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  1. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from Bunkerintegrated in Canva   
    OK, Ash, that' a fair statement! I still don't trust company promises - but it's all I can ask for for now.

    I was pretty upset about the humiliating marketing bullshit you send out yesterday. Seeing that this merger ends up in a pretty sprawling marketing desaster, you either completely misjudged the close relationship you(Affinity) build up with your customers during the many years of development and the effect of selling the company to a faceless nobody with enough money. Of course cutomers feel betrayed. The father just told his children that "familiy" is over and they all get sold to an orphanage home. Promising them that they still will get fed. Great news.

    Yes I'm still scared I might loose the product I spend hundrets and hundrets of hours on to report bugs and participate in plenty discussion on improvement and ideas.I'm scared the supportive community might disappear. I'm scared canva will not keep their promises. (I do remember as well you saying that Affinity will not be sold!) But seeing there's not much I can do about it I'll wait and see.
    Either way it will be hard for canva to (re-)gain trust of the customers. This merger marketingwise coud have been prepared a lot better!
    Cheers, Timo
  2. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to MEB in AD 2.4.2: Moving a group completely deletes layer   
    If you disable the Edit All Layers button on the bottom left of the Layers panel it will honour the movement of that group (layer, whatever) without artboard's interference. Typically when you drag something over an artboard (on canvas) it's because you want the object be part of it - thus the default behaviour (Edit All Layers turned ON). 
  3. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from walt.farrell in AD 2.4.2: Moving a group completely deletes layer   
    Ups, you are right. Got a bit confused, since everything else in the document are artboards.
    Still the problem remains ... I'll edit the text and change it accordingly.
  4. Thanks
    DarkClown got a reaction from NathanC in Snap Headache!   
    Seems like you want to snap on a tangential point. This is not an existing snap functionality. Please keep in mind that AD is not a CAD SW!
  5. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from Dan C in AD export options in export persona   
    @Dan C Thanks, that worked and I got my settings transfered ... Still I'd consider this as a workaround with effort
    But again, I appreciate your help!
  6. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Bryan Rieger in SVG Export Format   
    I run EVERY SVG Affinity exports (SVG digital - small size) through SVGOMG https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/ in order to strip out as much junk as possible. It doesn't always get rid of all of the extra groups, but in my experience it does manage to get the majority of them.
    You can also use the command line version https://www.npmjs.com/package/svgo to quickly process an entire folder full of SVG images.
  7. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Dan C in AD export options in export persona   
    Apologies I note you've mentioned the Export Persona which has 2 separate Preset types - 'Export Options' (which are the standard Export Presets) and 'Slices Export Presets' which are stored in a differently named file in the same location.
    I've outlined each of the 2 files separately below as I'm not 100% certain which you are looking to transfer -

  8. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Affinity Info Bot in Typography panel   
    The issue "Typography panel can't be vertically resized on Windows" (REF: AF-2417 & AF-2789) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
    This fix should is already available (sic) as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
    Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
    If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Affinity Info Bot to notify us.
  9. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from Aldus in Color Variable   
    It would be great if it would be possible to assign a colour value to a custom variable and give objects this variable colour value. This way you could change the colour of all objects that have been assigned this variabel in one go.
    Cheers, Timo
  10. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Bryan Rieger in Color Variable   
    Could you not use Global colours for this? When I know I may need to change the colour used by multiple objects I usually create a global colour and assign it to each object accordingly. Then when I need to update all elements that use that colour, I simply edit the global colour swatch.
  11. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Affinity Info Bot in Typography panel   
    An issue raised in this thread ("Typography panel can't be vertically resized on Windows") has now been reported to the developers by the testing team (Ref: AF-2789). Thank you very much for reporting this issue to us.
  12. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Hangman in Typography panel   
    Hi @DarkClown,
    This has already been logged as a bug on Windows under AF-2789.
  13. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Patrick Connor in AP Beta 2.5 display issues   
    I think "(Best)" is being used here as the best balance between speed and quality (so "best performance"), although I can see that you might well assume (Best) meant "Best Quality"
  14. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Chris B in AP Beta 2.5 display issues   
    In that case, Hangman was spot on. You were seeing the app do a '2nd pass' which can be distracting. I'm glad it is sorted! 
  15. Thanks
    DarkClown got a reaction from Chris B in AP Beta 2.5 display issues   
    @Chris B The setting was on "Automatic (Best)" - but changing retina quality to "High Quality" solves the problem.
    Frankly I assumed that "Automatic (Best)" equals "High Quality" .... apparently I was wrong
  16. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from walt.farrell in AP Beta 2.5 display issues   
    OK, I did some more indepth investigation on this.
    1) it only seems to be visible with certain "Moiree" (in this case the jacket garment)
    2) Using the same picture in the same area ist does happen with 2.4.1 as well.
    3) Performance settings are the same in both versions
    4) And it seems to be a redraw issue. Hovering on the same spot for a little longer makes this effect disappear again
    Therefor I assume it's not an Beta issue - I just got aware of this under the given "unlucky" circumstances ...
  17. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from Hangman in AP Beta 2.5 display issues   
    @Chris B The setting was on "Automatic (Best)" - but changing retina quality to "High Quality" solves the problem.
    Frankly I assumed that "Automatic (Best)" equals "High Quality" .... apparently I was wrong
  18. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to MEB in AD: Snapping of point handles   
    That's the global Snapping options.
    If you are moving the handles of a point you are using the Node Tool. Check the context toolbar, Snap section. See images below for reference. You probably have the first icon selected if not more.

  19. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to Hangman in QR Code Tool   
    For anyone who may be interested, in addition to the options provided with the initial post for the new QR Code creation tool here are a few additions that work with iOS...
    Syntax Provided in the Initial Post for QR Code Creation in Affinity 2.5 Beta Apps
    Payload structure: SMSTO:number:text message
    Eg. SMSTO:07513123456:Hello mate!
    GEO location
    Payload structure: GEO:lat:lon:height
    Eg. GEO:40.71872,-73.98905,100
    WIFI credentials
    Payload structure: WIFI:S:ssid;T:type;P:password;;
    Eg. WIFI:S:MyWiFiSSID;T:WPA;P:MyPassW0rd;;
    Note: I've not tested these on Android but I'd be keen to know which work (with the applicable options) and which don't if anyone is happy to test...
    Additional Syntax Options for QR Code Creation in the Affinity 2.5 Beta Apps
    Payload structure: TEL:number
    e.g., TEL:07772123456

    Payload structure: MAILTO:email address
    e.g., MAILTO:jon.doe@example.com

    Email Additions (Cc, Bcc, Subject, Message)
    Payload structure: MAILTO:email address?CC=email address&BCC=email address&SUBJECT=subject&BODY=message
    e.g., MAILTO:john.smith@example.com?CC=john.doe@example.com&BCC=jane.doe@example.com&SUBJECT=Friday Drinks&BODY=We are all meeting at the Dog & Duck on Friday after work, hope you can make it.
    Payload structure: FACETIME:mobile number
    e.g., FACETIME:07772123456
    Payload structure: URL:https://youtubeurl
    e.g., https://www.youtube.com/AffinitySuite
    Payload structure: URL:https://wa.me/internationalnumber?text=message
    e.g., https://wa.me/447772123456?text=We are all meeting at the Dog & Duck on Friday after work, hope you can make it.
    Note 1: The mobile number needs to include the international dialling code without any prefixed zeros, e.g., UK 44 and US 1 as opposed to 0044 or 01.
    Note 2: Reserved characters need to use URL encoding when included as part of the message, i.e., ‘Dog & Duck’ should be typed as ‘Dog %26 Duck’ otherwise the message element is truncated at ‘Dog’.
    Examples of Reserved Characters

    Spotify Track
    Payload structure: https://open.spotify.com/track/songlink
    e.g., https://open.spotify.com/track/3Z5VaAEN7NWkgBXbCXNilW?si=91dfd85f75df4009
    Spotify Playlist
    Payload structure: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/playlistlink
    e.g., https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7y40TSg305MTZ3n3Q2LqSF?si=dc0c24f1a6a34cdd
    Address Book Contact (vCard)
    Payload structure:
    FN:FirstName LastName
    TEL;type=WORK;type=VOICE;type=pref:Work Number
    TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE:Mobile Number
    item1.URL;type=pref:Web Address
    While the QR Code generator library (used in the v2.5 Beta for QR Code creation) supports the vCard (.vcf) format, currently Affinity apps don’t because of the requirement to use a CRLF (Carriage Return/Linefeed) after each line entry which the single-line Payload format used for QR Code creation in the Affinity apps don't accept and means the vCard formats fails with a No Usable Data Found error message.
    The alternative for Contact QR Codes is to use the more limited MECARD format which is accepted by the Affinity apps when creating a new Contact QR Code…
    Address Book Contact (MECARD)
    Payload structure: MECARD:N:Last Name,First Name;ADR:Address;TEL:number;TEL:number;EMAIL:emailaddress;NOTE:note
    e.g., MECARD:N:Cook,Tim;ADR:One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States;TEL:+14089961010;TEL:+17513123456;EMAIL:tim.cook@apple.com;URL:https://apple.com;BDAY:19600111;NOTE:”Apple Vision Pro, You navigate simply by using your eyes, hands, and voice.”;;

    PDF File
    Payload structure: https://hostlurl/file/pdflink
    e.g., https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WZD6wOgG1bkPQfcNA_MMCIuPhKVhWWQf/view?usp=sharing

    Add to Calendar Event for Apple and Google Calendar (.ics)
    Payload structure:
    SUMMARY:Run the London Marathon
    DESCRIPTION:Run the London Marathon
    DESCRIPTION:London Marathon Tomorrow
    DESCRIPTION:Time to leave for the London Marathon
    While the QR Code generator library (used in the v2.5 Beta for QR Code creation) supports both the VCALENDAR AND VEVENT formats, currently Affinity apps don’t because of the requirement to use a CRLF (Carriage Return/Linefeed) after each line entry which the single-line Payload format used for QR Code creation in the Affinity apps don't accept and means the VCALENDAR AND VEVENT formats fail with a No Usable Data Found error message.
  20. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to lepr in Deleting Assets leads to layer chaos ...   
    @DarkClown Seems like the Auto-select is in Object mode despite saying Default in the context toolbar, and so your marquee selection is drilling down through Groups to directly grab the objects within the Groups - notice how a Group is only dimly highlighted in Layers panel when its content rather than itself is selected. Performing a deletion of the contained objects leaves the now-empty Groups in the document.
    I have had the Auto-select behave contrary to its stated mode a few times and corrected it by toggling to another mode then back to the desired mode.
  21. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to thomaso in Another bounding box topic   
    Yes, I think there are various spots in the Affinity UI/UX for this impression. Regarding thumbnails not only in the Asset but also in the Layers panel. – Maybe the bounding box issue wasn't fully solved yet because it affects several object types and might require a new kind of bounding box (+ display option, e.g. as button in the context toolbar like the existing "Cycle Selection Box").
    For instance below: It may be useful that the 4 "Ellipse" layers have identical bounding boxes, also the two curves below, because their vector paths are identical while "just" the assigned strokes are different. It depends on the layout whether a path or its visually occupied area is wanted as bounding box, e.g. for alignment or snapping while currently the vector path only will work but not the full visual size unless that gets a separate bounding box. (…or gets rasterized)

  22. Thanks
    DarkClown got a reaction from Return in Another bounding box topic   
    This is more than unlikely, since this copy should be device independent. It will only result in a larger object in PP. And it certainly does not affect an internal copy to the asset panel.
  23. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from alexanderneuschl in Canva   
    OK, Ash, that' a fair statement! I still don't trust company promises - but it's all I can ask for for now.

    I was pretty upset about the humiliating marketing bullshit you send out yesterday. Seeing that this merger ends up in a pretty sprawling marketing desaster, you either completely misjudged the close relationship you(Affinity) build up with your customers during the many years of development and the effect of selling the company to a faceless nobody with enough money. Of course cutomers feel betrayed. The father just told his children that "familiy" is over and they all get sold to an orphanage home. Promising them that they still will get fed. Great news.

    Yes I'm still scared I might loose the product I spend hundrets and hundrets of hours on to report bugs and participate in plenty discussion on improvement and ideas.I'm scared the supportive community might disappear. I'm scared canva will not keep their promises. (I do remember as well you saying that Affinity will not be sold!) But seeing there's not much I can do about it I'll wait and see.
    Either way it will be hard for canva to (re-)gain trust of the customers. This merger marketingwise coud have been prepared a lot better!
    Cheers, Timo
  24. Like
    DarkClown got a reaction from unlockthepicture in Canva   
    OK, Ash, that' a fair statement! I still don't trust company promises - but it's all I can ask for for now.

    I was pretty upset about the humiliating marketing bullshit you send out yesterday. Seeing that this merger ends up in a pretty sprawling marketing desaster, you either completely misjudged the close relationship you(Affinity) build up with your customers during the many years of development and the effect of selling the company to a faceless nobody with enough money. Of course cutomers feel betrayed. The father just told his children that "familiy" is over and they all get sold to an orphanage home. Promising them that they still will get fed. Great news.

    Yes I'm still scared I might loose the product I spend hundrets and hundrets of hours on to report bugs and participate in plenty discussion on improvement and ideas.I'm scared the supportive community might disappear. I'm scared canva will not keep their promises. (I do remember as well you saying that Affinity will not be sold!) But seeing there's not much I can do about it I'll wait and see.
    Either way it will be hard for canva to (re-)gain trust of the customers. This merger marketingwise coud have been prepared a lot better!
    Cheers, Timo
  25. Thanks
    DarkClown reacted to R C-R in Canva   
    I don't think anybody is threatening anybody about it. It is just that it won't accomplish anything so it is a bit hard to understand why people keep wasting their time posting about it.
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