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    : Notts, UK
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    Computers, Art, Photography... blah! blah!
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    Affinity Jedi - Semper Fi

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  1. One of the techniques I use is the construction of a letter based not on drawing with the pen tool; unless it requires a less precise look, but to use shapes to get the smooth curves and precise symmetry. With Designer now having shape builder, the knife and scissors you can build your fonts, so don't limit yourself to just the pen tool. You will find a lot of fonts, especially the cheaper fonts are poorly drawn and have quite a few mistakes in them. Looking at fonts in font specific apps like Fontlab and Glyphs to name a few do demonstrate this. In apps like those mentioned previously they do have a different set of tools and indicators to aid in good font creation so I wouldn't dismiss them, although there is a bit of app snobbery, professionals will use whatever tool gets the job done and benefits the creative flow.
  2. You can double click on the linked file and it will open it up in publisher, you can then change the artboard fill colour to no-fill in the colour panel, close the linked document and save it. Re the colour difference, it looks like the main document background is RGB black and the linked documents artboard background colour is CMYK Black, barring you having a specific shade set. https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/668/whats-the-difference-between-cmyk-black-and-rgb-black
  3. Lots of strokes, gradients. blurs and transparency on shapes and curves and patience, all layered to create this effect. Some of this work has been done using raster brushes and tools like smudge that Affinity Photo has but Affinity Designer does not. Also likely is the use of mesh warps. This is just a proof of concept but would need refining. Playabout.afdesign
  4. If you are on Mac, hold down the option key while using the left and right arrow keys, if you select all of the text and use option + right arrow all of the characters will expand, if you place the cursor between letters, that space will expand.
  5. Check your GPU drivers are upto date, try a reinstall, or try a reset, detailed in the post below, I doubt a reset would solve this issue though, although legend has it I've been wrong before lol!
  6. If an option was going to exist it would be under user interface but it's certainly not there. obviously something is lagging, I've done my damnedest to make it vanish but to no avail, I did however find a way to replicate a shape using the arrow keys on the keyboard lol! while drawing a shape use Right and Bottom creates a column and row, Left and Top removes them. In addition to this the context menus work for all of them so drag out a polygon and edit the sides and all of them change, these aren't symbols either.
  7. https://www.myfonts.com/search?query=Garamond https://www.myfonts.com/search?query=Baskerville https://www.myfonts.com/search?query=Georgia https://www.myfonts.com/search?query=Palatino etc etc.
  8. Likely nothing, I'm on Sonoma 14.6.1 and Affinity Photo works fine. Might be corrupt install, you can try this in the following post...
  9. Re Affinity and Astute, unfortunately not, there are no plugins for Affinity Designer and I doubt we will see any plugins for the foreseeable future.
  10. Yes vectors do tend to be clean but Astute plugins bring a new dimension to vector art, I hope Affinity release true vector brushes and Astute release a version for Affinity, that would be an awesome scenario. You can do texture overlays in Affinity to give a aged or retro look. I have a lot of Ron Deviney brushes from years ago and they have a lot of grunge textures but you can download brushes to give effects and styles should you so wish.
  11. Yes I see them, I use the dark interface so they are hard to spot unless you zoom in but change to the light interface in settings and they become visible. Nice spot. @Wonko I agree wonko, the grunge gives it a nice gritty affect and I do like it, it lends itself to the subject matter, if I was in illustrator or photoshop I would have applied a wash effect to make it looked aged because in Illustrator I have Astute Graphic plugins and in Photoshop I have some retro plugins, I just didn't know whether it was intentional or not.
  12. I rendered this out to a press ready PDF ending up at a 150MB PDF. When I opened the PDF in Preview there were several issues - see images below. fig 1. fig 2. fig3. fig 4. fig 5. This poster is begging to be made as a vector.
  13. I think it will and quite a bit higher if what Ive been reading is accurate info, there are some issues apparently and some of them can be fixed with an app called Lunar: https://lunar.fyi/ Just a thought... Have you considered buying a second-hand iMac 27" and using that as a monitor, this is what I did for a second monitor from my iMac 2019, the screens I looked at just weren't as good as the imac so I used a 2014 the one I bought was roughly £250.00
  14. Just a quick question and because I'm curious, this is for customising a bike in a game, as a skin, yes?, if so which game is it? One of the issues you will have is the alignment of nodes for each part when butted against each other, you can snap a node to a node so that should help. Also what file type are you going to be exporting to?
  15. You would already have the outlines, all you would need to do then is join and close the paths and fill with colour, texture or pattern. just thinking for future endeavours, I'm all for an easier life, but yeah just overlap an edge will do what you want.
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