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Jose Alvarez

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Posts posted by Jose Alvarez

  1. 1 hour ago, loukash said:

    The 1990s have called and want their gnarled PageMaker-ish concept back!

    Just the other day I had to rebuild a relatively simple 6-page 3-fold broschure – that I made out of necessity on two landscape pages – into a 4-page (sans a reply coupon) PDF for web. 
    It was a literal p.i.t.a.
    (Yeah, I should have followed my own old advice and work with artboards in the first place. Silly me, I just happen to like master pages otherwise…)

    I like 90's music and films... but I don't want to go back to 90's desktop publising software. 

  2. 12 hours ago, loukash said:

    The above vector workflow can be made completely interactive by using Symbols:

    1. create your vector objects and select them
    2. Layer > Create Compound (don't worry about temporarily losing any individual object attributes, they are not lost)
    3. create your outline stroke on the Compound layer (remove the fill if you don't need any)
    4. create a symbol of the Compound layer (i.e. click the Create button in the Symbols panel)
    5. duplicate the new Symbol layer
    6. in the Symbols panel, disable the Sync button
    7. select the Compound layer inside the cloned Symbol layer
    8. Layer > Release Compound (there, all your original attributes of individual objects should be back
    9. select the parent Symbol layer of the released objects
    10. enable the Sync button again
    11. group both Symbol layer instances to keep them aligned

    It's important to create a Symbol from the compound first and then release the duplicate compound unsynced to get your fill attributes back. The other way around the symbol sync wouldn't work.

    Now when you select the nested objects inside either Symbol instance, they will move or change shape in sync. Only their fill and stroke attributes are detached via the Compound layer as marked by the vertical dashed line in the Layers panel.


    Nice solution, Loukash, I take note! Thanks.

  3. 2 hours ago, debraspicher said:

    If there are enough paths available to create the fill you need, you could merge a duplicate group to create the shape needed to apply a stroke. There wouldn't be a group then, just the final curve and then you can turn off the fill. If you don't have the paths, you may have to create them by duplicating those objects & use "Convert to Curves" option.


    https://affinity.help/designer/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/ObjectControl/join.html?title=Joining objects

    Thanks, Debra, but this is the solution that I'm using right now and the one I want to avoid ;).

  4. The new V2 UI is more likely in some aspects (like monochromatic icons, I like it) but in others are a lot worse. For example, that icons to select type of paragraph alignment or table cell strokes. I upload 2 examples,

    V1 version:


    V2 version:


    In V2 version is almost indistingible what are you selecting. I must move back and front my laptop screen and my head, like a little owl! 

    In both versions, anyway, when you select a field to fill with a value, the blue remark around the field box is so small that is dificult to see. It must to be very evident what field are you selecting.

    I encourage our Affinity friends to fix that little things that do the Affinity Experience a bit (or very) dissapointing.

  5. 48 minutes ago, nicolasfolliot said:

    So yes, as soon as bleed is involved, it gets exported as separated pages, even if you try to export the full document. So the trick is to create a "mother artboard" containing your full spread, and export only this one. It's still a workaround, but pretty easy to setup and working (at least for me).

    The trick is in the Export Persona. You create a sector containing all the pages that form the spread (only the pages, don't need the bleed) and export that sector to pdf. That's all. You'll have the complete spread with bleed and cropmarks if you select them.

  6. COPY / PASTE from Scripting Forum, TonyB (Moderator):

    Affinity will support Javascript and also have a 'C' based API binding interface that people can use to write plugins. We will also have the ability to create UI to support their scripts and plugins with dialogs and panels. 

    We have a team developing this but the amount of work is very large so unfortunately users will need to be patient.


    Crystal clear, mates.

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