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  1. I found a case where duplicate linked unlinks the adjustment parameters for an adjustment layer (recolour adjustment) when I edit a linked masterpage in the Photo persona. Also, linking the two adjustments automatically breaks. 2024-05-09 16-35-04.mp4 Duplicate linked unlinks adjustment paramters.afpub
  2. I want to be able to clip an adjustment layer to another, so I can localise the effect. A typical example is clipping a HSL layer to Curves for dodging and burning. However, this doesn't look like it's possible in the typical way you would in Photoshop. Can AP2 do this as other apps can, and if not, how can it be achieved here? I want to be able to clip an adjustment layer to another, so I can localise the effect. A typical example is clipping a HSL layer to Curves for dodging and burning. However, this doesn't look like it's possible. Can AP2 do this as other apps can, and if not, how can it be achieved here? Also, I have a perhaps related problem. All of a sudden, adjustment layers within a group won't activate regardless of visibility. The only exception is if there is a filled layer underneath. See the video for a better showcase. group-layer-error.mp4
  3. The Black & White adjustment for Affinity Photo looks simple, but there are some concepts you should know before using it. In this video, we’ll look at how knowledge of RGB colors can help you get better B&W conversions for your photos.
  4. I was wondering, now I am using a vector object with a 50% opacity and multiply blend mode, but could I also use an Ellipse vector object to clip adjustment layers with? The workflow is that I have symbols which should affect the background image. by darkening the portion of the symbol.
  5. For a few days now I've been playing around with layer effects and some procedural filters – it's super fun and I love the results it can generate! This is the result this morning, based on my own logo and 100% pure Affinity Photo magic, and (except for the very last couple of steps) nondestructive. Maybe I'll release a macro for this sometime, if I can manage to squeeze it into a clean sequence. It'll work with almost any kind of base – images, texts, vector layers. This is what the base result will look like after the macro is applied, everything else is layer effects (and a background texture):
  6. There doesn't seem to be a way to merge an adjustment layer with the vector objects it is applied to. I already made a post asking about how to accomplish this here: But there doesn't seem to be a practical way to do it. This is frustrating because the HSL layer, for example, is an amazing way to recolor your artwork that is rendered almost useless when you can't merge it with the vector objects it is applied to. Adobe Illustrator has had a recolor feature for years and the only reason I'm not making the switch to AD is this. Merging adjustment layers would fix this issue completely and would be an amazing (and logical) addition to AD.
  7. I've been monkeying around with adjustment layers and I assume it's only possible to apply individual adjustment layers to images and not vector shapes. Am I correct?
  8. I was working with Adjustment Layer masks, and wanted to see before and after changes. I tried different key and mouse combos and right-clicking on the mask thumbnail, and no options to disable the mask for the Adjustment Layer, or to delete it. Could the ability to disable (or even delete) the layer mask be added. Seems pretty useful, since very frequently we like to contrast before and after changes are made. I know a child/clipped layer mask could be added, which, being a separate layer, can be turned off and on to see before and after changes. But it seems redundant to child/clip a layer mask to an adjustment layer that has a mask already built in. On the layer mask subject, Alt/Option clicking the thumbnail on both types of mask (separate layer & adjustment layer) brings up the mask detail view so you can see what your mask looks like, but you have to click another layer to exit that view. Minor nuisance, I suppose, but if I want to keep editing that mask, I have to click out then reselect it. Maybe just clicking the same layer anywhere other than the mask thumbnail could exit that view, or using the Esc key.
  9. Hello, I really need to see adjustment input/output values (percentages) in the curves adjustment layer palet as in Photoshop This is the only reason why I can't switch to Affinity Photo and still use Photoshop I need to see values so I can correct to colors to certain minimal % to prevent breackoff by flexo printing Please .. I really want to use Affinity Photo and asking already 2 years for this feature
  10. Running Big Sur on a 2017 27" iMac 3.4GHz with 24GB memory. Have been using Affinity Photo for over a year and updated to v. 1.9.0 from the App Store. Previously, everything worked fine for me on Mojave and Catalina. When I bring up a photo for processing and try to use adjustment layers, the sliders don't pop-up. Only way I can get them is to click multiple pre-sets, hope it pops up, then reset and go on may way. In some cases, the sliders never show. Have looked through the Preferences but found nothing that would apply. Any thoughts to solve this PITA would be much appreciated.
  11. I have been off AP for a few months. So do not know whether this observation applies to earlier beta version also. In AP stable version, when single clicking on any adjustment (Level/curve/HSL etc), the adjustment layer opens. In the present beta version, single clicking does not create the adjustment layer. Instead, the sub menu opens with icons like default/darken/lighten (as appropriate) and one of these icons have to be clicked again. I do not know whether this is intentional or not. Single click makes the work flow faster and hope single click method will be considered to be retained in future release. Best regards, unni
  12. Hi, Suggestion: To allow user to create or assign to existing grouping/Category label when importing LUTs - May 6, 2020 Reason:- Being able to group the related LUTs together will help the user to put all the related LUTs together and find and use them much easier. The problem of not able to group the related LUTs together when an additional LUTs created, purchased later date or revision made to the existing LUTs file. Without the Grouping feature, such cannot be easily grouped together. With the current setup, in order to group them together, i have to delete the related LUTs presets that were imported before, and then re-import them plus the new one to get the grouping together. e.g. if i have these 6 LUTs to import. said, Warm1.cube, Warm2.cube, Cine1.cube, Cine2.cube, Cool1.cube, Cool2.cube. I intentionally import the order incorrectly just to show my point. For this example, i am hoping to group/category the above 6 LUTs under "Warm Tones", "Cinematic Tones" & "Cool Tones" See the attached file "LUTS_Grouping_Before.jpg" of screenshot of the how the current added LUTS preset that appears as per the order of insertion. i.e Cine01, Cool2, Warm1, Warm2, Cine2, Cool1 in order to get the correct grouping, i need to delete Cine01, Cool2, Cine2 first, then re-import the Cool2, Cine1, Cine2 to get the grouping corrected (Warm1, Warm2, Cool1, Cool2, Cine1, Cine2) as per attached file "LUTs_Grouping_After.jpg" When the Grouping/Category Label feature is implemented in the Photo Persona, I should see the related LUTs presets displayed in the following manner. By default, the Grouping/Category label is sorted in Ascending order:- ...... Cinematic Tone Cine1 Cine2 Cool Tone Cool1 Cool2 Warm Tone Warm1 Warm2 ...... Thank you.
  13. Hello, i'm a new user of Affinity Suite (Affinity Photo is used in this case), but i'm already a Photoshop user for almost 10 years for retouching photo. I'm already aware that different software will have a slightly different workflow, and i'm still trying to adjust my set of PS workflow to the Affinity Photo. I already searching on the forum about this problem i'm encountering now, and i only found that it is already possible to have a Group of Adjustment Layer with only one mask (to replicate clipping adjustment layer to below feature in PS), but i have different result between these two workflow that i'm already tried. I just want to ask, is it the expected behaviour in AP, or is it a bug? Or if there is a mistake in my approach/setup, the mask in both setup is identical BTW. I hope the image that i'm attach is clear enough to show what i'm trying to ask. I'm still trying and prefer to get the second setup right because it make adjustment image more simple and i'm only have to deal with one mask for a group of adjustment. And pardon me for my messy English because it is not my main language. Thank you in advance 🙏
  14. Hello, Steps to reproduce: Apply live filter to the image layer. Add adjustments layer. Group everything together. live-filter-bug.afphoto Affinity Photo: 1.8.2 macOS: 10.15.3 (19D76)
  15. I’m sure I’m doing something obviously wrong but, despite a number of searches and videos, I just don’t seem to be able to find the answer. Yesterday, I was working on a photo of a home and improving the color of the grass. After applying the improvement and moving on, I realized I missed a piece of the grass and wanted to add to the original selection. Here’s what I did so far: - Selected the area using the selection tool - Added an adjustment layer for HSL and applied adjustments – adjustments were only applied to the selected area - Added an adjustment layer for contrast/brightness and applied adjustments – adjustments were only applied to the selected area - Moved on to other functions and then realized I missed a bit in the original selection Now, there doesn’t seem to be a way to expand the selection area and add it to the areas being adjusted by the HSL and contrast/brightness. I can call up the original selection, and when I try to add it appears to show a newly selected area, but the adjustment isn’t being applied. Sorry if this is obvious but I’m obviously missing something here.
  16. When using masks with opacity, in combination with an adjustment layer (which supports alpha, e.g. curves) to the mask, the opacity does not affect the mask, but the layers below the mask. Trying the same on the PC version ( gives correct results: adjustments affects the mask.
  17. I have a layer containing several vector objects. On top of that is an adjustment layer. I need to merge the adjustment layer with the vector objects but the "merge" button in the adjustment layer settings doesn't do anyhing. I also tried adding the adjustment as a child of the object layer or to a single object, but it still doesn't work. I have attached a simple file as an example. How do I merge the layer? Adjustment Example.afdesign
  18. I was attempting to respond to this post from @RomanNYC trying to apply both vibrance (at -100%) and saturation (100%) to an image. I loaded one of my own images (a jpg) and clicked on Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance and I got a box with a couple of sliders allowing me to adjust each of these two properties. I downloaded @RomanNYC's image (a png) and then tried to do the same with this image. Photo added a new Adjustment Layer, but no slider box appeared. I have tried double-clicking on the adjustment layer to no avail. As far as I can see, both images are 8-bit sRGB. What gives? John
  19. As a longtime Photoshop user coming into Affinity Photo for pro work I wanted to suggest improvement for Photo's curve adjustment tool. Curves works great but I think the picker tool needs to be able to instantly pick on the curves graph as I click on areas in the picture. Right now I can add points but I have to wiggle left or right in order for the point to be added, and then I might accidentally pull the curve up or down slightly when all I wanted to do was to select a point. Use case for this is that I might want to select all the color areas in a face and protect those ranges. Or select a few area in a landscape and pull all those areas up and down. I mention this because I can easily and quickly do this in Photoshop but this is one of those things where I really struggle with in Photo. However I have an idea for making curves better in Photo than Photoshop. What if I could lasso or shift-select a given range of points I have made in curves? How amazing would that be. Then I can pull a select group of points up or down and this becomes quite powerful. Think of this like the ability to move a selected group of vector points in Designer. You can't do this in Photoshop. Perhaps you can just pull up the points or stretch the selection - I'm referring to all that you can do in Designer with selected vector points.
  20. Hello, very new to the program. I am trying to apply a curves adjustment layer. When I choose curves from the adjustment studio under the photo persona nothing happens. I don’t get a context menu with the curves graph or the option to create a preset. In the picture attached, I have “clicked” the curves option top right but I don’t get the expected menu at the bottom center. Any help appreciated Thanks in advance
  21. Hi, It would be really helpful if you guys add the Eye-dropper to the color picker panel of the Lens Filter adjustment layer. Thanks!
  22. I don't know if the following has already been requested, just couldn't find it in the forums. I would like the adjustment layers like "Curves", "HSL" or "Levels" to remember the channel (Master, Red, Blue, etc.) I had most recently chosen to adjust. When I reopen one of the forementioned adjustment layers, they always have "Master" selected.
  23. Blending-related wish list: Adding "Use beneath layers as initial Destination" button in Apply Image filter.Such button would allow for typical use case when you want to perform custom blending. Nowadays you have to: temporarily hide the layer "S" you want to blend, Merge Visible, unhide the layer "S" and move it below new merged layer "D", switch to layer "D", Apply Image and drag layer "S" onto its dialog window to use it as Source. Supporting presets for equations in Apply Image.It's obvious enhancement for better automation. Defining custom blend mode via Adjustment Layer (possibly called Blend Adjustment).It would work for such layer only when it is a child layer. Presets here are also crucial. Defining custom global (accessible in all documents) or local (accessible in current document) blend modes.The most robust solution for users performing repeatedly their own custom blending. In Blend Mode Manager there should be a way to see (in a read-only manner) already existing blend modes with equations (for blend modes expressable in plain equations). Blend mode definition should be performed using equations where:S (Source) = current layer [aka Active or A] D (Destination) = beneath layers [aka Background or B] In case of Blend Adjustment source would be the parent layer. Example of custom blend mode: Remove DR=(DR-SR*SA)/(1-SA) DG=(DG-SG*SA)/(1-SA) DB=(DB-SB*SA)/(1-SA) DA=DA(It doesn't make sense for truly opaque layer, of course.)
  24. I can't paint on an adjustment layer with paint brush. To verify, I started a new project with one photo, and added a Black & White adjustment layer. If I select the paint brush tool, and set the color to black and attempt to paint out any part of the image with the adjustment layer selected, nothing happens (same with white). Adjustment layer is not inverted. Interestingly, if I use the flood fill tool, it behaves like the paint brush should, except it paints everything. I have tried this on several different images with the same result. I am on Affinity Photo 1.5.2, on a Mac on the current version of Sierra. I have looked at other similar posts which verify what I'm trying to do should work, but there must be something I'm missing. The photos I'm using are all pre-processed in Lightroom.
  25. I'm currently recolouring some photos so I made a selection of a dress, then went to the Layer menu and selected "recolouring adjustment" from the "new adjustment layer" submenu. I did my edits but discovered that I left out a part of the dress. In photoshop I would have edited the alpha or mask layer but here that seems to be uneditable? I see an alpha with a black and white image showing me my selection but I cant edit it. The workaround I found was to create a greyscale layer from my alpha channel, then do the same with the other one and combine these two followed by creating a new recolouring adjustment. While this works I refuse to believe that this is the right way to do it. Everything else is so simple, I must be doing this wrong.
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