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  1. When I import swatches using the “Import Palette…” item, I should be able to select palettes saved from Photoshop (ACO – Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch File) or Illustrator (ASE – Adobe Swatch Exchange File). Are there foreign palette formats that AD can import? Maybe that information should be in the Open dialog box… or somewhere. (The Help Center doesn’t seem to do anything. I can search for a topic like “palette,” but can’t expand the results, so maybe the AD entries are just stubs?)
  2. This is a feature that has likely already been requested to be added, but I searched the forums and didn't notice anyone posting this same sort of request. In CC 2019, a REALLY nice gradient feature got added to Illustrator called the Freeform Gradient. The way you use it is you add different points for the gradient to follow. You can make them different colors, make gradient paths using points, and even adjust how much those colors spread from those points. Unfortunately, Designer doesn't have this feature yet and I would really like to see it implemented soon because it seems like such a nice way to make gradients. There are also gradient meshes, but it seems like Designer doesn't have these either, even though these seem a bit harder to work with on average. I don't use Illustrator currently, but I have in the past and I think Affinity Designer lacks some of the features that Illustrator does. There are a couple more things that I can think of that I don't see an option for in Designer, but there is one for in Illustrator. I can make 1 or 2 separate posts about those, though.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm not sure this is the correct forum to post this. But I'm really hoping someone else has been in this niche corner I am stuck in now. So I am creating a poster for someone else to use in Adobe Illustrator, and I spent a lot of time in Designer organizing and naming my layers (and actually putting my vector layers into a "layer") but when I try to export to a usable format for Illustrator, Illustrator just opens the file however it pleases without a care in the world for how I have organized the file. Rather than keeping the naming structure and layer structure I specified, Illustrator mashes everything together under one layer, with no names and no groups. The file I worked so hard on looks like such a sloppy mess. Even my text boxes have been divided into letters that have been converted to curves, rather than a defined box for text to reside in. So my question is, has anyone had experience successfully getting Designer to talk with Illustrator? If so, what does it take in order to do so? ^ here's my Designer panel with my organized layers palette (trying to make it easier for the person I need to deliver this file to to edit) ^Illustrator destroying a PDF ^Illustrator destroying an EPS
  4. Some initial background info: #1 - I work on Mac and am preparing to update to a new Mac Mini. #2 - I have been an Adobe Photoshop (plus Adobe Illustrator and InDesign) user for a little over 20 years (but trying to decide if switching to Affinity products would be a good alternative). #3 - Have been watching a lot of YouTube tutorials to find out more about Affinity Photo but for some reason, either people are not fully understanding my question or they are simply not familiar enough with Adobe Photoshop. #4 - And most importantly, I need answers from someone who is totally knowledgeable with both: Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo..............and a person who knows and understands the difference between creating a Selection and creating a Mask. There is a distinction albeit, both Selections and Masks are commonly called "masks". Now my question: Does Affinity Photo allow one to activate the "Quick Mask mode", and be given the choice to choose between "Mask area" and "Selected area"? (and then allow the user to select a paint brush (NOT the Selection or Mask brush), but rather, a paint brush (with black selected as the foreground color) and then commence to "paint" a translucent red (or any color of choice) "Selection" on the areas of your image that you wish to be "Selected" (NOT masked, but rather, "Selected"? And taking this a step further, Does Affinity Photo allow the user to exit Quick Mask by pressing the "Q" key (on a Mac)..............and does Affinity Photo allow the user to "invert" the "selection" to a "mask" and visa versa? (CMD+Shift+I) on a Mac If you don't follow my questions, then you probably don't have that much knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. I would greatly appreciate getting the answers to my question from some kind folk or folks.......... Thanks, Roger
  5. Whenever I export a logo from Designer as an SVG I noticed in Illustrator CS6 my strokes change. It's my suspicion that when the scale strokes option is selected in Designer for iPad, the data gets lost during export to SVG or upon import into CS6. Anyone else getting this glitch? I suppose a workaround would be to convert those strokes to outlines before exporting but what if client wants me to adjust stroke weight on the fly on their computer? Or on my own? I have Designer for Mac as well but these clients do not. So I would like to know if this is something you plan to address in a future update. Fantastic app by the way! May the Vector Gods smile upon you!
  6. Hello, I noticed when editing images with skin tones (TIFF format) that the colours in Affinity Photo sometimes look very strange (grey-greenish). The same file in Adobe Lightroom looks completely normal (as does the photo print). Now I have opened a test file in both programs in parallel and indeed the colours (measurable in the screenshot) are different (see attachment). How can I ensure that Affinity Photo displays the colours correctly? (I don't mean soft-proofing, that is another topic in itself...) I have calibrated the monitor and the colour profile is applied system-wide. Thank you very much for any helpful hints!
  7. Used Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher to make a poster for a digital racing event. I´ve used the Adobe software for 12+ years so this is my first project using the Affinity software, it took some time to get used to it but liked it alot! Alle cars where separate screenshots and I've worked them in one image. The main design can be used in several different sizes, like a social media posts or a wallpaper. I've used the same techniques as I used for this poster I made a year ago for the real life counterpart of this racing series. I hope you like the design
  8. As already described/discussed in the support questions, colours are displayed incorrectly when a monitor profile is active in the system. The problem can only be reproduced with Affinity Photo and does not show up in Adobe Lightroom, Chrome, FastRawViewer or Irfanview.
  9. Hello Affinity, I would like to give you my money NOW. I really don't want to pay Sketch or Figma or inVision or Adobe XD or Framer X or Protopie or Webflow or UX Pin. I would love to buy a software from Affinity that enables the prototyping feature. Maybe a merge between Personas with added plugin to buy. OR maybe call the software Affinity Prototype or Affinity Interactive or Affinity Hybrid. I have been creating lots of Websites and User Interfaces, but I can't quickly prototype it to get my idea across. I have been working collaboratively with a multidisciplinary team of 50 designers/developers/business analysts. And when it's time for me to pitch I have to manually go into my Visual Studio Code Editor and create it from scratch using CSS and JavaScript. Still waiting for release date, Thank you
  10. When opening Adobe Illustrator files that contain grouped objects, those object are not grouped when opening in AD as they are in Illustrator. There are groups, but they seem to be random. Is this normal behavior of AD? If so, will there be a fix in the future?
  11. Hello, I just switched from the Adobe CC to Affinity and i run into a problem withing Affinity Publisher. In InDesign I'm used to making a mockup of my document using wireframes, and then filling it with text and picures. When i wanted to do the same thing within Publisher, I can't type in a picture frame. I seem to have to make a seperate textframe for typing. Can an empty pictureframe be used as a placeholder before filling the document with text and pictures? Or is it just an empty placeholder for pictures?
  12. Well people, I have done it. I've cancelled my Adobe CC subscription. Here's the proof. Anyone else packed it in with them? (It's a bit off topic, but I can't find a general/misc category for posting my own news.)
  13. Hello again, all … Yes it's me and I'm back again for Round MMXXI(b) … Today's question is: Can we use Presets in Affinity Photo (or Designer / Publisher) as we would in Photoshop, Lightroom, ON1, etc? If the Majiqual Answer be-eth 'Yes,’ the follow-on query then becomes ‘How we do dat, hah?’ It's easy enough to install and use LUTs in Photo, but there seems to be no method to install or access the presets’ .xmp rider files. It seems that would be an easy trip down Code Road compared to other feats discussed in these pages. Please advise if there's a way to implement access and use of the .xmp presets files that already reside in the Camera RAW / Lightroom folders … Thanks again to all for your informed input.
  14. Recently I had to open an Adobe account for work reasons. The biggest thing I noticed while making the move is how much thought has went into the UI of Affinity products. Simple tasks are a lot easier in Affinity and overall it's a nicer platform to work in. Affinity does lack in features, especially Vector warping, distorting, etc. Overall Affinity continues to impress and I think it wont be long until they catch up. In terms of working experience, Affinity is already ahead.
  15. Now that I started getting warnings from InDesign that our friends at Adobe are dropping support of Type 1 fonts in 2023, I was wondering whether Publisher will continue to support them? Adobe isn't offering any technical reason they aren't being supported beyond that they are old and don't work on the web and in mobile. Thanks.
  16. Hi, This is my first attempt at using Affinity Designer and have come to a hurdle; I am trying to edit the text on an existing logo that was created in AI. I cannot seem to be able to select the text, is this maybe because it has been rasterised? Is there a way I can do this please? Thanks.
  17. Greetings, I love the tools offered at Retro Supply (brushes) but unfortunately, most are tooled as Adobe Illustrator only. So I have a few questions for the collective brain. Do you know of a way to convert AI brushes to work in Affinity Designer Do you know of a source that has retro etch / engraving brushes such as the one attached Thank you ~ Jack
  18. Hi, There's a function hidden away in Illustrator that I actually use often. It's "Paste Remembers Layers." This is a frequent scenario I encounter: usually I work in separate documents in order to create a finished piece. Lots of layers. Then I paste what I've done into the one "Master" piece. I'd like to retain the layers I created. Is this functionality in the software and I'm missing it? Or perhaps slated for a future version? Thanks!
  19. Hi there I love this app (Designer) so much I hardly use Illustrator anymore. AD is so intuitive and powerful. Thank you for that. My number one feature request is the ability to use Adobe's shortcuts. AD is here very uncommon while other apps - up to MS Word! - use the same basic keyboards, such as SHIFT+ ENTER for a new textline without making a new paragraph (this shortcut works even in CMS-Texteditors such as TinyMCE or Redactor or CKEditor). Could we talk of an "industry standard", here? Yes, I think so, this goes far beyond Adobe.) There is also a confusion about when using SHIFT to proportionally scale something and when not. ALT (Option) has been the standard for scaling from the center ever since. ... So my pledge: Please either change them to the well known standards, not only used by Adobe make keyboard shortcut prefs that can be changed thoughout and saved integrate a preference for that in which one can choose "Adobe" as possible Shortcut set. Thank you very much - this would be insanely great. Alex
  20. Considering purchase of Affinity Photo. Have used Adobe Photoshop Elements for many years but frustrated with lack of support. Please direct me to instructions on how to Import from PSE to Affinity What will I loose when importing? Albums, facial recognition, location information? Windows 10
  21. Hello, I downloaded this file https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/bacteria-infection-virus-flu-background_7080504.htm from freepik. The EPS file opening properly on illustrator but opening as a image file only in Affinity Designer. I attached the EPS file. 23913.eps
  22. So I tried Illustrator for iPad... it turns out Serif doesn’t have any competition 😅 for starters, the pen tool was kinda janky especially when closing a shape(if Adobe can’t even get the basics right...), no width variance features for strokes or corner smoothing, and for €10 a month!? Vector software has to at least get these fundamentals working out of the box or it’s a 👎 from me. Anyone lose have a better experience?
  23. Here’s a suggestion, Serif need to capitalise on the fact the recent Illustrator release for iPad is brutal. Demonstrate how you get way more bang for your buck in terms of features and abilities, and all without being locked into a subscription. Seriously, get some live demos out there while the iron’s hot and steal the limelight. Designer has so much potential, routing for y’all 🤘
  24. I must bring many of my former Adobe files (Illustrator and InDesign) into AffDesigner and AffPUblisher after saving them in Adobe in the necessary Adobe format. They import, but of course the programming approach to layers being so different means that I must recreate these layers in Affinity. Sometimes a layer will come over, as well as the objects or texts in that layer. Most of the time, however, each individual parts of a graphic appear as a multitude of separate object in Affinity. One big problem is that entire paragraphs of text come over a separate lines (multi-lines). I understand why that it is in the transfer process, but I also wonder if Affinity has anyway to bring them into a single paragraph, short of copy/paste. I imagine that Adobe exports objects as a PDF, as SVGs or in the case of text on a path properly oriented but as individual outlined letters. Given what must be great challenges of going from Adobe to Affinity, I am happy for what I do get even though the reorganization task is tedious, but I also wonder if anyone has found ways to make the cumbersome Adobe format come more faithfully into Affinity (where thankfully it is much easier to work with!). In the past I have found that transferring each of my muiiltitute of layers and sub-layers separately sometimes worked, but recently it has not. Is this a new Adobe sabotage or perhaps dependent up many factors not visible to the user? I don't expect any magic solution, but any help would be much appreciated. PS: Yes, I could copy each text box in the InDesign doc, paste it into APub and reformat it, but that is very time consuming if a more effective way exists.
  25. I am about to retire and have used all of the Adobe suite at work and use the Serif Suite at home on a PC, but I also have a Mac computer at home and would like to use the Serif/Affinity Suite on both. Is their any likelihood of the programmes being available on the Mac and if so any time scale?
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