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  1. From memory (and it’s not that great lately), I seem to recall that on the iPad, bleed can only be added when creating a new document. You can adjust bleed in a document (if it was added at setup) but you can’t add it after setup. That was the case in Version 1 and I don’t recall it changing.
  2. In the interim, after creating a file, Save it.😉
  3. Strongly suggest watching a few of these videos.
  4. Same here! Imported one into a new category and nothing else since.
  5. When applying an OCIO adjustment, the adjustment panel disappears whenever the iPad is moved or tilted. The adjustment panels dropdown menus are also cutoff by the bottom of the screen.
  6. @NathanC When I use the Blender 4 file you provided the EXR file from original post looks nothing like your file?
  7. @Affinity-Inspiration I don’t know a great deal about creating OCIO configs but the earlier releases, 1.03 and 1.2 were available with luts and baked files. The current links provide the config files but don’t provide the luts. The full package requires running an install batch file but you can’t do this on an iPad. I’m assuming the luts are still required and are not the same as earlier versions
  8. @NathanC hi Nathan, I’m finding the OCIO adjustment operation very flaky. The slightest movement causes the the adjustment window to disappear. The drop down menu is very difficult to scroll and is barely visible on screen. Makes it difficult to search quickly for an output. Same behaviour on latest beta version. iPad Air m1. RPReplay_Final1700866500.mp4
  9. Oh dear, same result as you. No popup menu for itmap access.
  10. Sure. Just created a new project with default setting and went from there. RPReplay_Final1699827040.mp4
  11. Are your raw files located on iCloud? Possibly Affinity Photo is loading the low res placeholder from local storage (iPad). If on iCloud try moving one to local storage and then try.🙂
  12. Yes, I recall something from mods recently in response to resize issue on Designer. A bug report identifying this as an issue, so fix should be coming. 🙂
  13. Suggest you post as a new post. You have added to a Photo app issue post. Mods have been and gone so you may not get a response from them. And no, it shouldn’t crash like that.🙂
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