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    Illustration, graphic design, technology, science

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  1. I noticed a possibly related issue, my version is on Windows, I don't have access to my Mac here.
  2. Hi, I noticed I now have to remove xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" from the svg files to be able to upload to Canva.com. Any chance of leaving this out in future releases?
  3. test-vctr.svg uses fill="#4e1b44" test-aff.svg uses style="fill:rgb(78,27,68);fill-rule:nonzero;" I'm guessing canva does not support the latter. As a side note, you have to remove xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" from the svg files (use a text editor) to be able to upload to Canva. I guess this was added with the latest version of Affinity Designer.
  4. @Frankentoon That's really well done, the texture work looks amazing!!
  5. Hi guys, Google announced a new open source jpeg encoder yesterday. Will you be implementing this in future versions of Affinity products? https://research.googleblog.com/2017/03/announcing-guetzli-new-open-source-jpeg.html
  6. I don't think this is possible at the moment with eps. If you use svg, the layers are kept. @serif: Any plans on implementing this any time soon?
  7. Hi Chris, That's a commendable effort for sure, thanks for your contribution!
  8. I am currently using the Windows version, does this also happen on the Mac version?
  9. I agree with HaroldL, it would make finding new topics much easier. Perhaps mandatory tags could be a solution?
  10. I would like to confirm that duplicating the same object on top does seem to fix this issue temporarily, which confirms it being an anti-aliasing issue. Adding a thin inside stroke of 0.1 or 0.2 pixels of the same color as the shape seems to be a workaround as well. Hopefully a real solution can be found, but I'm sure it is no easy fix.
  11. I am experiencing this issue as well. This does not happen at all in Illustrator, so hopefully this can be fixed in AD as it's a serious annoyance for me right now.
  12. Hey David, very nice work! I like the concept of a raving Icecream van and the color scheme matches the ice cream theme nicely ;)
  13. Hi Jon, There seems to be some confusion as to why you end up with 2 extra columns on the left and right side of the document. The reason for this is that there is no way to have a margin on the left side of your document using the default grid setup. By following this tutorial you end up with a document that contains 2 more columns, but you simply do not use them. In the export persona, you can easily set the slice to export only the part of your design you need. I marked which part you would actually use in the screenshot below. Hope this helps.
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