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Tonio DG

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  1. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from walt.farrell in Publisher TOC has entries more than once   
    You're right !    I just have to reverse "Conclusion" and "Pos aiiis". Sorry, I'd have to try before write...  
    Thanks for your both help.
    And about bookmarks, it's still under development, right ?
  2. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to BES in Copying/Cloning Text Formatting (Peter-N)   
    Text and paragraph style is not working fine, copy and paste format is an essential feature missing,. 
  3. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to GregB2 in EPS group problem   
    I am facing the same grouping issue with EPS files downloaded from freepik.  Has anyone come up with a solution -- using a third party converter or other method?
    As an attempted workaround I opened the file in AI 2020 and re-saved it as an EPS format.  I tried different variations of selecting options to Embed Fonts, Include Document Thumbnails, Include CMYK Postscipt in RGB files and include Compatible Gradient and Gradient Mesh Printing.   The files was saved with TIFF (8-bit Color) Transparent with Medium Resolution. Adobe Postscript was set to LanguageLevel 2 (and to LanguageLevel 3 for some tests). See the attached picture with the EPS Save settings (several variations were tried).
    No luck with results.  The grouping problem still exists with the EPS files.
    As noted by others -- I can convert to SVG within AI and import into Affinity Designer -- but am looking for some other possible solution which involves not using AI.

  4. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to VectorVonDoom_NoMore in Porsche 917K Daytona Winner (AD)   
    My main complicated drawings are taking ages so I thought I would work on a few easier ones at the same time. This is the first to be finished.
    For me Gulf Racing is the most iconic colour scheme in motor racing and I’ve been meaning to do a 917 but never got around to it until now. Unsurprisingly there aren’t a whole lot of overhead shots of it so this was based on photos of the 1:8 scale die cast model by Amalgam Collection. Very high end, about £10k but bespoke can apparently cost up to £120k. Not something to let the kids play with. 
    On the Porsche 917K’s public debut at the 1970 Daytona 24 Hours, John Wyer's Gulf-sponsored team finished 1-2 in the race. The winning number 2 car driven by Pedro Rodríguez, Leo Kinnunen and Brian Redman broke the distance record by 190 miles.

  5. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to VectorVonDoom_NoMore in Porsche 917K Daytona Winner (AD)   
    About a week and a half.
  6. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to Sean P in EPS group problem   
    Hi mykee,
    Thanks for the file. The issue here is that the original EPS is an Illustrator formatted EPS file which means it contains two streams of data: Regular EPS data and an Embedded AI file. What this means is that when Illustrator opens the EPS it will read the Illustrator stream showing the file exactly as it was saved when created in Illustrator. 
    However there will be Illustrator elements in the file that aren't compatible with EPS (for example Mesh Fills) and will get rasterised into pixel data in the EPS stream, when saved. But when opened in AI they appear correctly as vector objects because it is using the AI stream.
    When the EPS file is opened in Affinity we are unable to read the AI stream and instead have to open the EPS stream with the rasterised data.
    You can see these if you use Acrobat to convert the EPS to PDF - unfortunately you just get a series of rasterised tiles that represent the image. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about this!
  7. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to 7immer in Stop Frame Animation   
    Sorry to bring this back up... I know this feature isn't planned but with animating UI's becoming an increasing necessity I think it would be nice to implement at least some sort stripped down timeline based animation tool. Maybe you could design the code with this in mind for later implementation? Photoshop has a great implementation of this where your layers turn into layers on the timeline. You can then animate simple effects like transform, opacity, effects etc

    Showing your animating UI's to clients is become more and more popular as it allows the client to see the animating result before its coded. This saves lots of timely re-coding. Here are some examples from Dribbble.com:



    Anyway here's to hoping :D
  8. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to PaulRoskrow in Stop Frame Animation   
    Any chance that Stop Frame animation might become afeature please?
  9. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to Epic-dude9807 in Affinity Video Editor?   
    I would love it if you would create a Video Editing Software like premier (but better obviously) As a college student I have two choices pay the expensive price of £16 a month for Adobe's okay software or get it offline illegally and unsafe. I have already Purchased Affinity Photo, am about to Purchase Affinity Designer but would absolutely love it if there was a affinity video editor for my media. I know this might not be your kinda thing but it would be so great and I know so many people would rather use this than adobe. You're ahead of them, keep it up.
  10. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to kirov in Affinity for Linux   
    make a version for linux?
  11. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to walt.farrell in So now what?   
    Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums.
    Discussions in the forums can be near-real-time chats, if people are around. I've seen this happen many times. They're not private chats, of course, but that is also possible by sending someone a direct/private message.
    As for trading brushes, etc., people share brushes and other items in the Resources forum already.
  12. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to mrfabzzz in Affinity Animator   
    I try to animate a vector character made with Affinity and It's a mess. There is no good solution, this is a very important feature, a timeline with basic (or interpolated) keyframe could be a game changer or a bless for many users. (and next, this could be the base from a standalone app)
  13. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to carson-wright in Affinity Animator   
    While I do believe you guys have done a great job targeting Adobe's range of creative software, I think you've failed to disrupt the most vulnerable field, animation. Adobe's After Effects is a disjointed mess of a program with no real focus, that instead is used as a blanket to cover whatever feature Adobe can't find a place for. Therefore I see a lot of potential for Serif as a company to expand on their product lineup and introduce a new type of animation software without the questionable focus on visual effects that after effects has as well. Throughout the industry their are multiple other visual effects software options however their are few if any other alternatives for those looking to get into animation.
  14. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to hhal9000 in Affinity Animator   
    ''Affinity Animator''-I think there is plenty of room for Affinity to introduce Animation into their package.This would make for a really compelling product considering the achievements so far.
  15. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to mrfabzzz in Affinity Animator   
    I also think this is really needed in the suite, because I think Vector's animation is the next logical step and very demanded as I see. Currently the workflow is horrible if you want to animate a Vector from Affinity Designer.
    But before a standalone app with rich features, I think a basic timeline feature is needed in Affinity designer/photo.
  16. Like
    Tonio DG reacted to Edo75 in Affinity After Effects?   
    There is indeed a real consumer demand for an alternative to After Effects especially for Motion Graphics type of job (for editing and compositing there are a lot of options). A lot of pros tired of AE.  
  17. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from Clara Montseny in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
  18. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from SF1 in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for such a detailed response. And as I see, I am not alone !
    I don't know Affinity a lot yet, I am juste discovering to see if it can suit for my projects. I should say I like it very much but hyperlink is very important for me. 
    I understand that it can be optional in Designer, but in my point of view it is absolutely essential for Publisher.
    Thank you again, I will be looking forward to your update on this subject.
  19. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from SF1 in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
  20. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from Rich313 in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
  21. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from RenWaller in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for such a detailed response. And as I see, I am not alone !
    I don't know Affinity a lot yet, I am juste discovering to see if it can suit for my projects. I should say I like it very much but hyperlink is very important for me. 
    I understand that it can be optional in Designer, but in my point of view it is absolutely essential for Publisher.
    Thank you again, I will be looking forward to your update on this subject.
  22. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from Jowday in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
  23. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from David GW in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
  24. Like
    Tonio DG got a reaction from enginpost in [Implemented] How add Hyperlink (url) on the text   
    Thank you for this Publisher beta version. My first impressions are very positives.
    I have 1 question for the moment. I export my document to PDF for print and need to have some clickable texts. How can I add an hyperlink (URL) to my text (or image) in Publisher?
    This option is very important for me.
    If not possible for the moment, will this option be added in the final version and when ?
    Thanks for your help.
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