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  1. Yeah, I didn't mention the app, it was a little hard to know which one I should use because I didn't know if the effect would be vector or raster (or a raster effect within Designer.) It will be fun to use all those effects I think it will really add something to the rather flat design.
  2. Okay great I'll look into it the filter and blend modes. This drawing is in Designer now do it need to be brought over to Photo?
  3. I have a design that is the basic outline and fill of a piece of clothing. I was wondering if there is a drawing technique that could give me the fuzzy look of the inside of sweats? I don’t tend to have the need to design with patterns all that often so it is hard to know where to look online in tutorial videos. Doing that search now it doesn't seem like there are too many videos out there on this type of thing.
  4. Yes, it is a pixel layer. In this example I'll select the pixel layer which I want to add more brush strokes to and then go into the color chooser. Sometimes when I start to draw it will keep adding masks automatically even though I'm not sure that is what I want to do? I'm just trying to add more strokes on top of what I've already drawn.
  5. I do not use the alt key when I am in the color chooser window. Do I need to? Sometimes it lets me select and sometimes it doesn't I should also mention when I went back to Affinity 2.5 it occasionally happens there was well but not as often.
  6. There is some strange stuff going on with the brush tool and the color picker. Sometimes when I try to set a color the selector circle will move back to white. It will force itself back without my involvement. Sometimes the color black I want will show up as I should be able to draw with it but when I draw nothing happens. This didn't seem to be a problem with 2.5.
  7. @carl123 It is good to know it is not just me that has this problem. @Hangman I never turned off "keep selected" but okay it sounds like part of this is a reported bug.
  8. @Hangman Yes, view mode is set to vector. The weight was thin so I changed the default to something thicker. Not sure why it was set that thin. @MEB Keep selected was checked. It seems to be working fine now. I'm not sure what was going on but sometimes the stroke would stay there after I drew it and sometimes it would disappear. If it happens again I'll pay closer attention and post a follow up.
  9. Whether it be the pencil, brush, pen, sometimes a stroke will be there right after I draw it but usually not. I can draw a marque around the strokes which allows me to see where they should be but they usually do not show up. If I switch the stroke from a stroke color over to a fill color than the fill always comes up. I do not think this is user error since it never is a problem on 2.5.5 only 2.6 (2831.)
  10. So far 2.4 beta has resolved this problem pretty well! So glad to see this important bug fixed!
  11. By bring up Ventura it makes me wonder if Somona would be any better in this area? I didn't want to upgrade at first but that version is nearly up to 14.2 now.
  12. This problem seemed to be pretty resolved for me in 2.2 but came back for most of the apps in 2.3.
  13. @Diego Lopez For me it seems to have gotten better with the 2.2.1 update. 2.2.0 was almost unusable.
  14. This bug appears to have been fixed in Publisher. I tried to see if it was fixed in Designer but the window will not show up for me on the laptop. (I can see it in stage manager and expose only and probably on my large screen if I had access to it.) So right now I can't test that bug on Designer.
  15. There are many drop down options for betas and by their names it could easily fall under several of those categories.
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