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  1. Hi, it would be great to manage default value for IPTC contact data in next release. many thanks Pascal.
  2. Do you know when G9II raw file will be supported please ?
  3. Hi Callum, here is a screen recording many thanks for your help. enjoy your day. RPReplay_Final1698404200.mp4
  4. Hi my fellows, since iOS 17.1 on my iPad Pro it is impossible to open raw files from photo App. I try directly from Affinity Photo or by using a shortcut and it does not work. for opening raw files, I have to export raw files from Photo app to files App and after open with affinity photo. many thanks for your help. enjoy your day. Pascal.
  5. Hello @GlennPatrick try this shortcut made by @Paul Mudditt it works well
  6. @Brocher use the shortcut made by @Paul Mudditt. It bypasses the issue.
  7. @walt.farrelli never edit my photo with apple photo. My acknowledgment to @Paul Mudditt that gives us the shortcut to bypass the issue.
  8. @Paul Mudditt great job Paul, many thanks for your shortcut. It works right and let us wait for the next release of Affinity team. enjoy your weekend my fellow
  9. @Niall O i store all my photos raw and jpg in apple photos.
  10. @walt.farrell I have the problem with iOS 16.4.1a. This evening I have upgraded to iOS 16.5 and the issue is always here.
  11. I send an email to affinity support. They are aware of this issue. Here is the answer I have received.
  12. Hi @walt.farrell Many thanks for your answer. I do not understand why it does not work now since I upgrade v2.1. Before this upgrade open works from photo library. I have deleted affinity photo from my iPad and reload it and it always the same issue. I have looked to my photo storage parameters. I did not change it. It is set to improve space on my iPad. I try to download a raw file from iCloud directly, but on a iPad it is not possible. You have to use a Mac to download in original format. I think Affinity has to release this issue.
  13. Yes Dm1, but before 2.1, Affinity photo upload the right raw file, it does not work for me and I do not change the parameter about photo file storage. i think it is an issue that Affinity have to release in a next version. and it is impossible to download a raw file from iCloud if you use only one iPad.
  14. I think there is an issue, Affinity photo 2 does not open the raw file, it take the copy on iPad photo browser. i test in downloading the file I upload on this platform and affinity photo open the raw file in the right way. I think before 2.1 Affinity photo upload raw file from iCloud and not the copy on iPad photo.
  15. Hi Dwright look at this screencast RPReplay_Final1684482550.mp4
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