevant. Whenever I receive an SVG to edit, that extra information obviously won't be in the file. I may be missing something. How do I save an SVG as an SVG by default? Not export, save. Is there a setting somewhere? Many thanks, David.
  9. Hello guys Am I the only one who actually needs the PDF/X-1a:2001 format instead of the available PDF/X-1a:2003? I'm sending these files to an online printing service and they accept only PDF/X-1a:2001 in order do skip their revision fee. Is there a way around this? A future feature update? Thanks (sorry if this is a duplicate post - searched but didn't find anything)
  10. Is the format specification being disclosed to the public? If not, please disclose it. It's important for 3rd party developers to join Affinity eco system I think. Please don't restrict the access to it like evil Adobe. Inconvenient psd/ai/indd only environment in graphic design industry is caused by them.
  11. Dear Serif and the Affinity Photo dev team... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I fired up the Customer Beta that I keep installed along side my regular release of AP. Imagine my surprise when I checked the export options and saw .TGA as an export option! I'll be running around work tomorrow like a lunatic informing every single artist about this! Additionally, There's going to be more than a few of our tech supervisors that are going to be excited as well. I'm hoping studio management gets around to upgrading to Affinity Photo before the end of the week!
  12. Hey guys, I worked all morning on a file that was based solely visually on a PDF. After one hour I saved the file and worked on it for another 2 hours. I just wanted to adapt the name of the reference PDF, searched for it in the Save As dialog and selected the file to avoid typing the file name manually (admittedly, I didn't double check, it was supposed to quickly save the file, but yeah I should've known better). I closed the document and left for lunch. When I came back I got an error message trying to open the file because it appeared to be saved in an unknown file format. Specifically as a file that was edited in Publisher but apparently saved as a PDF – when the file was saved, the suffix was also incorporated! Why doesn't the user get an error message or at least a warning dialog? How is it even possible that I could continue working for 2 hours in a seemingly corrupt document and didn't get a single hint of incompatibility due to wrong/double suffixes? Not even when occasionally quick saving (Ctrl + S)! But … luckily I remembered the solution from experience during my "Adobe-era" that by changing the suffix (usually hidden in Windows) manually you can sometimes get the file back to work. Adobe itself has found a solution: when selecting an existing file, somehow only the actual file name (everything preceding the .suffix) is inherited. Nonetheless I think this should be considered a bug! Cheers MrDoodlezz
  13. Hello, I'm having trouble exporting a design from the Beta version to the stable version. Copying and pasting doesn't work. Making a new file from clipboard doesn't work. Exporting to SVG or EPS resulted in many many issues, such as raster shapes, wrong shapes, etc. Is this a Beta limitation or am I doing something wrong?
  14. Hi, I am a bit surprised that Affinity Phone native format is a lot larger than RAW files (x10!). It would be great if a good lossless compression could be included to save some disc space...
  15. Is it possible to get Windows Explorer to display thumb nail picture of an "afphoto" file? Can I export pictures in DNG?
  16. All my other photo software uses TIF as the file extension for Tagged Image File Format image files. I am curious why TIFF was used by Affinity. It makes my file lists look ragged and will probably interfere with sorting lists.
  17. Hi, I have an issue with saving a copy of a file from the iPad version to be edited on the Mac version of Affinity Photo. From the iPad version I use "Save A Copy" and then click save; it does not seem to matter if I select "Save history". I then save it to a location on my iCloud Drive. When I try to open it on my Mac I have the following error message, "Failed to open document, The file includes features from a later versions of Affinity. (See Attachment) Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might try? My iPad is a: iPad Pro 10.5-inch 2017 OS - iOS 11 Running Affinity Photo version 1.6.4 My Mac is a: MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013 2.4GHz Intel Core i7 w/8GB Ram OS - 10.12.6 Running Affinity Photo version 1.5.2 Thank you!
  18. On the Mac, I opened an image in Apple Photos, then used the extensions to open in Affinity Photo. I did a whole bunch of stuff making layers and adjustments and masks. I knew I could save back to Apple Photos as a flattened image, but after I was working on it I realized that I'd like to keep the .afphoto file. I couldn't figure out how to do that. Is it not possible (if approached in the order I describe) or did I miss a button? Save As was greyed out. I know that if I opened Affinity Photo first, and then pointed to my media library I could have done it, but curious if the workflow I describe could have worked. It's easier for me to find an image (64K photos) inside Apple Photos first than it is to start the other way around. And while I'm yapping about this, I recreated my workflow using the iPad and the end effect was WAY better than the one I did on the Mac!
  19. hi, I think it could be great if Affinity products embraced open format too. I cannot stress enough the point highlighted below. http://mjtsai.com/blog/2017/03/13/sketchs-open-file-format/ It's pretty obvious that the tools which will provide automation will destroy the traditional ones. I already discussed how not having the eBooks version of the Design Workbook was a mistake in another thread today but if AD miss that boat, I will clearly switch to Sketch because nothing can beat automation productivity.
  20. I'm really enjoying Affinity Photo, but I'm struggling to manage my workflow, going back and forth between AP and other tools. This has me wondering: Do I lose anything if I go from one tool to another working with a layered PSD and never use the AP proprietary format? And if so, is what I lose minor enough to be worth the sacrifice? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  21. One of the sources I use supplies images in PNG, EPS, PSD and SVG format. What is the best format for importing images into Affinity Designer drawings?
  22. Is thre a way to open a 32-bit exr file, withou applying the alpha channel to all the layers in the file? When opening a rendered file from 3ds max everything in the windows is just transparent pixels.
  23. I have been working on a cover design in Affinity Designer and I was curious as to how publishers like to receive files. Do I send the native Affinity file or a PDF or something else? I ask because the set up is different then it has been in the past. The people writing the book are doing the work in Word instead of a layout program for an example. I would love to know what experiences others have had in this area. When I self published by first book with InDesign (just using a basic laser printer) I would export the interior as a PDF and then print the cover straight out of InDesign. Since the cover is just one page (of course) I figured Affinity could handle that job.
  24. Hi there, I'm trying to export my files in various formats, PNG, PDF and EPS files So far I can only get PNG files. When I select PDF or EPS and export, the file is in PNG again. See attached screenshot showing PDF format selected. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  25. Hi Affinity team I have two small feature requests that will make Affinity Photo and Designer fit really good into VFX, movie and TVC production. 1. My primary request is import and export in the Open EXR file format. Some of the key features of Open EXR is: High Dynamic range, up to 32 bit float. Multiple channel sets (layers / passes). Multiple compression types, both lossless and lossy. Open EXR is used all around in VFX, movie and TVC production. It is supported by, and the preferred image file format of many tools in VFX production (nuke, maya, modo, mari, fusion, scratch, daVinci resolve, etc. and even AE, but it's really bad implemented in PS). 2. The second request is support for motion picture and TV color spaces. Being able to handle Rec709, cineon (LOG), P3, Rec2020, ACES, etc. correctly in Affinity Photo and Designer would be a huge plus. I'm not a developer, but I think it could be done through the OpenColorIO color management solution, which is also widely adopted by VFX production tools. A still image editor is not the primary tool in the VFX, movie and TVC world. But it is always there as a secondary tool for doing quick fixes, converting images and vector files, developing raw files, etc. These requests I mention are weak points/not supported at all with most other image editors, and I think if Affinity Photo and Designer get's it right, it could be a huge plus, and with the very reasonable price tag I can't see reasons to not choose Affinity Photo and Designer. Cheers /johs
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