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I've had the same problem. The document was created new in 1.10. It contained twelve pages of a pdf (calendar) and had a cover with a photo and title. The problem saving seemed to crop up when I added the cover photo and resized the frame to fit. Both the document and the photo were in sRGB. I went back to an earlier saved version and tried reconstructing the steps I took and it failed to save three times. Finally I got it to save. I was unable to reproduce the error by creating a new document and just adding the photo. I'll upload the file, if that would be helpful, but a screenshot of the error is attached.

Screenshot 2021-08-06 214049.png


Yes, I'm having the same issue. Not a dealbreaker since I only need the export but still reasonably frustrating that I wont be able to save the final version of the project. This is a one page file created in Publisher 1.9 . The spread is relatively big (60cm x 80cm, 3mm bleed at 300dpi) and uses several high res images that I embedded if that helps. 


UPDATE: Thought I found the cause, but it's happening again. Hope we can get a fix so I can get on with and finish my book project. PLEASE


Publisher 1.10 - I was editing Master Pages and kept having the same problem and kept having to start over.

I then saved after every tweak and discovered that it happened after I copied and then pasted frames (Text / Image).

After I made the same layout by hand (without copy/paste), I had no problem saving.

Working on Windows 10. Have plenty of space and ram. Save / Save as - neither would work after copying and pasting frames.


I had the same problem today. First project since updating to 1.10. Couple hours of work that I can't save. Fortunately I was able to finish and export as a PDF and print (one-page newspaper article reformat) but I have no editable file. 

Posted (edited)

I am having this problem after updating. I can not save my work even as a new file. Is there a way around it to avoid lost work. A fix is urgently needed.

Edited by Sira

Fabulous diagnostic DanM.

It is indeed related to copy / pasting existing elements.

I was copy / pasting existing images & their captions in a layout and then relacing the image & it's caption. That caused the "Can't Save" issue.

I now copy / paste an empty image & caption frame and then populate it.

Saving issue has gone.


It may turn up again. It happened when I was doing that with empty frames (with settings applied).

Windows task manager reports a lot of system power being used when it throws up that error message.

I'll go back to it tomorrow, just have to save after every step until it errors out. Seems like closing and restarting makes it usable again for a bit.


When this happens, close the document without saving. It will work normally when you reopen it, just remember to hit control/cmd-S after every change so that when it happens again (it will), you will only lose that one change. You will be able to redo that change next time it opens. Hopefully, AF techs will address this problem fairly quickly.


14 hours ago, DanM said:

Windows task manager reports a lot of system power being used when it throws up that error message.

I'll go back to it tomorrow, just have to save after every step until it errors out. Seems like closing and restarting makes it usable again for a bit.

I had this problem earlier, but now, saving every ±5 minutes, it didn't occured.

I didn't check the ressources used while working, but as you said, it's probably a memory problem...

10 minutes ago, Jamie Avera said:

Saving after every single change is just not a feasible solution, though. 

I'm rolling back until this issue gets sorted, which I'm sure will be soon. 

Rolling back is probably a better solution. I'm being persistent because I want to get out a pdf draft. At least there are two workaround options.


I've also hit this problem. Seemed to happen after scaling up an image that was within a frame. (But not every image does this.) It's an SVG for what it's worth, but I'm sure that cover photo earlier in thread isn't, so I doubt the file format matters.


I can't work on my project with the program behaving like this.

Has anyone:

a) filed an actual bug report?

b) heard from tech support if they did?

c) successfully rolled back to an earlier version and opened a file that was also saved in v. 1.10?



Here is a shot of Windows Task Master during and after closing the failed save dialog. Before that, Affinity Pub bounces around between low and very high power usage.



@DanMThere are a few threads about failed saves on version 1.10. You've already posted in one thread I saw that had a staff person trying to figure out what was going on, so they're at least aware of it. Seems like some people get the issue randomly, so reloading and trying again sometimes works. Saw someone mention being able to open it in 1.9.2, and I've been able to open mine in a 1.9.4 beta, so you might be able to use a previous version.


@Tegwyn Thanks. I'll give that a try if I get frustrated again. Glad it's being looked at.

Every time the save failure came up this afternoon was right after tweaking one of the Master Pages, and if I'm not mistaken, after copying and pasting any frame from one side (or from a page/template) into a Master Page.

Posted (edited)

Downgrading/ Rollback: Feedback please

What are the general experiences with downgrading? Does it solve the saving problem for the time being, so that you can at least continue working on the document?
To all affected users with the saving problem: please give a short feedback.

Because I have never done this before, here are some questions about downgrading:

  • How do I downgrade to an earlier version? Is there a tutorial for this somewhere?
  • And what about the changes in the document that I have already made with version 1.10, do they remain with 1.9X? Can Publisher open files from a higher version without problems?


Edited by Sandra W.
typing mistake
1 hour ago, Sandra W. said:

Downgrading/ Rollback: Feedback please

What are the general experiences with downgrading? Does it solve the saving problem for the time being, so that you can at least continue working on the document?
To all affected users with the saving problem: please give a short feedback.

Because I have never done this before, here are some questions about downgrading:

  • How do I downgrade to an earlier version? Is there a tutorial for this somewhere?
  • And what about the changes in the document that I have already made with version 1.10, do they remain with 1.9X? Can Publisher open files from a higher version without problems?


I've not had any problems saving documents since downgrading to 1.9.2. (I'd been experiencing the same save failure bug with several documents in 1.10.)

I uninstalled Affinity Publisher completely (via Windows control panel) and then reinstalled using the 1.9.2 installation file. This can be downloaded here: https://store.serif.com/en-gb/update/windows/publisher/1/

(There have been no problems working on the same files I edited in 1.10).



  • Staff

There is a new Affinity Publisher 1.10.1 beta for Windows that addresses this problem with picture frames, which you can use if you want to (as well/instead)

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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